If you eat vegetables sourced from most 3rd world countries, chances are some are fertilised with untreated human waste.
Here, we used to have some of the strictest food importation regimes in the world. Afer all, we are an island, and relatively free from bio pests. However, thanks to the international treaties AUS has signed, our biosecurity is now not as good. Many (un-needed) imports of food originate in S.E. Asia, and several doco's have pointed out the lax screening of said products and the lower standards used in producing these foodstuffs (i.e. human waste on vegies, shell fish from polluted waterways such as the Mekong Delta).
This being said, NAY to use of humanure on foodstuffs, keep it for plantation timber and ornamentals. As for potting mix/compost in general, if concerned about e. coli and others, what about a short burst in the microwave? Would that kill them off?