I ate the Naga Morich (pics)

bentalphanerd said:
..obviously spawned by aliens

Say, do you think that's why they've been probing imaguitergod so regularly? They were trying to build a better pepper eater?
Pepp3rFreak said:
:D:lol: I honestly wouldn't want to take him on if I was you bro. Come on, how would you feel when you start crying out in pain for a glass of milk and the kid just laughs and keeps munching away like it aint no thang?:P

This kid is a PepperMonster!!:lol:

In all honesty, it wouldn't be a fair fight. I think his inability to be effected by capcaisin would disqualify him.

Pam said:
Say, do you think that's why they've been probing imaguitergod so regularly? They were trying to build a better pepper eater?
Hmmm... I'll have to ask them if that's what they were up to next time they stop by.
as for the kid eating naga jolokias, well who says they're the really HOT naga jolokias ? several sites say their not insanely hot unless its the chinense version. potawie even said he wasnt impressed with their heat, I also have them growing & dont consider them insane either just mild/hot.
so take this into consideration he might be eating nothing more than cayennes or thais heat wise. so IGG you might be able to take him in a chile eating contest.
I also have a question for you IGG why dont you do a chile eating contest ?

but back to main subject, I have a bhut jolokia thats half red right now :cool: so soon I'll be able to taste this crazy chile, most likely it wont be as hot because of the growing conditions vs other areas but still its gotta be hotter than what else I'm growing under the same conditions.
& I'm not trying that chile unless I have 1 gallon of milk in the fridge for 1st aid :lol:
chilehunter said:
I also have a question for you IGG why dont you do a chile eating contest ?
Find me one in LA and I'll enter it :lol: Either that, or persuade Defcon to have a Wing Challenge out here at my place. I'm saying I'll be able to down at least 5 Defcon ZERO wings before throwing in the towel.

chilliman64 said:
yeah, I ate a whole bell pepper the other day and it didn't burn me at all!
LOL!!!! :cool:
imaguitargod said:
Find me one in LA and I'll enter it :lol: Either that, or persuade Defcon to have a Wing Challenge out here at my place. I'm saying I'll be able to down at least 5 Defcon ZERO wings before throwing in the towel.

LOL!!!! :cool:

there is one place in PA that says if you finish their hottest wings you get free wings once a week for a year and a special plaque.... My friend said when he went there there was only one plaque up and he couldn't finish even 3 of the 12 wings.
why not make your own at home? you can have a Death Wing Challenge one weekend with your pod-loving mates:

Mega Death Wings

2 kgs Chicken Wings
1 teaspoon Mega-Death Sauce
250g Melted Butter (or Margarine)
oil for frying

Deep fry wings (in batches) until golden brown - cook until they float in the oil and not much moisture is coming out of them. Add Mega-Death or some other hot extract to the butter, mix it all up and then toss the wings in the mixture until fully coated. Serve immediately.

-o0o- -o0o- -o0o- -o0o- -o0o- -o0o- -o0o- -o0o- -o0o- -o0o- -o0o- -o0o-

of course you can increase the amount of MegaDeath used or replace it with something hotter if you want IGG - maybe a big old splash of Defcon's finest!
Pepper Belly said:
As soon as mine are grown I'll eat a Bhut for ya, Guitargod, I promise, I dont have a video camera but a Sony DSC-R1, which we will take picks and post with. :cool:

so how's the Bhut crop going Pepper Belly??? is it time to dust off the old DSC-R1???

imaguitargod said:
You want to spend the $25 or $30 bucks it takes to do that?

I take it that can wait until your in the casting lineup huh? Just curious, didnt realize you had to pay money to get your pic put in there but I guess everything is about money in Hollywood? Good luck to you, my Fav's have always been John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Steven Segal, of my new Fav's Keifer Sutherland who does a very good job in 24. I know I know thats not really acting what any of them did but I still like it :lol: .
chilliman64 said:
so how's the Bhut crop going Pepper Belly??? is it time to dust off the old DSC-R1???

Some of my plants turned green and are growing again some now have buds forming maybe I will have a harvest after all.
Pepper Belly said:
I take it that can wait until your in the casting lineup huh? Just curious, didnt realize you had to pay money to get your pic put in there but I guess everything is about money in Hollywood? Good luck to you, my Fav's have always been John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Steven Segal, of my new Fav's Keifer Sutherland who does a very good job in 24. I know I know thats not really acting what any of them did but I still like it :lol: .
I love Segal just for the cheese factor.