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human waste compost- Yay or Nay?

I dont care if its composted or not, its a NAY for sure. Never use carnivorous waste ever, its my rule. You can get composted manure for like $4.00 a bag at home depot or a local nursery.
How is pig manure as a fert. compared to horse or cow? I have access to all three but would like to use the best naturally. Right now all I have been using is horse.
Sorry for those who thought it was a prank. They must not have seen my grow log entitled "first grow log".

I was leaning towards not using the potting mix, but thought I'd throw the question out there anyway. If I could verify that it was heat treated, no heavy metals etc, I might consider it. I'll leave it for the non-edible plants like POTAWIE said. And I also think vegetarian animal poo is at risk for e.coli and other stuff as well. Not going to get into that right now since the subject of this post is human waste compost.

Personally, I think it is safe to use, but the negative reaction from potential consumers of the peppers I'm growing is the deciding factor. I want to be able to answer any question about how the peppers were grown honestly and not have to worry about any possible potential problems or bad receptions.

I was just looking for a cost effective soil mix. I'll probably need almost 3 YARDS of soil. And when you look at Pro-Mix which is $30 per 3.8 Cubic Feet, that makes it about $180/cubic yard. This other bulk potting soil sounded pretty nice at $80/yard. If I only had a few plants, no biggie, I'd buy the best. But with SEVERAL dozen plants, I can not afford to buy premium mixes in bags at Home Depot.

So I'll keep looking for other dirt~

Thanks for everyone's opinions.
I have got no problem using my own poo for composting because I know what goes into it(mostly). I would most definitely not use that mix though.
If you eat vegetables sourced from most 3rd world countries, chances are some are fertilised with untreated human waste.

Here, we used to have some of the strictest food importation regimes in the world. Afer all, we are an island, and relatively free from bio pests. However, thanks to the international treaties AUS has signed, our biosecurity is now not as good. Many (un-needed) imports of food originate in S.E. Asia, and several doco's have pointed out the lax screening of said products and the lower standards used in producing these foodstuffs (i.e. human waste on vegies, shell fish from polluted waterways such as the Mekong Delta).

This being said, NAY to use of humanure on foodstuffs, keep it for plantation timber and ornamentals. As for potting mix/compost in general, if concerned about e. coli and others, what about a short burst in the microwave? Would that kill them off?
a quick google search and from what i remeber my molecular biologist gf said is that e. coli doesn't get nuked in a microwave *shrug* i could be 100% wrong tho lol.
We are like fish in the same pond. Please tell me a clean place untouch by our waste. I've taking many pixs on my travels. Thank goodness I have a camera that is pour at showing details, Like all the garbage in the jungles and forests, If I had an underwater cam, I'd be taking pixs of all the garbage in the lakes and Ocean. We are going to have to understand, we may not get away from it. Its in the rain, in the air. Here in BKK We can find black dust after a few days of not cleaning. Where a friend lives black suite falls from the skys from the suger cane plants. Not saying yes or no... After all, what do I know ?
I feel as blind as Justice with a scale, with two side adding saying there right.

So good, bad ? You can worry, its not for me. I'm Just a bird in a coal mine, can only do so much. Not liked by authoritys and liked at the sametime. In the middle just watching, alot of fun being disliked by thou who call them selfs right beyond any dought. With out all the infomation.

Can you really live for ever ? Can you really get away from our waste ? Is it worth to worry about it ?
Exavier said:
Can you really get away from our waste ? Is it worth to worry about it ?

That's not really relevant to the original question - is it wise to willingly use compost made from human waste to grow food?

I know I did say that it should be safe to use if composted correctly, but I never thought about drugs etc that remain in our waste and urine.
All in all; cows, chickens and horses supply a good manure product. I'm fortunate; the cow manure (Thai=kee [shit] wua [cow]) I use comes from local free range cattle that reside in my village. So, I know what they eat; everybody should know the source of everything they consume, at least as much as is possible.
Finally; there will be no human waste products used by me for anything. Next thing you know, they'll be pushing "solient green". Just kidding, LOL.
I don't worry about human waste too much. I actually piss in my compost piles all the time for free added nutrients but I do avoid number 2's :)
Grow mulch (Kellog I think)is made from sludge from sewage treatment plants.
It's also high in heavy metals and just about everything else you can think of.
That might be what they put in the potting soil mix you have.
I don't know if they ever successfully got the company that made the stuff to put warnings on the bags about not using it on stuff you are going to eat but a few years ago they were trying to make the companies that sold the stuff put a warning on the bags.

Not just sewage ends up in sewage treatment plants-anything dumped in a sink or toilet is in it.
Solvents,poison,drugs etc.Not all that stuff is processed out during treatment.
Some stuff like Benzene can bond to other stuff and never go away,just change form or bond with something else.Sometimes allowing it to make new compounds etc. under the right conditions.

Wouldn't risk using the stuff unless you might want to glow in the dark or have a kid with 3 eyes...

To Exavier,
So you don't try to avoid using stuff that you know might harm you because there are other things you either can't get away from or don't know about that can also harm you in daily life?

Kind of a defeatist attitude.

I try to avoid stepping on rattlesnakes if I can but still hike in the forest.

But then again if I had black suites falling on me I'd get kinda bummed out too.(couldn't resist the joke,soot,aren't translators wonderful?)
Like Potawie, My urine goes on my compost pile all the time. Only if I am taking any meds, usually dont do it for like a week after I stop.

I have a 65acre free range cow farm not 50 yards away from my front door, free manure from them all I have to do is go scoop it out of the field. I know they eat nothing but grass that never gets fertilized and they are completely free of hormones injections and stuff like that.
I am taking an environmental course now, And there are no treatment standards for removing "drugs" from the water returned to the waterways let alone the sludge trucked out of the facility. Which in my mind raises a ton of questions and concerns.

I would also be afraid of what solids you would find in there, composted or not, plastic products do not break down, and I would hate to reach into the bag of soil and find something along those lines :shocked:

The good news is that sewage treatment plants' first stage should filter out the large goodies like syringes, condoms and tampons:)
The good news is that sewage treatment plants' first stage should filter out the large goodies like syringes, condoms and tampons:)

Hahaha - I don't want to hear the bad news.
The good news is that sewage treatment plants' first stage should filter out the large goodies like syringes, condoms and tampons:)

Filter out the big stuff huh? Then they've removed all my condoms ;)
Blister said:
Filter out the big stuff huh? Then they've removed all my condoms ;)
So you're pooping condoms, eh? Didn't know you swang that way, but thanks.

TMI in this thread!