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chinense HP22B-A (Reaper) pods in South Texas

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Wow......non primos shaped and yellow.

That is a big variance from the pods that were used to sell the seeds.

Locks pods look similar to your Cowboy, wonder if he will have yellow pods.
Reckon Will have to wait and see , my other reaper plant has 4 pods and Iam just waiting to see what it does.
Ghostpepper, in one of the earlier threads you asked Pepperjoe for professional photos of the pods and a picture of 100 pods so you could see the variance in larger sample of pods, not just selected pods.

I guess your suggestion of seeing a larger sample would have been helpful.
Not sure th
Wow......non primos shaped and yellow.

That is a big variance from the pods that were used to sell the seeds.

Locks pods look similar to your Cowboy, wonder if he will have yellow pods.

Not sure this might have anything to do with these pods, but if you take a look at P B Pepper's Facebook page, there is a few pics of some 'mad scientists' doing some testing. A few of the vials that are seen in the pics are yellow in color along with some red colored ones.

I'm not saying what the yellow one is, lol

One of the Nov. 9 pics reads the above caption.

Maybe by some chance there were or is a yellow strain of the Reaper and just by chance you got a seed from one of them pods. But then again, might not have anything to do with this all.

Anyways...nice looking plants you have there!
I have to agree with skwerl, there are a lot of factors at play here and I don't think one plant with yellow pods necessary means that the strain isn't stable.

@Armac - I stick by what I said, I personally wasn't going to buy into it until I saw a LOT more pods. The same is still true though, I won't personally pass judgment on it until I see a LOT more plants and pods.

Maybe it was just a mistake. Maybe its a 1 in 10,000 genetic variant, maybe the strain isn't stable, only time and statistics will tell.

Great looking plant Tex, thanks for keeping everyone updated.
Wow yellow. Swerl. Understand that they had yellow variants in te pics. But. As sellers you get your best pods harvest and sell those seeds. Tex and lock have the first pods. But the "race" to get the best true " reaper" pod continues. Well all have to wait and see

So ya. Especially If your selling seeds as the worlds hottest. You ate expected to harvest from
The best and closest to the traits you're looking for. Like in. My situation. If I'm buying pods @25-$30/lb. you better believe I am expecting most if not all to look like yellow brain strains and not plain yellow 7s.

Plants are months away from podding. Nice to also have gotten seeds at different times. Let's see who holds the true "stable" plant
Wow, this just took an interesting turn! :shocked: Now I wish I had grown these out for myself. I have been worried that this thread is just one big EPIC troll, but now I have to say, if it is a troll its a very well executed one.

OP, make sure you save seed, its going to be in high demand if this turns out to be the only plant with these traits.

"LUCY! You've got some 'splaining to do."

Just curious, how could a thread, from a proven grower, with legitimate seeds, bought from the original source ever be considered an "epic troll" thread. Please share that.
Just curious, how could a thread, from a proven grower, with legitimate seeds, bought from the original source ever be considered an "epic troll" thread. Please share that.

I wouldn't want to cause speculation with my insane conspiracy theories, but I could see an, unlikely, scenario where this was all set up in an effort to reflect poorly on the vendors. I am NOT saying that is what is happening here though. I do not doubt the results of the grower. It is not my intention to pick sides either way, I was just saying I had my reservations at some point about where this thread WAS going.

Armac, you can't possibly tell me that you aren't jumping for joy that it played out this way considering what happened in the past?

That being said, I think its a shame that the very first "community grown" pods turned out not to be true. Many of us said not to pass judgement until we start seeing, tasting and feeling the pods and unfortunately judgements are about to be made.

And now I am done commenting in this thread as I do not wish to cause any further trouble or cast any doubts. I am truly sorry to the OP if my comments cause anyone to doubt his integrity, that is not what I intended. I will continue to watch quietly and keep my opinions to myself.
I, personally, wouldn't judge the plant from the first two pods. Of the 60 Butch T plants I had this year, the majority of them came out looking true to form. The first harvest had a 17% pod variation* (semi-random sampling, in no way real scientific data). The last harvest had 6% pod variation. Environmental conditions, in my opinion, have a huge effect.

I see similar rates in other varieties I grow as well, even varieties that are known to be true and from isolated conditions. Nothing is foolproof and I don't think the hobby would be any more interesting/fun if nature didn't have surprises for us.

I can't wait to see more of these pods and from other growers so that we can all see just how this plays out.

I will be satisfied, if I see 10% variation out of any of the new varieties I am growing out next year. (Moruga, Primo, etc)
Dont think the hobby would be anymore interesting if there wasn't surprises/fun. With that being said .... Iam not saying that Ed this & PepperJoe that or that him or her mess up ! An Epic Troll .... Really ! ... It is what it is, Iam just shareing wit y'all thats all !

Iam not upset that the pod turn yellow, to me its very interesting that it darn did.... tell y''all this thou those Reaper plants better pry that their pods are freaking HOT or else ... WEEDWACKER ! and that'll be that . Now I've said it once and I'll say it again, I grow for heat and heat alone not color, shape, or flavor.
To ghostpepper....I am not happy Tex16 got unstable seeds for his money. But I am not surprised, if you followed the earlier threads, my main concern from the begininng was that the seeds would be unstable and the lack of testing, while claiming a world title.

I guess until he tastes the the pod, atleast one of my concerns were valid.

It is what it is.......
This is a one time Post. I WILL NOT put up any follow up responses. I'm NOT getting sucked into that silly Drama anymore.
Armac/Rodney whom I've reported you to the Moderators several times for Trolling and trying to start a fight. (Tex seems like a great guy)
Anyone can see through this post that you were involved in initiating...you initiated this post to continue your own silly agenda. .
I've received several supportive PM's and emails.
You've been stalking and trolling...and everyone can see through it if you read the others opinions. YOU GOT NO SKIN IN THIS GAME...You aren't growing the Reaper so let the others report OBJECTIVELY...then we'll let the chips fall where they will.
This post evolved from the Glog "Carolina Reaper Community Grow Log" where Brandon @ Big Cedar who started this thread said:
"A few members including myself are growing seeds for this variety ASAP. I and a few others here on THP thought it would be fun to have a "community glog" strictly for this variety, a fun thread about the HP22B and growing this pepper for the first time.
I think we should start a community glog like this anytime there is a new pepper with alot of attention and alot of people growing it, possible world record holder or not. It would be fun, and this should be fun! That's why we all love this hobby is it not?
Therefore, this will be a drama-free, controversy-free, fun glog for all of us growers and others to enjoy. If you grow, please chime in. If you're growing this variety, please post pictures and chime in about your observations.
Again.. This thread is ment to be fun and informative, but mostly fun :)
Please. Pretty please with sugar on top.. lol. Keep it drama-free.
I, and many others would really appreciate this thread to stay that way."

Respect Brandon and the rest of us that want this Drama-Free. Righe now you are disrespecting ALL OF US.
Many people at THP have had trouble with you. You attack Seed Vendors in particular. You've been quoted as saying "I've never bought seeds and never will". Fine. That's your choice. But if a $3 pack of seeds is too much for you, you may want to consider alternate employment. If you want to resolve this in a different way, we can meet in person...or have our Lawyers settle your insults and trolling. Your call. This is a Gro Log...you have NO GROW. Everyone can see through this.
Armac, I'm not sure why they haven't tossed you off of THP yet...I'm sure there would be a collective applause. I know you're too cheap to buy a pack of seeds...Smart people realize that buying a pack of seeds is a good investment...you can grow more produce than the seeds costs. I know there are a lot of great people on THP that also trade seeds and I wish them luck...but there have also been a bunch of folks that got ripped off.
You usually get what you pay for.

Don Lava/Ramone....remove that post...
It's obvious what you two are doing. Everyone sees through it.
NOW HEAR ME LOUD AND CLEAR....I'm NOT coming back with any follow up discussion on this...that ain't going to happen. Some people have WAY too much time on their hands. I don't.
So hey to all of you great other THP members...when I don't answer back to the predictable follow up posts...it's NOT because I'm backing down...or that we're not proud of our accomplishments and our products.....Ed can answer for himself but I have his back 100% (He's an awesome guy with high integrity and standards)...it's just that Drama isn't my thing. I made that mistake before.
here is a photo of 3 Carolina Reapers that Ed took and as you can see the 3 in this photo all look different from each other.



Here are 2 videos i made reviewing the Carolina Reaper

Robert Slade..... As far as superhots go,there is not much variation in the 3 peppers that are in the picture above. They all have a round shape,spikes,and a pebbled skin. If everyone that bought reaper seeds had similar pods to what you posted,I would guess you wouldn't hear one gripe. Time always tells.
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