chinense HP22B-A (Reaper) pods in South Texas

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Yeah, next time I'm in Brownsville I'll buy beers!
Hell ! ya know Iam holding you up for that Chewi .....

Yeah, I have had some Red Reapers that Ed sent look like that. I think with the weather you have down there your going to have some awesome monster reaper pods. :)
Heck ! sure hope so , so far my Butch Ts Moruga scorps and 7s have been brutal heat wise..... still trying to find a way to get massive pods .
I'm new around here...and I don't have any idea who anyone is..... but that kind of phenotype variation means instability - plain and simple.

Big variences in pod shape (not minor) and the first one on the forums to ripen comes out yellow?

F8's or no the line isn't stabilized, it needs more work. Just the way I see it.

If the pods were a bit more uniform and there had been thousands of pods all red... most with the hallmark bumps and stingers (and a small percentage without) and then a yellow one popped up... no biggie.

But that's a big let down for all the hype. JMHO from an average chili head consumer.... but was a damn good effort... maybe a little more elbow grease and it'll be there. :)
You posted you have three other plants that grew from your Reaper seeds that survived after a stray dog knocked your grow table over.

Has any of these plants podded up yet, so as to compare what their pods look like to these you have pictured ?

Think they will turn out to look like a true Reaper or a Big Sun Hab as others say these look like.

Any pics of them yet.
I bought a pack of 10 reaper seeds, got 12, of those 12 I had 10 germinate within about a week. In my personal experience that's an exceptional germ ratio and germ time. I've never had anything but good exchanges with with pepperjoe and i'm often left shaking my head watching (from my outside perspective) the drama surrounding this whole topic...

...but that's just me.
I bought 10, I planted 5. I have had 5 germinate, the first one after 3 weeks, the next 2 after 5, the 3rd after 6 weeks, and the last one was 9 weeks. All planted same depth in the same pot of organic seed starter.
Hey Cowboy, how long till you have another ripe pod?

How about one from another reaper plant?

My rennie has 4 pods on it, thanks again.
maybe sometime this up coming week, hey no problem man ... enjoy yer plant them Rennies are really hot.

Long Live Chinense !¡!¡!
well it is very easy for plants to get cross polinated even when neted or in a green house one bee that has been on a habanero could have found its way to cross with a hp22 b FBI has a vid on utube, with a fatali/hp22 pod review, that he got from ed, from what i understand Ed has also crosed the hp with a buht. Not saying that he is sending out screwed up crosses, mistakes happen mutations happen and growing condition not only varys the heat,but also shape and color of pods saw that first hand this year(2012) with my Yellow 7s i had smooth pimply yellow and orange/yellow, stinger and no stinger summer pods were
yellow,round/bonnet shaped, fall pods yello,orange all with stingers, maybe they should have been yellow
scorps ?? or i got a cross, thanks for sharing tex never expected you to get yellow other than the smooth
skin and yellow color id say it is close to shape and size of reaper,
Lots of hype and ONE photo of yellow pods surfaces and it's all gone down to tears.
See a bit more proof yet but for now, here's mine -

I was extremely nervous about germinating my HP22Bs (Gifted by Sanchez - cheers mate!) given some of the trials and tribulations posted here by other forum members.
I put 5 in and 2 germinated within a week, the third 11 days and I'm actually stoked. I've had seeds from reputable companies that haven't germinated at ALL.

Just relax, they're chillis..



Auction off a pod or two, you guys want a yellow reaper?

Maybe Tex can make your Christmas

Are those all the same plant that threw the first yellow pod?

Or you got more than one plant with yellow pods?
All this drama is ridiculous. I agree that the strain my not be as stable as it could, but who cares? It's a new variety that we should be stoked to grow. And as far as the unexpected variations go, I think it's awesome. That's how new strains are made, isn't it? So grow them out, and maybe you can someday have your own strain.

And all this slamming of Joe and Ed is just plain stupid. These guys are reputable vendors, and overall stand up guys. You got something you didn't expect, get over it. It's not like Joe and Ed are trying to screw you, they are just trying to sell some seeds.
Why not just call us idiots in this thread.

Name calling is best, and I feel it is worse, much worse.

But thanks for your contribution to this glog.....
All this drama is ridiculous. I agree that the strain my not be as stable as it could, but who cares? It's a new variety that we should be stoked to grow. And as far as the unexpected variations go, I think it's awesome. That's how new strains are made, isn't it? So grow them out, and maybe you can someday have your own strain.

And all this slamming of Joe and Ed is just plain stupid. These guys are reputable vendors, and overall stand up guys. You got something you didn't expect, get over it. It's not like Joe and Ed are trying to screw you, they are just trying to sell some seeds.

That is the whole point. Joe and Ed are stand up guys which is why its so confusing that they wont come out with the information requested. It is being taken too far sometimes but the questions are still legitimate.
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