I cant stop canning...

Man the canning bug really has bit me!!:lol:
I took all the remaining stuff my G/F and I
got out at the orchards Monday and just canned
everything :lol: 12 jars in 2 days, help me stop...:lol:
The big jar on the right I dubbed the Frankenstein Jar
I know what you mean, you really got me started, too! Been pickling salsa, peppers, cucs, onions.... Still need to try tomatos.

Your jars - or, to be precise their contents - look really, great. I still haven't tried my pickles, I hope I can resist a little longer to let them get even better.
Thanks Chiliac!! I have 22 jars now stored downstairs and I am so tempted to crack 1 open:lol:You gotta try the Green Tomatoes.
They are awesome.But make sure you get really firm really green ones.Throw in your favorite chile and garlic and dill,you will
love em!!
I think I'll have to grow them myself next year. I cannot find them anywhere here. There's one farmer's market I haven't checked, but I doubt they're selling any. People seem to be more into red toms over here, hesitant to try sth different. Bah!
HPFF, once the jars have cooled and sealed you can remove the rings for storage and reuse the rings. I am having the same problems so the rings have to come off before I put the jars away.
Have you tried any of the Peppers yet? I tried a bottle of Jalapenos I made and they were on the softer side I hope wont be for all -- Im curious on how to keep them crisper
pepperfever said:
HPFF, once the jars have cooled and sealed you can remove the rings for storage and reuse the rings. I am having the same problems so the rings have to come off before I put the jars away.
Jackie I have thought about doing that but I just wait til
I finish a jar (they go quick):lol:

Have you tried any of the Peppers yet? I tried a bottle of Jalapenos I made and they were on the softer side I hope wont be for all -- Im curious on how to keep them crisper

Luckydog This is my 1st yr of canning so I really dont know what to til you other than the ones I have done are usually crunchy.Did you use really ripe peppers??Seems the really ripe ones are usually softer to start with.Someone please correct me
if I am offbase or wrong!!
Done my first pickling last night,Fresno,Serrano,Santa fe grande,Pimenta de padron,Hot Bananas,Cayenne was indeed fun just keep resisting for a while :lol:
seems like Potawie said if you put them in a hot brine solution for about a minute, they will stay more crisp than not...I may be wrong but seems like I remember something about that...
do you use a cold brine solution Potawie?
Thanks...I was planning on pickling some Pepperoncinis this evening so I will start the process by using the brine solution and can them tomorrow...
the refrigerator part is not a good thing...I need it for open sauces and the wife needs it for food...who do you think will win....I need to get another refrigerator and put it in my garage just for sauces and other pepper products...
My peppers are taking over the beer fridge, what do I do?
I use a lot of big jars with hinged lids and I don't trust the seal enough for hot canning, so into the fridge and they last forever. I'm also hoping to make a giant batch of volcanic pickled eggs soon and my massive jar is really going to take up some serious beer space:)