chinense HP22B-A (Reaper) pods in South Texas

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What do you mean by "shortcuts." I suspect that you simply mean that not verifying the stability qualifies as a shortcut.

Yes, that's pretty much what I was referring to. The Reaper was cultivated from two superhots. Were they well established? Or did the seeds come from a relatively new superhot? Shortcuts.

All this drama is ridiculous. I agree that the strain my not be as stable as it could, but who cares? It's a new variety that we should be stoked to grow. And as far as the unexpected variations go, I think it's awesome. That's how new strains are made, isn't it? So grow them out, and maybe you can someday have your own strain.

And all this slamming of Joe and Ed is just plain stupid. These guys are reputable vendors, and overall stand up guys. You got something you didn't expect, get over it. It's not like Joe and Ed are trying to screw you, they are just trying to sell some seeds.

I'll agree that the drama is ridiculous. As to who cares every single person who has invested money, time, and effort into growing this pepper should care. People paid money for seeds to grow the Reaper pepper. Pictures were posted as to what it's supposed to look like. Obviously some difference in pods is acceptable. But the number of different shapes, sizes, and now a different color suggests there is no such animal as a stable Reaper pepper.

Joe and Ed may be stand up guys, I don't know either one personally. However, paying for one thing and getting another is not acceptable to most folks. I doubt if in the beginning of selling these seeds they were trying to screw people. But if a majority of people who paid for these seeds are getting the same amount of variety in the pods and they are continuing to sell these seeds as Reaper peppers then they are screwing people. When what you sell isn't what you're advertising then its a ripoff. How else would anyone describe it?
Yes it does suck to get done over, the effect is probably worse in perspective to dollar value because its a hobby that is of great interest to the buyer. I've bought of ebay and eventually got the bastard removed as a seller because of numerous complaints and trust me it was only like $10 but for me it was worth going after. As In this case time will only tell but yea usually where there is a bad smell there is crocodile shit and I really think buying these seeds you would have to be dumber than dingo shit to buy reaper seeds with the controversy surrounding it at the moment

I usually buy 90% of my seeds from pepperlover and am awaiting the 7 pot lava release, Judy has said they are waiting on more testing before they release and I'm sure the results if its a record breaker will be released because that would be the ahhhh proper business etiquette before you start a full on marketing plan
You buy off ebay and get a different pepper or huge variance and everybody is pissed. What is the difference here?
Not sure because I haven't been following the pepper fully but yea you can't judge a book by its first copy you gotta wait till the hardcopy comes out?

I dunno its a hard one the facts are no proof is there, DO you believe in aliens? or maybe fairys is more you caper? And thats my only objection just because you say it is doesn't mean sasquatch
Aliens...fairies...sasquatch....ok where did you mean for that post to go?

I believe in what I see, as in pictures posted by my friend.

Ok for those in the know....will a mutation or whatever this plant of Tex's is. Could it possibly have some red pods later or will it most likely throw yellow pods only?
I believe if it is a true mutation then they'll stay yellow. It's more likely a recessive gene somewhere in the genetic lineage that came out for a peek.
I believe if it is a true mutation then they'll stay yellow. It's more likely a recessive gene somewhere in the genetic lineage that came out for a peek.

Thanks Patrick, Tex has another plant or two, and I have one.

Patrick have you seen Locks pods? They look real hab-like....
I believe if it is a true mutation then they'll stay yellow. It's more likely a recessive gene somewhere in the genetic lineage that came out for a peek.

Precisely! It's like how an afro carribean family can have an albino child...
People can complain all they want, but I don't see anyone here confessing that they have a doctorate in genetics and could do a better job of engineering the plants genome to be stable and every pod will be identical.
Thanks Patrick, Tex has another plant or two, and I have one.

Patrick have you seen Locks pods? They look real hab-like....

No I haven't, do you have a link?

Precisely! It's like how an afro carribean family can have an albino child...
People can complain all they want, but I don't see anyone here confessing that they have a doctorate in genetics and could do a better job of engineering the plants genome to be stable and every pod will be identical.

Thanks for that great analogy.

I'm not sure the people who are complaining are directing it towards the work that the folks who developed the Reaper. I think the main issue is not getting what they paid for. Was there any heads up on the sites selling these seeds that there may be different shapes, sizes and now a different color? Or was there a few pics of one or two similar looking pods which would have led folks to believe the seeds they bought would grow to look like them?

I just read PepperJoes ad for the Reaper pepper. He is definitely a salesman isn't he? There are two images of the Reaper pepper, one by itself and one with five individual pods. They all look very similar.

Then you read down the page and find a word description of the Reaper pepper. Here's the actual quote that describes the pepper:

"One look at the Carolina Reapers Pod shape and you just know you have to have it. Because of the heat? No, because of the taste and flavor. Do we need a new Worlds Hottest? I think so. We have the Superbowl, World Series, Grammy and Oscar awards for new champs every year. The awesome thing is each one has a unique taste, nutritional profile, pod shape and plant growth. They are all different. The flavor of the HP22B is delightful. The Fruity and sweet/hot aroma hits you as soon as you cut it open. Then you'll notice the pleasant taste and an undertone of chocolate/cherry. It is one delicious pepper. Relatively EZ to grow too."

Reading the words in bold don't match up with the image the pictures show. First group says you know you want it after just one look at the pod shape. OK so I look at the images and yep, I want to grow peppers that look like that. Those are some evil, hot looking pods. Isn't this the type of pepper that most folks around here want to grow for heat? But then you have the second group of words in bold. "Each one has a unique taste.....pod shape...They are all different." It would seem that someone knew the pods were not going to all look like the posted images.

So it appears the actually words tell the truth of what type of pods these seeds will grow. A bunch of different looking pods. The images seem to be used as bait. I'm looking for some fine print on the images that read "Actual peppers may not look anything like these" but I cannot find any. To the people who bought these seeds from PepperJoe and expected to grow pods that looked like the images I'm sorry but all I can say is you should have read the entire ad. Best of luck to all of you.
Patrick.... I recall him
Mentioning somewhere adding a disclaimer that there may be pod variances on his site.

I would like to see if anyone got seeds from Ed's site. And are growing these. Guess well have to see the others.
Tex's seeds were from Currie

I guess those that like weird mutations can save some bucks and buy from ebay, either way, you never know what you will get.
Instead of looking at it from a chili standpoint, lets look at it from a different perspective (lets step back and use a dog as an example).

The creator and his business associates made several claims and statements about their new creation.

They shared several images with the public that gave the impression of a certain type to expect from this new creation.


In the beginning they led the public to believe that it was stable enough to produce true. So those who bought into it believed they would be producing just the same.


Instead they should've posted that there could be a variances in the type (only recently has it been amended to reflect this now with a disclaimer).


Most would not take issue if it was just isolated to a color variance (I personally find that cool).


From what I have read here that is not the case. The type is not the same as what the creator and associates have been sharing with the general public.

I don't know how most are giving 'Ed' a pass on this? Was he not the creator? Did he not make some claims? Does he not sell these seeds?

You would figure the one with the answers would at least be a little more vocal. In general, any successful business would more than gladly answer any question their customers or potential customers may have… it's just business 101.

And if the answer is "Only time will tell!"... to most that just does not sit well and I can easily see why this topic went in this direction...

By not speaking up and allowing the general public to go wild… this is what they are making the 'DOG' look like with their perceptions.


And some of you are basically saying "Yeh, it's a dog, ain't it?!?!"… but at the same time this is not what most bought into!

Another example: Lets say that you have your life savings at a bank. And lets just say the market and economy seems to be crashing. Now the only one with the answers is one man (the owner of the bank). He refuses or just remains silent to answer any ligament concerns… how fast would you pull your money out?!?!

I understand that this example is a bit extreme and how is this even relevant?

I grew up with my father instilling in me that "A man is only as good as his word!"… we heard prior and during the seeds being sold… what about now? It's about principle!

@ PJ, I have no issues with you or your company. I am at the beginning stages of germinating the seeds I bought from your company. At this point I have nothing negative to say. Having a customer service background and owning my own business, it amazes me that your partner refuses to address a few ligament question to alleviate some concerns.

If I may kindly offer an advice… instead of JUST adding the disclaimer of having variables in heat, shape, size, color, etc… go beyond that… offer 100% guarantee satisfaction. Albeit it's a headache to deal with, but the lesser of two evils. If I recall correctly, you stated that there is more coming down the pipeline. In the long run it's just good business sense to increase repeat customers!
It is not jsut a headache....according to Joe, the pm he sent ne and I retained, he sold THOUSANDS of packs of seeds.

Not a headache but a financial setback if everybody's seeds grow untrue.

Sometimes products are overhyped, rushed into the market, and blatantly's hottest. At the end there are repercusions.

After reviewing the pm, it was " "Tens of thousands of packs of seeds"...." and called himself a "marketing genius"

Just to be accurate.
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