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Pepper Ridge Farm said:
My wife kills the spiders here at my house too. I am like you Paul if I see one I just leave and tell her where I saw it. Rainbowberry we call them Grandaddy-long-legs here maybe ours are a bit older than yours but I have heard they are the most poisonous spider in the entire world except their mouth is too small to bite a human thank god. All I got to say is a spider in my house is a dead spider.:onfire:

I've heard that about daddy-long-legs as well. It's not true. Google it.

rainbowberry said:
Our daddy-long-legs are different things then. I don't mind spiders. Our Daddy-long-legs arn't spiders they're crane flies but we usually call them by the other name. They are like spindly spiders with wings that dive bomb from lights like moths. They are harmless even though I think they're the devil's creatures.

We (in the States - or at least in New England) call those "Mosquito Hawks." I leave them be - they eat mosquitoes!

These are what we (New Englanders) call Daddy Long Legs:


Apparently "Daddy longlegs" is a very common name for many types of Arthropods, but it's not the "correct" name for anything. It's region specific.

I learned a lot today!
The boys at school used to be really cruel and pull all the legs and one wing off the daddy-long-legs (crane fly) so they'd fly around in a cirle :( Apparently they only live for a day or so then die. I have a fear of killing them in case they don't actually die because when I was a kid I cut a leg off one with a pair of scissors and it flew across the room but the detached leg was jumping up and down by the scissors. They are so delicate I worry their legs are going to fall off on me and still be alive :lol:
GrumpyBear said:
i wonder if pinkle saves any energy...

I doubt it :) But still, its a very funny search engine. I'm hoping my girlfriend never finds it ;) She spends too much time on cuteoverload and icanhascheezburger as it is!
Pepperfreak said:
Not to mention the nightmares that was produced... :shocked:
Ya, I just had one last night about that damn moth.

jh35ky123 said:
603 views and 64 post for asking how to post a pic aint bad huh?? turned into moths and all kinds a crap but i love it

Welcome to TheHotPepper :lol:
anybody here like Pie?...