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How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

here. chilli plants died the last 2 days cause its in FULL sun on these hot days all day...my fence still hasnt been repaired and that normally stops all the afternoon sun.

Also ive dug around it because im going to bonzai this one soon.



here. chilli plants died the last 2 days cause its in FULL sun on these hot days all day...my fence still hasnt been repaired and that normally stops all the afternoon sun.

Also ive dug around it because im going to bonzai this one soon.



I'm sure they will bounce back stick sum shade cloth up cheap as at bunnings , bonzai r sick hope it works show me how u go
ill be bonzaiing the capsicum too maybe cause it has a massively thick stem.

I just put shadecloth over my whole side garden and hung it up to my gutter, so the side of my house brick walls wont get 11am-->nighttime sun.

My jalapeno in that garden is the best of all my chillis, its rocketed along now...

ill get some pics up of that soon.

Will plants etc survive under shadecloth if there is no direct sun?? i think its 75 or 60 shadecloth, its not too dark under there. they get sun from say 9am to 6pm, id imagine thats enough even under shade cloth
no wind here...id love some wind getting hot atm...

Actually im not sure if the shade cloth is lets 75 through or blocks 75% ><....anyways trial it and see how we go
I don't get it so many people look and don't rate or comment , if u like my gear or I'm doing it wrong let me know and wud be gr8 if other ppl put pics up , share the love like the lady bugs lol :)

I think the interweb is just full of silent stalkers.

Now I've got that damn mmm bop song in my head!! Noise pollution :banghead:
My first chilli's ive grown since last year are finally ripening...yay orange chillis!!

also, is it common when they ripen that their skin thins so they arent so 'strong' walled.

bulgarian carrot is the species.
My first chilli's ive grown since last year are finally ripening...yay orange chillis!!

also, is it common when they ripen that their skin thins so they arent so 'strong' walled.

bulgarian carrot is the species.
Na that don't sound right , flick sum pics up, not a big carrot fan
In Bull Creek here.

Just returned to WA after living in the States for six years (Las Vegas) and my peppers are a result of the dismay at the lack of variety common to Aussie supermarkets.

I got my hand on all manner of seeds, but very slow going at the moment.

The first batch I put in quite a few weeks ago when it was still a bit cold. They wouldn't germinate till I brought them inside and covered with glad wrap. I kept them inside in little greenhouse things from Bunnings but they sort of stopped growing. I moved them outside and repotted them into small pots, but they really are crawling along. Is this stage always so slow? Many of the smallest ones just withered and died while the rest are under siege from an army of teeny tiny caterpillars which appear under the leaves and have to be squished on a daily basis.

A few of the first crop are about four inches tall with two sets of trueleaves - most are much smaller. They were sown about two months ago.

Afterwards I experimented with some seedling raising potting mix (osmocote brand) and those little electric incubators that you plug in. I am trying to give them a day or two in the incubator after germination and then shifting them outside so they don't become used to artificial light. These plants seem sturdier and greener, but still slooooow going.

By contrast, a purple capsicum and a jalapeno seedling that I bought from Bunnings for $2.95 and were not much taller than my hand at the time are absolutely caning away. The Jalapeno, despite having a large stem chomped off by a crow early on, is huge and has quite a few good sized pods already. Capsi seems to want to drop its flowers but is similarly massive and healthy looking.

Am I doing anything obviously wrong with my sowing? Years ago, before my time in the USA, I tossed a couple of habanero seeds in some random pot in the garden and ended up with a big, bountiful plant (until parrots annihilated it). Am I, perhaps, better off just planting in larger pots outside, or do seedlings just take ages to get cracking in the early stages after germination?
gday mate,

same problems as you.

Firstly the sun here is a killer for small plants that havnt been hardened off, if they are used to the indoors and you take them outside guaranteed they will die :(, need to slowly introduce them to the sun.

Even after a week of getting them used to the sun a couple of hot days fries them.

Ive got all my plants now under permanent shade cloth, they get sun from about 9 to sun down so even under the shade cloth so far they are doing great.

I have a bunch of small seedlings they are still on about 4-5th true leaves after maybe 2 months....

Its so much related on perfect sun/water/soil combination early on...

There are members here whos plants after 1 month are as big as my plants that are a year old...

But im learning and getting better.

Once they get a good root system going they start like rockets though.
Its so much related on perfect sun/water/soil combination early on...


This is it exactly.

If you get good draining soil, not too much sun and the right amount of watering they will grow like crazy. When I first started I thought every problem was related to fertilizer but this is really the last thing you have to get right.

You've just got to try different things and see what they like.

Have lost so much in the wind not just chillis

I feel for you dude. From what I see on the news my area wasn't the worst affected at all but it still sounds nasty out there. It's hammering my mature plants right now. I staked as many as I could today but might lose a few, still a day left to go. Most of my young seedlings are sheltered enough from the wind. Hoping it doesn't cause too much damage... :pray:
The same plant in the morning

And most look like this, black leaves if any and snapped stems all over the place and today gunna be just as bad again