I likee!

Hi. I'm Dave, living in Phoenix. My younger stepson had always been the pepperhead, eating the hottest stuff he could find. The last year, he has fallen off the wagon, and I've taken the reins as HPHIC--head pepper head in charge. I tried growing some Caribbean Reds in pots this spring, but one weekend, the temps went from low 90s to 110 in one day. Maybe two. And I think that was when I forgot to water 'em. Dead, shriveled, gone beyond reclaim. DANGIT. I'm not looking to eat Bhut Js straight, I just want to put hot stuff on most of my food. Right now, Mrs. Renfro's Habanero salsa is doing for me and my stepson, the elder. We go thru a jar of that stuff in about 8 days. I've been trying to score some Scotch Bonnets forever. I found a store here that said they had some, and when I went there 4 days later, they were closed for renovation--and probably turning into a Mexican vs Caribbean market. Curses, foiled again. Next time I've got 15 bux to pop, I'm mailing away for seeds.
Whew, I'm done. Thanx for being here!
...from Germany.

Enjoy your stay!

I love the Mrs Renfros stuff too, it's a very tasty sauce. The Hab one really isn't hot, but has a nice flavor...the hot jalapeno one is 'prolly my favorite store-bought green sauce though.

If ya buy seeds search around here for suppliers..and skip Reimers. If ya want some good seeds talk to HippySeedCo. ;)

You can also save and plant seeds from store peppers..Jalapenos, habs, etc. Don't try green jalapenos though fro seeds..green usually isn't ripe. Red is. Unripe chiles will have underdeveloped seeds and prolly won't work.

I have bunches of Orange Habs from store-bought peppers though...I had to give some plants away as the were taking over..hehehe. :)


Hey welcome from Virginia and here you`ll find what you want to eat.If neal aka hippy gets involved runnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.lol Sorry Neal