I ate the Naga Morich (pics)

chilliman64 said:
three dudes eat a Naga each.

Correction: The guy on the right of me ate 2 nagas without seeds. I ate 1 1/2 nagas the 1 having seeds and the other guy ate the largest 1 without seeds. As a side note, some of those seeds taken from those pods and planted about a week ago have just given me my 1st new Naga seedling.
darlochileman said:
A big thank you to Imaguitargod who has 'Volunteered' to gulp down a full bottle of Naga Snake bite sauce for our enjoyment. :)

Wat to go

...And I hope he has a Defibrillator or EPI Pen handy when he does!!! ha

darlochileman said:
A big thank you to Imaguitargod who has 'Volunteered' to gulp down a full bottle of Naga Snake bite sauce for our enjoyment. :)

Wat to go

Woh! Woh woh woh. Nooooo way, I'm not doing that. I'm crazy, but I have my limits. I'm going to do a decent amount , but not that much.
Txclosetgrower said:
I think mark finally out-did you, guitargod. You just ate one, he marinated himself in it. :shocked:

Well, it was bound to happen. But I still hold the distinction of being the first person documented on the internet eating the Naga Morich.
imaguitargod said:
Well, it was bound to happen. But I still hold the distinction of being the first person documented on the internet eating the Naga Morich.

I think you should change your name to imanagagod. I'll change mine to imastupidsod :shocked:
Hey does anyone know what's up with the Naga Sauce from Chileman? I submitted a request but haven't gotten any sort of reply. Does this mean that I'm out of the running of getting a bottle of the reserve? DARN! lol Oh well. -Lars-