• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

It is what it is 2023


Under extreme pressure from my peers :lol: I am reluctantly starting my 2023 glog
Haven't actually planted any seeds yet, but it won't be long before I succumb to the gentle scent of compost, the lure of germination and the excitement of seeing a sprout
I am, however, cleaning all my plant tags if that's not commitment I don't know what is
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Into the soak today go:
KS Lemon Burst - SeedPlanet
KS White Thai - thank you @BarbarianFires
Fatali - every time I open the seed box they are all I can smell - just begging to be grown again
Sugar Rush Peach - Vertiloom
Sugar Rush Stripey - which just arrived as a free gift in my seed order

Fingers crossed :D
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I've been having a long hard think.
OK seeds soaked, some seeds planted sat on a heat mat under a grow light. All well and good.
BUT I don't normally start seeds off until end of March beginning of April and there's no fancy kit used and I've always had a reasonable to good harvest.
What I'm trying to say here is that - does it really matter if the first set of seeds don't make it?
I'll just reboot, rewind and start again later when winter has buggered off.
This is supposed to be a hobby, hobbies are supposed to be interesting, relaxing and fun.
I'm refuse to stress over pepper seeds.
@Ratatouille take note :lol:

I'll just go and shout at them to hurry up! :rofl:
Stressing for me IS part of the hobby. It makes me feel alive. 🤟

For me, starting in February is the sweet spot for peppers. March is to late for me, I've noticed from previous experience. January is good as well, apart from the problems I will run into when the plants have grown a bit and space runs out. But hey, that's not stopping me. Why should it? (Ask me again in April, when I'm panicking.)

For tomatoes, I start those no sooner than March 15th.
January is good as well, apart from the problems I will run into when the plants have grown a bit and space runs out. But hey, that's not stopping me. Why should it? (Ask me again in April, when I'm panicking.)

For tomatoes, I start those no sooner than March 15th.
This is what's worrying me, if everything comes up where the flipping heck am I going to keep them until it's safe to put them outside?
I'll worry about that later when and if something eventually shows its head above the compost.

Mr Tink did suggest stuffing them under the bed in his usual, helpful way :lol: