I ate the Naga Morich (pics)

habman said:
:shocked:What the hell is wrong with you????
No sweat, no tears, no snot!
You Da Man!

I lasted just long enough for the camera to stop before I doubled over in pain, ran in the house, drank a gallon of milk and ate my own snot. :P

Do all Philipino eat this hot.

No because this hot doesn't exist here. The hottest local peppers are about a 5th as hot as this was. I never felt anything like it before. Was burning until the pain set in then my mouth just hurt and when it reached my stomach it was the same. Now i'm afraid to take a sh*t! :whistle:
cyotefishing said:
Doesn't drinking water, or any beverage for that matter make it worse?
I like your T-shirt.:P

Well the water cooled my mouth but the best was just sucking on ice. Milk didn't help either. The T-shirt is a real hit with the Fox News loving military retirees I run into here. :whistle:
Philipperv said:
Now i'm afraid to take a sh*t! :whistle:

Dude! If I were you I would have eaten a pint of ice cream right after eating that Naga! Just like Cheech in 'Up in Smoke' when he gets the runs in Mexico from the street food...

'C'mon ice cream'! :P
csigi_chili_sauce said:
Dude! If I were you I would have eaten a pint of ice cream right after eating that Naga!

That's a good idea that I just didn't think of. Will do it the next time. Thanks!
I gotta agree with habman here...what the hells wrong with you?

Did you do Homer's trick of coating your mouth with wax before you munched it?
bentalphanerd said:
I gotta agree with habman here...what the hells wrong with you?

Did you do Homer's trick of coating your mouth with wax before you munched it?

No but the camera cut short before I really started hurting. Kinda cheated I guess. :clap:
And your thoughts about now were?

I HATE YOU TUBE ! only reason is because I have dial up :clap: I just cant watch videos :clap:
I dont get the part about the T shirt, what about it ? who is the picture of ?
the pic Bent put up it looks like you have a couple of others taking the same challenge, is this correct ? I really wish I had high speed. I hear you were 1 tough cookie against the naga but how about the others that took part of this insane challenge ?
on closer look it is a GWB shirt with the work LIAR emblazoned across it.

the clip goes something like:

three dudes eat a Naga each. all three are suffering from the heat. all three are laughed at and heckled by the family and friends gathered to watch the massacre. all three drink lots of fluid. only one runs off to the can.