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I Fear Disaster Has Struck 080408

100F temps + wet = oopsie
Ya made a Petrie dish mate.

Ya just ran into a firestorm of bad mate..get out the drill and poke soem more holes eh? I save my most-dead Bih and Dorset from evil soil pests by washing off to the roots. ANd using garlic and peroxide. It'a the nateral antibiotic mang. Saved mine.

I hbet you can save a lot of those plants...cut em back to the green...save the roots by washing em out with very weak peroxide solution to kill shit...new soil, etc. If ya have Thrive, use it as a 1/20th spray on thre roots, trhen replant in good soil. I'e saved half dead seedling thatr way.

Give what they need. Nothign more. Under my 4800 lumens of lights that are on 24/7, I only water about every other day or so. It's a gut thing. I feel th4 leaves, and i know, it's needing. I mist daily, but water seldom.

I grew up in organic gardening...there's reason to everything.

IMO, always plant garlic or marigolds next to anything...pests hate it, nad a natural anti-fungal garlic is.

How i killed soil pests? pushed 1/4's of galic cloves allll around each plant.

Within days, they were better, and pests never came back. I also putn crushed garlic in my feed water..rly pised off the bugs bigtime. Nature just works.

You planned for backups...aint ya smart now? ;-)

*trying to spin it good... ;)

gl bro...we'l persevere.

well...today will be the 15th day in a row the temp is over 100F...but there is a small cool down that is supposed to hit us tomorrow from the tropical storm Edouard...high tomorrow supposed to be 95...it is now 24 hours since the plants have had any water so I guess they will be stressing when I get home this evening....

Like I said, it is just a waiting game now to see which way it goes...

I ate a couple of slices of the T. Scropion and Bih Jolokia last night on my hamburger and for green peppers, they are scaldingly hot...

I brought the remains of the Bih and Scorpion to work today to let my fellow chileheads I work with taste them...wonder how they will react...

I gave one of my fresh ripe red Naga Morich peppers to a friend of mine that works in a closed area about a month ago. He said a fellow from India works with him and was familiar with the pepper, but had not tasted one. His comment back to me was "That thing is Stupid Hot"...
Heheh, nice one on the tastings...Bih is truly silly hot..pue pain.

I like it so.

It's like a train full of molten metal crashes into your mouth adn throat. And catches fire.

It's jusst not normal..lol Morich..least i get to taste it. Bih, it's irony..the most delicate flavor..and the heat of a blast furnace.

I'll eat a Bih soon, but damn...it's just not nice. Gave 1/4 dry pod to a friend..about choked. :)

AJ, no matter the loss..look at what you have gained in the last year....you're a hero to many, and a friend to all mate. :)

The anal detail in your gardening you provide has helped 1000's likely...not to mention your work on the seed swapping.

Good on ye. I'm a better chilehead cus of ya, as are many others here.


Hey, AJ I had a lady at my local greenhouse tell me once that if your soil if REALLY soggy that you can take the plant out of the pot and plop the plant out on the deck to dry up a little bit too if it's really bad. I'm sure it won't help with all of them, but it may help dry things up quite a bit quicker. That sucks about your plants too. Also, Quadshots I REALLY like that garlic tip. I'm going to keep that in mind for sure. Right now my plants look like they could use a little calcium and that's probably only the only minor thing going on with them except for the occasional aphids that keep coming back. I'm going to break up a bunch of egg shells I've been saving and mix that in my soil. I figured that would probably do the trick with the calcium.
thanks all for the well wishes...things will be OK...this is not my first rodeo...and I have been bucked off before...

What did you find hotter/ more flavorful AJ, the scorpion or the bih?

Bih more flavorful (almost like a bell pepper) but I like the taste of the Scropion too...different burns...the scorpion has got me burning under the front part of my tongue and on the inside of my lips and the bih was more a middle to back of mouth burn...both excellent and pretty dang hot for peppers probably a month to 6 weeks from being ripe...I actually like the taste of the scorpion better...can't describe what it tastes like....other than hot and good...

if you really wanna know which was hotter, it was the scorpion, but i think it was about 2 weeks more mature than the bih
Intresting found the bih/bhutt more tasty but saying that didnt no where the scorps where from and wait to see from own first..glad you enjoyed them A.J hows things with the rest of the plants? :)
talas said:
Intresting found the bih/bhutt more tasty but saying that didnt no where the scorps where from and wait to see from own first..glad you enjoyed them A.J hows things with the rest of the plants? :)

don't get me wrong, both tasted good, I just like the taste of the scorpion better...

I left the house before daylight this morning so I won't know how my plants are doing for about another 8 hours or so...
AlabamaJack said:
don't get me wrong, both tasted good, I just like the taste of the scorpion better...

I left the house before daylight this morning so I won't know how my plants are doing for about another 8 hours or so...

Think i better do a comparison again myself,my absolute favorite peppers so far are Fatalli,Datil and anahiem as a stuffer. :)
I had not read this thread, but, now that I have, if you start to use 1000 ppm 3% hydrogen peroxide/water, you can get root rot under control.

Pythium is seen frequently in hydro and H2O2 in the water fixes the problem. You can increase the concentration early in the treatment.
willard3 said:
I had not read this thread, but, now that I have, if you start to use 1000 ppm 3% hydrogen peroxide/water, you can get root rot under control.

Pythium is seen frequently in hydro and H2O2 in the water fixes the problem. You can increase the concentration early in the treatment.

I thought I remembered reading about H2O2 usage but forgot where...thanks Willard....

I know you think this will be a dumb request but will you convert that to tablespoons per gallon please...or is this right....

assuming 1 oz = 30 ml and we are talking volume for the ppm

ml gallon ppm
3.84 1 1000ppm
7.68 1 2000ppm
11.52 1 3000ppm
15.36 1 4000ppm
willard3 said:
2.5 teaspoons/gal = 500 ppm
1 teaspoon = 5 ml
1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons

I use 1-1.5 tablespoons/gallon of water

Thanks willard...I will use this when I get home today...my plants are surely gonna need a drink since they have not had water for 36 hrs and it has been 105-6 for the last two days...
willard3 said:
2.5 teaspoons/gal = 500 ppm
1 teaspoon = 5 ml
1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons

I use 1-1.5 tablespoons/gallon of water

Hey, Willard I'm interested in trying this as a preventative measure if it doesn't hurt. How often do you need the treatment? Is it sparingly, or with everytime you water your plants? Good info and I appreciate it.
Hey rabbit, using H202 is probably not a good idea as a preventative measure unless you are using hydroponics. If not it will kill the good and the bad organisms in your soil, and there can be many beneficial ones.
Hey rabbit, using H202 is probably not a good idea as a preventative measure unless you are using hydroponics. If not it will kill the good and the bad organisms in your soil, and there can be many beneficial ones.

Hye Rabbit...what Potawie said...I am only using it because I have a problem...
Hey rabbit, using H202 is probably not a good idea as a preventative measure unless you are using hydroponics. If not it will kill the good and the bad organisms in your soil, and there can be many beneficial ones.

That's a good point Potawie. I didn't even honestly think of that. I'll just let it be.
Lost 2 of the 3 Jamaican Hot Yellows I am growing. Looked this morning and the plants had about 30 peppers on them and had completely lost all their leaves....3 yellow and the rest green...picked them and moved the plants to the morgue....I will post pictures when I get all the dead/dying plants together in one corner of the yard....

The damage to the superhot row seems to be slowing down...I gave each plant about a 1/2 gallon of the H2O2/Water solution recommended by Willard yesterday evening....all other plants have not seen water for over 2 days now and I am holding off until at least tomorrow. I will pull another plant up today and check the moisture in the bottom of the pot...good thing is my prize plants, the O Hab, 2 Red Savinas, and all 4 of my Naga Morich do not seem to be affected yet...pray they don't...