Ok HATERS....take Cover...I'm going to do the one thing that you dozen or so HATERS hate the most...tell the truth and give you facts...which you seem to always ignore.
I remember back in corporate America when I ran 350 stores on the East Coast for a fortune 500 company...when we had to deal with thieves and get confessions out of them with our Loss Prevention partners......we had a private joke ....the thieves always said when cornered 'Don't confuse me with the facts'. (our inside joke because they hated facts) But we usually busted them and fired them or sent them to jail anyway.
These few HATERS apparently hate the facts....because they constantly ignore them and don't acknowledge them when you answer them back.
My Fiance Penny and my Employees and Friends ask me....WHY answer the HATERS back? "You justify their nonsense Joe". Then I say "Yes, I guess you're right"....so I agree to ignore the HATERS...but then I'll see a ridiculous post (like $10 bucks is too much for the new worlds hottest pepper...but the HATERS sure ARE entitled to voice their opinion....but then they ignore the facts (like I spend $100,000 per year in Free Catalogs and Facebook marketing + many other expenses) they ignore the facts in your answer so I get sucked back into responding. My team ask me WHY even respond Joe? And I always give the same answer. If ONE newbie that joins THP or ONE visitor sees this bull---- ......I just can't risk that they may actually just buy it because they don't have the rest of the facts.
I won't tolerate that.
Jester (appropriate name) sez F U....Pepper Joe.
Admin....can you handle this guy? Either handle him or I will.
Go back all and read post #312 where I anwered the Jester with respect and dignity.
And he replies F U ....Pepper Joe. Admin???
I also addressed the Shipping and cost of the seeds issue very clearly.
HATERS hate facts.

I've tried to be a gentleman....and the last 2 days I did PM 4 of these HATERS....and that backfired too. You just can't reason with HATERS. Impossible.
But I do understand the HATERS mentality....many of the dozen HATERS tried selling seeds, hot sauces or some product in our industry....and failed miserably. I can give you examples...2 of them came to me crying to buy their product.
Sorry...it's not my fault that you failed...so don't be jealous of us successful folks. That's just not right.
Sometimes on THP I feel like it's the first day of Hunting Season on Seed Vendors....I've seen the HATERS attack other seed vendors too.
They feel they are entitled to free seeds and free shipping.
They are not.
Hear what qbvbsite and others say.... A few glibly proclaim "I've never paid for seeds"...more power to you Bro. But don't knock me because I want to sell seeds for a profit. YEA, a PROFIT. There I said it. I'd like to make some MONEY. A dirty word. Capitalism. Supply and demand. I don't come to your house and say "But my seeds or I'll hurt you"....just don't buy them . But qbvbsite has a dozen negative posts here..."Boycott Pepper Joe's"...."he's ripping us off"....."shipping is too high"...and when I answer with facts they IGNORE them....after they did the damage. Publicly. Go back and read them... EVERY one from the HATER comments (from qbvbsite) are 100% negative. And I should keep on being a gentleman? NO WAY. I'm taking the handcuffs off James...you're not a CUSTOMER....you're a HATER....along with the 11 others. James qbvbsite and HATERS....you are not customers, let me show you what customers sound like....with a few positive critisisms and all at http://thehotpepper....oe/page__st__60 There are 8,017 views in this Vendors Vault about Pepper joe's....93 individual posts about Pepper Joe's....and the 2nd most popular posting in Vendors Vault is about Pepper joe's.. Most comments are very positive....the few that aren't I fixed them....and they seem very happy. These are real customers...not you dozen....you are HATERS.
These Dozen HATERS are in the vast minority....there are SO MANY good folks here. I won't let them take over this forum. How can you spot these dozen HATERS? When one of them post an unsubstantiated attack....several other HATERS will "like' it. They travel in packs....like wolves.
MANY THANKS to Joshua2000, Pepperhead, RobertSlade, RouteBound, Coastal-Pepper, Chilegrower, Dulac, JsChristrocks, Dudethatsbad, TylerinNiagra, peppergrowingman, pepperlover, Peppermeister, Joyners, Pepperman, JacobP, Scratzilla, CarvinGuitarise, Jamison, Stefan_W, Wolfie, etc. etc, etc... and so many more....hundreds of supporters...not to offend the many that I can't list. Two of these guys own THEIR OWN Chilehead websites and seed companies. They have a LOT more credibility with me than a dozen HATERS. One of the website owners blasted qb James from Canada when he posted "Sadly, I cannot buy the Reaper at $10 bucks" for posting such a silly thing and he said it contributed nothing to this forum after he whined aobut the price and shipping in 10 posts. One poster here (mentioned in the names above...who always makes PERFECT sense in his posts) said to "go in the woods and pick free wild peppers". Look we're all entitled to our opinions here...but to keep blasting a business over and over because you are a HATER is wrong. Thank God for the 95% positive folks here.
THANK YOU AGAIN for all of your support, emails and PM. I know many of you are fed up because a few of the HATERS have 1,000's of posts and try to dominate this forum. Your opinion is just as important as the dozen HATERS....so don't let them intimidate you.
I certainly won't.
I'm here to stay. For a LONG time...
One last thing on the HATERS....they launched a viscious attack in my original post on the HP22B AKA Carolina Reaper at http://thehotpepper....tion-for-hp22b/ Please read the first paragraph. I was just trying to share information in a naive way. Ahead of the curve. Most of what I said has been proven true. Some things need to still be validated more publicly....I'll leave that to Ed Currie....that's his side of the partnership. But AGAIN, Ed is 100% credable. That post had 29,000+ views, 470 comments and was maybe the most popular post this year in THP. Should I have let these dozen HATERS just run over my credability? NOT IN THIS LIFETIME. And again, THANK YOU for all of your support during those 29,000 posts....and not letting the HATERS and antagonists take over THP. Us other folks get a say too.
Even if we don't have thousands of posts yet.
Constructive debate is GREAT....personal attacks are NOT and I'll answer them back with the same tenacity or more.
Is it a good call that we need to show more validation on the testing? Sure, I think so. But again, it's coming....and Ed will do it in his timeframe and his way.
Ed is a top class act and has my total loyalty.
Finally, in a way these HATERS are attacking my Family.
I've built a successful business for 24 years (many of those years while I was a VP busy with other responsibilities).
That's a lot of hard work.
Ed is currently doing the same thing....transitioning to this full time.
One motivation I have (besides making MONEY....OOPs...said it TWICE
) is my Family.
I'm 58 years old now and look ahead to chilling a little more and enjoying life....not that I don't now...just more.
(Some friends and family will challenge me that I can't do it).
BUT...I do look ahead at passing a successful company along to mine and Penny's Children....or Grandchildren...or Nephews or Nieces....whomever proves to be most competent, interested, etc. They better like Hot Peppers. LOL.
When I get these HATERS attacks on my company and our future (NOT constructive critisism....refer to the Vendors Vault for that)...that is an attack on the future of my family and I take that very personal...not business but personal.
I just won't accept the attacks easily. I promise the HATERS that.
Let me end this on a positive note.
Today was Ed's big press release. I look forward to Ed continuing to spread his awesome message....meanwhile...Things are hopping. Orders are flying in. Emails are arriving by the ton....mostly very positive. Newspapers and TV stations are reaching out...what a high!
I need to focus more on managing all of that, and not this petty nonsense and drama.
THANK you for your support and many of you being Pepper Joe Customers.
Those of your that purchased Carolina Reaper seeds will be delighted...I guarantee it.
I've enjoyed the pods immensely and hope that you do too.
Fiery Regards,
Pepper Joe

I remember back in corporate America when I ran 350 stores on the East Coast for a fortune 500 company...when we had to deal with thieves and get confessions out of them with our Loss Prevention partners......we had a private joke ....the thieves always said when cornered 'Don't confuse me with the facts'. (our inside joke because they hated facts) But we usually busted them and fired them or sent them to jail anyway.
These few HATERS apparently hate the facts....because they constantly ignore them and don't acknowledge them when you answer them back.
My Fiance Penny and my Employees and Friends ask me....WHY answer the HATERS back? "You justify their nonsense Joe". Then I say "Yes, I guess you're right"....so I agree to ignore the HATERS...but then I'll see a ridiculous post (like $10 bucks is too much for the new worlds hottest pepper...but the HATERS sure ARE entitled to voice their opinion....but then they ignore the facts (like I spend $100,000 per year in Free Catalogs and Facebook marketing + many other expenses) they ignore the facts in your answer so I get sucked back into responding. My team ask me WHY even respond Joe? And I always give the same answer. If ONE newbie that joins THP or ONE visitor sees this bull---- ......I just can't risk that they may actually just buy it because they don't have the rest of the facts.
I won't tolerate that.
Jester (appropriate name) sez F U....Pepper Joe.
Admin....can you handle this guy? Either handle him or I will.
Go back all and read post #312 where I anwered the Jester with respect and dignity.
And he replies F U ....Pepper Joe. Admin???
I also addressed the Shipping and cost of the seeds issue very clearly.
HATERS hate facts.

I've tried to be a gentleman....and the last 2 days I did PM 4 of these HATERS....and that backfired too. You just can't reason with HATERS. Impossible.
But I do understand the HATERS mentality....many of the dozen HATERS tried selling seeds, hot sauces or some product in our industry....and failed miserably. I can give you examples...2 of them came to me crying to buy their product.
Sorry...it's not my fault that you failed...so don't be jealous of us successful folks. That's just not right.
Sometimes on THP I feel like it's the first day of Hunting Season on Seed Vendors....I've seen the HATERS attack other seed vendors too.
They feel they are entitled to free seeds and free shipping.
They are not.
Hear what qbvbsite and others say.... A few glibly proclaim "I've never paid for seeds"...more power to you Bro. But don't knock me because I want to sell seeds for a profit. YEA, a PROFIT. There I said it. I'd like to make some MONEY. A dirty word. Capitalism. Supply and demand. I don't come to your house and say "But my seeds or I'll hurt you"....just don't buy them . But qbvbsite has a dozen negative posts here..."Boycott Pepper Joe's"...."he's ripping us off"....."shipping is too high"...and when I answer with facts they IGNORE them....after they did the damage. Publicly. Go back and read them... EVERY one from the HATER comments (from qbvbsite) are 100% negative. And I should keep on being a gentleman? NO WAY. I'm taking the handcuffs off James...you're not a CUSTOMER....you're a HATER....along with the 11 others. James qbvbsite and HATERS....you are not customers, let me show you what customers sound like....with a few positive critisisms and all at http://thehotpepper....oe/page__st__60 There are 8,017 views in this Vendors Vault about Pepper joe's....93 individual posts about Pepper Joe's....and the 2nd most popular posting in Vendors Vault is about Pepper joe's.. Most comments are very positive....the few that aren't I fixed them....and they seem very happy. These are real customers...not you dozen....you are HATERS.
These Dozen HATERS are in the vast minority....there are SO MANY good folks here. I won't let them take over this forum. How can you spot these dozen HATERS? When one of them post an unsubstantiated attack....several other HATERS will "like' it. They travel in packs....like wolves.

MANY THANKS to Joshua2000, Pepperhead, RobertSlade, RouteBound, Coastal-Pepper, Chilegrower, Dulac, JsChristrocks, Dudethatsbad, TylerinNiagra, peppergrowingman, pepperlover, Peppermeister, Joyners, Pepperman, JacobP, Scratzilla, CarvinGuitarise, Jamison, Stefan_W, Wolfie, etc. etc, etc... and so many more....hundreds of supporters...not to offend the many that I can't list. Two of these guys own THEIR OWN Chilehead websites and seed companies. They have a LOT more credibility with me than a dozen HATERS. One of the website owners blasted qb James from Canada when he posted "Sadly, I cannot buy the Reaper at $10 bucks" for posting such a silly thing and he said it contributed nothing to this forum after he whined aobut the price and shipping in 10 posts. One poster here (mentioned in the names above...who always makes PERFECT sense in his posts) said to "go in the woods and pick free wild peppers". Look we're all entitled to our opinions here...but to keep blasting a business over and over because you are a HATER is wrong. Thank God for the 95% positive folks here.
THANK YOU AGAIN for all of your support, emails and PM. I know many of you are fed up because a few of the HATERS have 1,000's of posts and try to dominate this forum. Your opinion is just as important as the dozen HATERS....so don't let them intimidate you.
I certainly won't.
I'm here to stay. For a LONG time...
One last thing on the HATERS....they launched a viscious attack in my original post on the HP22B AKA Carolina Reaper at http://thehotpepper....tion-for-hp22b/ Please read the first paragraph. I was just trying to share information in a naive way. Ahead of the curve. Most of what I said has been proven true. Some things need to still be validated more publicly....I'll leave that to Ed Currie....that's his side of the partnership. But AGAIN, Ed is 100% credable. That post had 29,000+ views, 470 comments and was maybe the most popular post this year in THP. Should I have let these dozen HATERS just run over my credability? NOT IN THIS LIFETIME. And again, THANK YOU for all of your support during those 29,000 posts....and not letting the HATERS and antagonists take over THP. Us other folks get a say too.
Even if we don't have thousands of posts yet.
Constructive debate is GREAT....personal attacks are NOT and I'll answer them back with the same tenacity or more.
Is it a good call that we need to show more validation on the testing? Sure, I think so. But again, it's coming....and Ed will do it in his timeframe and his way.
Ed is a top class act and has my total loyalty.
Finally, in a way these HATERS are attacking my Family.
I've built a successful business for 24 years (many of those years while I was a VP busy with other responsibilities).
That's a lot of hard work.
Ed is currently doing the same thing....transitioning to this full time.
One motivation I have (besides making MONEY....OOPs...said it TWICE

I'm 58 years old now and look ahead to chilling a little more and enjoying life....not that I don't now...just more.
(Some friends and family will challenge me that I can't do it).
BUT...I do look ahead at passing a successful company along to mine and Penny's Children....or Grandchildren...or Nephews or Nieces....whomever proves to be most competent, interested, etc. They better like Hot Peppers. LOL.
When I get these HATERS attacks on my company and our future (NOT constructive critisism....refer to the Vendors Vault for that)...that is an attack on the future of my family and I take that very personal...not business but personal.
I just won't accept the attacks easily. I promise the HATERS that.
Let me end this on a positive note.
Today was Ed's big press release. I look forward to Ed continuing to spread his awesome message....meanwhile...Things are hopping. Orders are flying in. Emails are arriving by the ton....mostly very positive. Newspapers and TV stations are reaching out...what a high!
I need to focus more on managing all of that, and not this petty nonsense and drama.
THANK you for your support and many of you being Pepper Joe Customers.
Those of your that purchased Carolina Reaper seeds will be delighted...I guarantee it.
I've enjoyed the pods immensely and hope that you do too.
Fiery Regards,
Pepper Joe