So things I have learnt - it's a learning curve as always
Mistake - Bought the wrong lights - lights are set into the top of the propagator so they can't be lowered but we might have a work around this.
Therefore my first seedlings are a tad spindly. But that's OK, they'll make it or they won't.
Don't have a fan so I'm wafting seedlings with a tea-towel every now and again, it'll help or not.
Knowledge - Soaking seeds in warm tea germinate quicker than in water, although they're happy to be left 2 or 3 days if I don't get around to potting them.
Not sure about starting seeds off so early, last year I didn't start superhots until June and I still got a reasonable harvest. So maybe I'm being premature this year - that learning curve again.
First proper year using the heat mat and this makes a huge difference for germination.
That's it so far.