I ate the Naga Morich (pics)

Hi Lars,

The snakebite sauce is ready to rock and roll. Ive been finalising the postage details this week and the sauce will officailly be lauched next week. Those who have reqistered get first dibs and given the demand the 200 bottles (100 of each) will sell out in a few days/hours. I have checked my email and can't find a request from you though. Please resubmit it and I promise I'll honour you order (unless its for a few cases ;-)
ooooooh - it getting close now.

for the next seven days I'm going to sit in front of my pc, with my email open and just keep hitting refresh, waiting for that email to appear.

f9, f9, f9, f9...
darlochileman said:
Hi Lars,

The snakebite sauce is ready to rock and roll. Ive been finalising the postage details this week and the sauce will officailly be lauched next week. Those who have reqistered get first dibs and given the demand the 200 bottles (100 of each) will sell out in a few days/hours. I have checked my email and can't find a request from you though. Please resubmit it and I promise I'll honour you order (unless its for a few cases ;-)
Like I said on your site, you deserve an extra euro for pain and suffering (assuming I got on your list in time- I sent it out via HSB).
chilliman64 said:
ooooooh - it getting close now.

for the next seven days I'm going to sit in front of my pc, with my email open and just keep hitting refresh, waiting for that email to appear.

f9, f9, f9, f9...

p.s. its f5 :D
a leaf on my growing naga plant


close ups rock!
Thanks man! I just sent you another request from your site! Thanks again! -Lars-

darlochileman said:
Hi Lars,

The snakebite sauce is ready to rock and roll. Ive been finalising the postage details this week and the sauce will officailly be lauched next week. Those who have reqistered get first dibs and given the demand the 200 bottles (100 of each) will sell out in a few days/hours. I have checked my email and can't find a request from you though. Please resubmit it and I promise I'll honour you order (unless its for a few cases ;-)
imaguitargod said:

At almost 9,500 views....could this very well be the most viewed thread on this site?

I dont think there is any question about that!
This just reminded me about how much pain awaits me. I have around 90 pods getting going on my nagas! Cant wait to make some killer naga powder!
imaguitargod said:

At almost 9,500 views....could this very well be the most viewed thread on this site?

Does it say something about you or us that so many people like seeing you in pain?
:lol::lol: I honestly wouldn't want to take him on if I was you bro. Come on, how would you feel when you start crying out in pain for a glass of milk and the kid just laughs and keeps munching away like it aint no thang?;)

This kid is a PepperMonster!!:lol:
Pepp3rFreak said:
:lol::lol: I honestly wouldn't want to take him on if I was you bro. Come on, how would you feel when you start crying out in pain for a glass of milk and the kid just laughs and keeps munching away like it aint no thang?:P

This kid is a PepperMonster!!:lol:

You aren't kidding Dang that kids a gift for pepper eating competitions for $$. Just imagine. Him coming up and betting you that you can't eat more than him. Then this little kid just starts munching away.