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Here you go:


And a press release is a marketing tool folks, don't look for facts in one. Businesses release them to announce new products etc. The facts could come in a different form, but don't start bashing over this. Thanks
Link to the 'press release'? All I see if an advertisement for the new hottest pepper on the site's front page. Nothing new.

That's the "Press Release" - they submitted it word for word to the Newswire so that the press would pick up the story and get them more publicity.
This is getting quite vicious for some reason.

Reminds me of a bunch of geeks arguing about which star wars action figure is the best.

I will continue to do business with people who do right by me, and report in various places about my experience for the edification of others.

If you have never owned a small business, I need to remind you that sometimes you can't afford advertising agencies, and have to be your own promoter.
Some are better than others at pulling it off.
Got my first pack from Ed, getting my second pack from PepperJoe with free shipping.

My brother want to grow them, and I owe him one or two.

He may have a greener thumb.

This way I am sure to get some, or he is sure to get some.

His aerogarden is going nuts, and he will prolly put them in dirt and start a fresh batch of plants very soon.

May be tasting fresh off the vine Reapers by early spring or late winter. :clap:
I been told more to come. Texting with Ed right now. PEPPERJOE stop sending me messages

I spoke to Ed for 30 min and have been texting with him.
Cool good to hear..
Hey i got my Reaper seeds today, now to get a couple started for over wintering,
Nice, I'm impatiently waiting for mine to show up.. (orderd them Saturday)
I hope all goes as planned for them and they get the Guinness record then all this controversy will be over (at least until a new challenger comes along (Primo?))....I just wish it would happen sooner rather than later.

Wow people really need to grow up here, Like others have said, give it a few days until all the information has been released

Also, I find it hard to belive that Joe will bashing peple via pm as some as you have claimed. I have spoken to both these people via email, and have nothing but respect from both of them. Even when I had promblem with seeds I have order from Joe that didnt germinate, or grow out to what I thought they would be, he stepped up and replace my 1 pack seeds, with 2 pack of seeds (it was the cayenne blend that came out all one color).

I also read several post about the cost, These two people have a business to run, I have never been a business owner, but to the best of my knowledge, your run a buisness to make money, not to give people deals and to give stuff away. From the limited information I have read about this, they did not just make this pepper over night. I have read it has been in devlope from any were from 4 to 8 years now. So even if it has been only 4 years to develop this, it still cost them time, money, upgrades to the land and wells, pull permites to build green houses, ect ect. So even if they sell 130k seeds at a dollar a piece, thats 130k they have made to cover all the cost.

So if you dont want to pay 1 dollar a seed, and 4.95 for shipping than dont buy it. Nobody is forcing you to buy it, just wait for a few months for people who did buy, and want to start trading seeds to get yours.

For joe being in business for 24 years, and Ed for some time, it appears there is a demand and they are doing somethign right if they are still in business.

I have even read some comparions about pepperlover selling here seeds for 8 dollars with shipping why cant ed and joe do the same? I do know that joe has 2-3 people that work for him, so maybe he needs to have higher prices to cover his employee's, where pepperlover (i am guessing) does all the work here self, so she has no overhead compared to Joes.
It seems like it would have made more sense to have official or semi-official proof (Guiness, HPLC test results from Winthrop University) before announcing to the world that they have the hottest pepper in the world, right?

By no means do I think Guinness is the authority when it comes to proof of the worlds hottest pepper (Naga Viper anyone?), but if they have HPLC results in their possession, why not just release it? A simple link to a PDF on their respective websites would be sufficient.

I am also not calling Ed a liar, but this whole HP22B rollout has been a fiasco from the start. It's probably a good lesson on what not to do for the next challenger to get their ducks in a row before actually making claims and selling seeds. Ed may very well have the worlds hottest pepper by average or peak scovilles, so I'll wait patiently for some sort of proof. Until then, let the circus continue...
Here is the PM from pepperjoe I got

[background=rgb(255, 250, 242)]$10 bucks is a lot for seeds? Nodody agrees with you....and shipping anywhere in the world is 2 bucks??? LOL!!! That is ridiculous the way we that ship. It costs me more than that in the USA. Check out the recent post dude... That one guy said previously that you should pick peppers out in the woods for free. And when you said "sadly, i'm not buying this seed for $10", Jeremy from thepepperseed.com blasted you for that post. I'm not going to get that down and dirty... but you need a lesson 101 on business expenses, dude.[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 250, 242)]Fiery Regards,[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 250, 242)]Pepper Joe[/background]

Very disrespectful and insulting...
I am also not calling Ed a liar, but this whole HP22B rollout has been a fiasco from the start.

Fiasco for whom? I went on Ed's site a day or two ago and he was sold out, or so backed up he wasn't taking orders. If I ran a business I would pray for that kind of fiasco.

Show of hands, who thinks that all the claims about this pepper are completely made up? That no scientific testing was done and no Guinness entry was made?

Now, personally, I would wait until I had the letter from Guinness before I sold a single seed. But it isn't my business, and if they feel confident enough in thier product, then they can release it however they choose. I, too, would like to see the testing results and all that, but I don't think they are a coupla scoundrels because they aren't doing it on my timeline. It seems to me that the biggest problem here is impatience. If it means that much to you, continue to buy Mourugas and Butch T's and ignore this one until you see results you are happy with. There is no call for accusations of dishonesty, because you can't wait for some test results.

I bought some. I'll know if I'm genuinely happy with the product next year. In the mean time I can't wait for the reviews for home grown pods that will crop up between now and then. Now if there is a new press release that just says "Surprise! We made the whole thing up!", you might see a few strongly worded posts from me here. But I have to look at the risk vs. the reward. They are risking their reputation and businesses, one is leaving a steady job to get into the pepper business, for the possible reward that they have a superior product that may break the world record and hope to make money on it. If the claims are legitimately false, meaning they knew it wasn't the hottest but went ahead with it anyway, then they're reputation is in the crapper, and they lose a lot of future business. To me they risk losing more than they gain. I would have to have a lot of confidence in my product for that.

I've read posts where people said even when the test results come back, they might not believe it. There is only so much one can do to prove their claim. Obviously you are not their target customer.
I don't personally care about the price, charge what the market will bear, he sold out, great, But.... If Lets say ford came out with a press release saying the brand new, 2013 whatchamacallit has 159 horsepower. They have data to back it up, they don't announce it then release info. It just seems shady. If the claims hold up great, but its one hell of a gamble to take. I don't think anyone by any stretch is being viscous but lets face it the economy sucks consumers are more cautious with there money. That is going to show in all aspects of business, and life.

Public relations 101.... Someone needs it. Thats all I am saying.
Pepperhead, if your last post was directly aimed at me, and I have to assume it was because you quoted me at the beginning, then it's misdirected. Perhaps you could reread my post and edit your response accordingly by taking my quote out.

Fiasco for whom? I went on Ed's site a day or two ago and he was sold out, or so backed up he wasn't taking orders. If I ran a business I would pray for that kind of fiasco.

As far as the fiasco is concerned, it's coming from the perspective of a chile head who is somewhat of a purist, not as a marketer or seed salesman. I don't think I'm the only one in that category on this message board. I'm sure they are making a decent haul from sales of HP22B, and honestly, I couldn't care less about that.

Show of hands, who thinks that all the claims about this pepper are completely made up? That no scientific testing was done and no Guinness entry was made?

Now, personally, I would wait until I had the letter from Guinness before I sold a single seed. But it isn't my business, and if they feel confident enough in thier product, then they can release it however they choose. I, too, would like to see the testing results and all that, but I don't think they are a coupla scoundrels because they aren't doing it on my timeline. It seems to me that the biggest problem here is impatience. If it means that much to you, continue to buy Mourugas and Butch T's and ignore this one until you see results you are happy with. There is no call for accusations of dishonesty, because you can't wait for some test results.

I didn't say or insinuate that scientific proof does not exist, nor did I accuse anyone of dishonesty. I explicitly said that I didn't believe Ed was a liar.

It's pretty simple stuff really. No evidence has been presented thus far to back up their claims, yet they are selling seed as if it were already the title holder, and a lot of chile heads care about that "nit picky" stuff. Take a step back and consider the audience here. This is thehotpepper.com, not marketing.com. I think it's pretty clear that their reputations are on the line, and nowhere did I state that I thought they were "a bunch of scoundrels" because they didn't release information on my timeline. I said that I will wait patiently for proof. I believe that is the opposite of impatience.

I bought some. I'll know if I'm genuinely happy with the product next year. In the mean time I can't wait for the reviews for home grown pods that will crop up between now and then. Now if there is a new press release that just says "Surprise! We made the whole thing up!", you might see a few strongly worded posts from me here. But I have to look at the risk vs. the reward. They are risking their reputation and businesses, one is leaving a steady job to get into the pepper business, for the possible reward that they have a superior product that may break the world record and hope to make money on it. If the claims are legitimately false, meaning they knew it wasn't the hottest but went ahead with it anyway, then they're reputation is in the crapper, and they lose a lot of future business. To me they risk losing more than they gain. I would have to have a lot of confidence in my product for that.

I agree.

I've read posts where people said even when the test results come back, they might not believe it. There is only so much one can do to prove their claim. Obviously you are not their target customer.

Actually, I have bought seeds from Pepper Joe in the past, and my transaction from seed to fruit turned out great. His giant Bhuts actually do turn out larger than the standard version. I'll buy seeds when I'm ready, you don't need to concern yourself with that.
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