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All the hype and the test numbers are negligible until they are published, Yes you've made a lot of claims, with zero to back it up other than what you have said. Its called conflict of interest. Butch t is still recognized at this point as the hottest (Guiness) with the Moruga generally being accepted as the hottest, and your " press release" does not contain anything other that what you have already claimed with nothing to back it up still. Put it to rest and publish the information for scrutiny or it will never hold up. Not to mention it will never hold up without independent lab testing.

Show us the proof, I can write up a press release saying big bird is now purple and get it published. If the numbers are there and confirmed why not publish the data? No doubt its a hot pepper but if your going to make the claim then...
Dagogt I have much respect for Ed but that other dude I agree 100%
Total classless.
I was going to use a classless quote for him but I don't want to act like that. I will tell you I have been called and harassed many many time by that unmentioned person. Best to ignore him. You can chat With Ed anytime he's a really nice guy and I know he would never act like that

That's good to hear/ see, I know I'm a new here but not to the interwebs and more than one I've seen Venders as well as Mods try and run rough shod over people; That's why I asked if he would post it..

Lay your cards on the table, and let the chips fall where they may...

In the 4x4 forum world you better have all your P's and Q's lined up when calling out a company.
Ed has said that everything will be published for the public in the coming week and has invested his and I'm sure other people's money. I don't think the man has to prove anything to you guys, ...yet. It's his baby and he is handling it the way he wants to. Of course with the claim 'worlds hottest pepper' he is gonna have to back it up, but I don't think the man has to show his cards to the forum community, ...like I said, YET.
It's business people...

*what I wouldn't of done is said that I have a hotter pepper in the works. That's closed door stuff.

Having PMs are just a little bit different than just trying to pull a hair out of your ______ .....

But as far as the rest of it, I would hope that they wouldn't risk 20+ years just for a quick Buck..
But as far as the rest of it, I would hope that they wouldn't risk 20+ years just for a quick Buck..

I would hope so also, the forum world can be a great advertising tool, but you better be fair and honest cause trolls get sniffed out quick.
The older I get, the more I realize common sense ain't so common.
I grow for heat and heat alone , I dont giva darn about shape or color if da F'en thing is super hot Iam growing and enjoying it . Now with all that said " the only way to now if you can trust someone , is to trust them ! " now if after growing this HP22B-A and turns out to be not a (super hot)
It does not belong in my pepper garden or field .
I trust in Ed's word , but if his word is not true after growing this thing , then reckon I wount trust the man again . Like Gramps use to say
" every man deserves a second chance , but when
a man cant keep his word in truth .. Once is always enough. "
I have yet to see this "press release" and it's already past 1pm on the east coast. Wasn't it supposed to be out today? All that comes up on a google search is a couple of news articles with info we already know about from posts on this message board. I was expecting something in-depth test results as proof of having the worlds hottest pepper (either by average or peak scovilles).

Anyone seen this info yet?
I think Ted has the right idea on this one. Ed and everyone of at Puckerbutt has never done me wrong, and present as being a truly stand-up company. I cannot say the same thing for the other.

- Mega
I have yet to see this "press release" and it's already past 1pm on the east coast. Wasn't it supposed to be out today? All that comes up on a google search is a couple of news articles with info we already know about from posts on this message board. I was expecting something in-depth test results as proof of having the worlds hottest pepper (either by average or peak scovilles).

Anyone seen this info yet?

That is the "press release" -- they typed up an article (see the links above to pepperbutt or pepper joes websites ) and released it on the newswire hoping that the press will pick it up and run articles bringing even more people to order --- It has nothing to do with releasing any real info such as their test results etc. that back up the claim or exactly what they are claiming (ie. no guiness application or record verification by them etc.) -- just another way to build up some more hype to hopefully gain more sales.
That is the "press release" -- they typed up an article (see the links above to pepperbutt or pepper joes websites ) and released it on the newswire hoping that the press will pick it up and run articles bringing even more people to order --- It has nothing to do with releasing any real info such as their test results etc. that back up the claim or exactly what they are claiming (ie. no guiness application or record verification by them etc.) -- just another way to build up some more hype to hopefully gain more sales.
i knew this was going to happen, if someone has the data backing up the claims then they will be happy to give it out to back up the claims, answer any questions asked to back up the claims. not blow smoke up peoples skirts, then sell seeds early just to make money. they will get what they deserve!
I have yet to see this "press release" and it's already past 1pm on the east coast. Wasn't it supposed to be out today? All that comes up on a google search is a couple of news articles with info we already know about from posts on this message board. I was expecting something in-depth test results as proof of having the worlds hottest pepper (either by average or peak scovilles).

Anyone seen this info yet?

This can't possibly be all the information we are going to get, can it? That would be really disappointing if it is true.
Hey Gang,
I just spoke to Ed.
He has two jobs and a baby daughter and asked me to tell you that he'll reply when he can.
It's all good.
I'm staking my 24 year Company and reputation it.
I do less than .5% of my business from THP...and spend WAY too much of my time here...but we love you guys and try to please.
That's why I ran Free Shipping this weekend (see post #277) while we're slamming busy and certainly did not need to.
Patience please.
Fiery Regards,
Pepper Joe
p.s. Ted...call Ed he'd like to speak to you right away.
:dance: :P :dance: :P :dance: :P
I been told more to come. Texting with Ed right now. PEPPERJOE stop sending me messages

I spoke to Ed for 30 min and have been texting with him. Go troll someone else Joe
I have no respect for you joe. Making lies about me is a joke. I don't work for ANYONE in the industry. I respect Ed Currie a lot. Joe I can honestly say I have respect for EVERYONE in THP except for you. And I "apologize to EVERYONE ( except you joe) in THP for anything I have said or done in the past. I hate messy public crap like this but enough is enough you trolling and harassing me needs to stop. Nothing you ever do or say will get me to help you EVER
Maybe Ed will see, Joe and his antics are a liability. If this whole introduction would have been low key, like Ed seems to prefer without the circus act, most of this thread would not exist.

Ed, kick Joe to the curb before he hurts your company beyond repair. This is from .5% of his customer base............
For heavens' sake they put out a marketing press release with NO links to the test results...really sloppy...I could publish a press release saying I'm the Pope, but It ain't gonna fly unless there is some official corroboration....

I really expected better...Where are the test results and where is the Guinness certificate?
I think sometimes we forget that Ed is like us chileheads/growers. He started growing because loved it and for health reasons. Now he can turn a hobby he loves into his full time job, thats really cool. Its also alot to hit a person with. I think in do time all the questions will be answered. We have to remember family comes first and Ed has a family and life outside the chili world too.
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