seeds-germination Its almost seed starting time! Whatcha growing?

Good gracious, Patrick, that's an impressive list! How many plants do you grow per year in order to grow all those out before they're no longer viable? :shocked:
Up until last year I only grew orange habs and Bhut Jolokia peppers. Last year I started hanging around here and the next thing I know I've got over 100 peppers growing, over 25 different species. I only keep a few seeds of each plant every year, the rest I usually give away.

I started seven different 7 Pod strains and three different Scorpion strains today. Starting to get excited now.

Good luck everyone!
patrick said:
Up until last year I only grew orange habs and Bhut Jolokia peppers. Last year I started hanging around here and the next thing I know I've got over 100 peppers growing, over 25 different species. I only keep a few seeds of each plant every year, the rest I usually give away.

I started seven different 7 Pod strains and three different Scorpion strains today. Starting to get excited now.

Good luck everyone!

Patrick, you'll be happy to know that the Bhut Jolokia, Trinidad Scorpion, 7 Pot and Red Savina's that you sent me all have sprouted seeds in peat pots in 8 days! (Naga Morch is the only superhot that hasn't yet). So thanks for those, your seeds are proving to be quite good...especially since I haven't used any controlled heating on them.

I'll get some pics shortly to show how quickly they're taking off.
some really impressive grow lists there!
Ballz, i wouldn't worry.if i can propagate nagas here you can too, all you need is a little patience!
good luck!
Ballzworth said:
Patrick, you'll be happy to know that the Bhut Jolokia, Trinidad Scorpion, 7 Pot and Red Savina's that you sent me all have sprouted seeds in peat pots in 8 days! (Naga Morch is the only superhot that hasn't yet). So thanks for those, your seeds are proving to be quite good...especially since I haven't used any controlled heating on them.

I'll get some pics shortly to show how quickly they're taking off.

Dude that's awesome! If that Naga continues to give you trouble let me know, I've got more seeds from a couple of different sources. Looking forward to seeing the pics.
Hey guys! I'm really excited for this season! I'll be growing a bunch of new superhots, and be outdoors for the first time! Here is my list!

bhut jolokia
chocolate bhut
naga morich
trinidad scorpion
yellow 7pot
Although the country im living in doesnt have any seasons but here's what i am planting currently:-

naga jolokia
chocolate hab
orange hab
yellow hab
scotch bonnet
hungarian wax
chili padi
By naga jolokia do you mean the pc-1 type or the naga morich, or Bhut jolokia? Just want to make sure you aren't growing the dissapointing pc-1 type. Many people have been scammed by these
kiddc said:
Although the country im living in doesnt have any seasons but here's what i am planting currently:-

naga jolokia
chocolate hab
orange hab
yellow hab
scotch bonnet
hungarian wax
chili padi

I don't see any cili goronong on your list.They are one of my favorites.
I too was scammed 6 years ago and I've seen dozens of other scammed every year:( and this is why I become a pain in the ass every time someone uses the term Naga Jolokia
bhut camp said:
I don't see any cili goronong on your list.They are one of my favorites.

Really, the Cili Goronong certainly is cool looking but so far its the only yellow C. chinense thats flavor dissapoints me:(
My 2010 grow list for this first time seed starter:

Aji Lemon Drop
Aji Amarillo
Anaheim TMR
Big Chile Hybrid
Chilhuacle Negro
Chilhuacle Rojo
Caribbean Red
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Golden Greek Pepperoncini
Grande Hybrid
Jalapeno M
Serrano del Sol Hybrid
Super Chili Hybrid
Thai Red

Have the seeds (except the Lemon Drop, which I still cannot find) and starting the Chinese in the next couple of days.

Along with the usual assortment of tomatoes, sweet peppers, onions chard, squash and herbs to keep the wife happy.

Purchased seeds from and Are there other sources that come recommended?
Pita said:
Hey guys! I'm really excited for this season! I'll be growing a bunch of new superhots, and be outdoors for the first time! Here is my list!

bhut jolokia
chocolate bhut
naga morich
trinidad scorpion
yellow 7pot

that seems to cover all the super hots nice compact list!
I too was scammed 6 years ago and I've seen dozens of other scammed every year:( and this is why I become a pain in the ass every time someone uses the term Naga Jolokia

Good to have you here to keep us all in check .. really

Really, the Cili Goronong certainly is cool looking but so far its the only yellow C. chinense thats flavor dissapoints me:(

I like the color and shape of this pod have yet to try it my self, why soo disappointing? Heat?or flavor
Noshownate said:
I like the color and shape of this pod have yet to try it my self, why soo disappointing? Heat?or flavor
Really, the Cili Goronong certainly is cool looking but so far its the only yellow C. chinense thats flavor dissapoints me:(

Flavor wasn't to my liking:)
Yellow Devils Tongue
Yellow 7
Dorset Naga
Numex Big Jim
Goat's Weed
Yellow Scorpion
Scorpion Moruga
Cappy 7 Brain Strain
Black Congo
Barrackpore 7
Bhut Jolokia
Aldaberto Habanero
Red Bell
Yellow Bell
Green Bell

That should keep me busy for a while.
bhut camp said:
I was scammed with the "naga jolokia" four years ago.Down with the pc1!!!

i hear you guys. Same thing happened to me last year. the plus side of the PC-1 is that it produces massive amounts. The downside? Everything else. Actually I made a concentrate out of it and will add it to some stuff that I want some heat to without the pepper flavour standing out. So it wasn't a total waste, but I probably won't grow them again. It's probably around 100,000 scovilles.
By naga jolokia do you mean the pc-1 type or the naga morich, or Bhut jolokia? Just want to make sure you aren't growing the dissapointing pc-1 type. Many people have been scammed by these

I have no idea, honestly. This is the plant im growing, its getting quite big. But i assuming the worse, that its the Pc-1 variety.
I bought the seed before knowing about this site and THSC.


The buds

the plant
bhut camp said:
I don't see any cili goronong on your list.They are one of my favorites.

i cant find any goronong seeds even though i live in Malaysia. Apparently, they are planted in East Malaysia and i live in West.
By the first pic it looks like a C. chinenses since there are multiple flowers per node so you likely weren't scammed:)