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Not sure why people are calling us complainers. We have valid criticisms and concerns.
I dont even know about the prices. what do they cost? 15.00?

With the shipping if you buy 1 pack of seeds. The shipping is a bit high. The seeds themselves are 9.99. I can send Mgold seeds for under 50 cents probably. I have no idea why the shipping is so high for seeds.

They aren't claiming to be the hottest in the world and selling them as such. Any website claim to sell the hottest pepper in the world with no data to back it up I have a problem with. To me to seem they are trying to make a quick buck and by releasing them when people are starting to ask questions makes it even more fishy.

They have been claiming it's the hottest in the world in media and on here.
REDUNDANT and I am still reading posts ;) . I thought I locked this thread :rofl:
have you seen those pills that just came out?/? after only 3 months my penis is 18" long!!!!! go out and get them now while supplies last!
this is how this thread is to me! lighten up ya'll who cares what the cost of the peppers are, its the fact that they say they are going to release them at one date, people start questioning them about the origins of the pods, and the data to back up claims and that do they do..........relesae the pods early, so this right here makes me think that they need to sell the seeds to make up money that they would have lost by waiting to release the data as its not what they are claiming. MGOLD hit the nail on the head earlier. yeah sure Jim Duffy may have gouged pocketbook with the price of the TSMB seeds by selling and including other seeds, but at least he provided data to show us the numbers. i have seen no numbers other than "claims"

ok back to my coffee and important stuff
How is this relevant? Nobody said they shouldn't make money.
It's relevent because you said you could ship seeds to mg for 50c. Yeah you could, but you wouldn't be paying yourself or anyone else for the time to package and send off. A business would be paying an employee or themselves for the time it takes.
It's relevent because you said you could ship seeds to mg for 50c. Yeah you could, but you wouldn't be paying yourself or anyone else for the time to package and send off. A business would be paying an employee or themselves for the time it takes.

The cost even with that into consideration is not $4.95 for a pack of 10 seeds. You make your money off the product not the shipping.
The cost even with that into consideration is not $4.95 for a pack of 10 seeds. You make your money off the product not the shipping.

Guess you don't watch much late night TV -- IF you did you'd know the new thing is to make the $$$ off of P&H - watch any late night advert and they are always adding a second product for "Free - you just pay additional shipping and handling" or Free Lifetime replacement parts (which they charge only the P&H fee each time you want a replacement) .
The cost even with that into consideration is not $4.95 for a pack of 10 seeds. You make your money off the product not the shipping.


Move along, nothing to see here.
Just had a comment on price.when I placed a order for by butch t seeds to grow this year the same company also had the trinidad moruga. The moruga seeds were $30 for 10seed I think and that was without shipping I believe( I will check). I passed on the moruga being a newbie because of the price. if these people are only asking $10+$5 for shipping that sounds like a hell of a deal compared to the moruga seeds?
You can get any seed on the market for $8 shipped or less ($2-$4 for common seeds, $5-$8 for super hots including Moruga)... You just have to know the vendors, I checked out ed's site and most of his peppers are over priced.
On a lighter note (this thread has gotten kind of heavy), I was watching Ted's review of HP22B, and for some reason I decided to turn on closed captioning. It transcribes the audio on demand using voice recognition, and it's absolutely hilarious. There are tons of random one liners in there, and it rarely gets the words right. It makes him sound like he has brain damage, haha. Just fast forward to him actually eating the hot pepper, turn on closed captioning, and laugh your ass off at what it spits out.

Okay, as you were...

Just got done texting with Ed
the carolina reaper is the HP22B A strain
when I did this video I did not know that. a lot of things were kept secret for many reasons. I am just a reviewer and I'm not trusted with a lot of info.
this video is me eating the A strain and what is known as the Carolina Reaper.
Ed is sending out even hotter pods but I don't think they will be stable strains. The reaper is on its 8th generation I think
The longer those of us who will be waiting for the trades, in 2 years, keep posting here. The more free publicity we provide to a product we do not support.

So, I am gone.....enjoy consumers, you are powering the economic cycle with your purchases. Thank you and in two months when the NEXT hottest peppers come out, you can be the first on that one too.
for those who find that too expensive or watherver reason.... just wait one year and you will haveplenty of memmber trading those seeds...

so let the guy run his business and that's it.
you dont want it. dont buy it.

you want to help Ed with his business and dont find that too much to pay for a guy who works hard sweat in the feilds, have big day during summer and harvest time,
dont have too much income during winter.... that.s your choice. i know that a farmer work wotrh much more than that. anyway you dont want dont buy that,s it.
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