• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

JAB Farms to attempt GLOG for first time!

I've been told for years that my craziness should be documented somewhere. Well, I'm going to attempt it. Each year I like to start at least 3 times what I am planning for myself. I do fill 3 other (neighbors and family) gardens as well but even so have tons of plants. And on average I have 500 hot pepper plants in our garden, with 35-50 superhots in buckets on deck. (along with 75 tomatoes, okra, tons of cucs in garden) This year I started 42 types of HOT peppers, 12 types of sweet (not for me!). I'll attach photo's later - so in some kind of order) as I have several in my 30+ trays of 48 as I am starting transplanting and putting back under lights until they are ready for greenhouse. There are 3 - 5 shelf shelving units inside with lights across and 3 shelving units of 4 shelves in garage as backup.

What's the crazy guy growing this year? In HOT category (for most of us)
Carolina Reaper, White Moruga Scorpion, Trinidad Scorpion, Apocalypse Scorpion, White Trinidad Scorpion, Caribbean Red, Datil, Red Savina, Helios, Scotch Bonnet Freeport Orange, Thai Culinary, Thai Dragon (2 types), Prik Chi Faa, Bottle Rocket, Kung Pao, Aji Amarillo, Aji Pineapple, Sugar Rush Peach, thunder Mountain Longhorn, Long Red Slim Cayenne, Long Thick Cayenne, Lemon Drop, Devil Serrano, Hot Rod Serrano, Santo Domingo Serrano, Antiplano Serrano, Joe Cayenne, Atomic (Brazilian) Starfish, Big Thai, Orange Spice, Biker Billy, Jalapeno Early, Jedi Jalapeno, Dante Jalapeno, Everman Jalapeno, Inferno Hot Banana, Gochujang King, Cucumber Pepper, Numex Big Jim and JAB Superhot (usually a cross between all my superhots from previous year)

Hope someone can at least laugh at my craziness!

More to come.


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A lot going on over here in Suffolk VA. Finally got my two gardens tilled (and a neighbors) this weekend. Made lines in one of mine (front large one). At this point, we are still experiencing 40s in the evenings so I haven't moved a ton out into greenhouse yet. Only the Tomatoes (as they outgrew my lights/shelves) and the larger/healthier peppers are out and enjoying the greenhouse. I finally took a few more pics to share! This is as of April 1st. Reapers inside ready for a trip to Greenhouse (couple lemon drops also).

Next up are a few more of those enjoying the greenhouse. Serrano family (Antiplano, Devil and Santo Domingo). Healthy and ready for garden!! Hopefully another week I can start risking putting some out. I of course can do this as I have PLENTY to backfill if something doesn't take.

Tomatoes hate the greenhouse. Yes, I watered :) A bunch of these will be going in this weekend. (Same reason as above - I can risk trying early and always backfill if something doesn't look up to par in a few weeks. That is all I have today - but will write more once I start moving them out to Greenhouse in bunches. Becomes a jungle out there...

Sorry it has been so long since I have updated! Been a little busy here. Tomatoes as you saw above grew too fast, so planted some deep (I think 59 so far) but rest i tossed and started new batches of them. Apparently I don't need to start them as early next year when making own mixture and not using a store bought mix. :) Note to self. I have since planted a entire row of each : Big Thai (20), Helios (21) (Orange Habanero), Santo Domingo (20) (Serrano) and then partial rows of Numex Big Jim (8), Dante (7) (Jalapeno), more Helios (8), Aji Amarillo (8). I even went a little crazy and put out 8 superhots. Literally a month early as my greenhouse is nuts at this time... so have plenty to back fill if something doesn't like it... (6 Reapers, 2 Apocalypse Scorpions). I'll try to be better about posting! Please see pictures below of it all coming together!

Greenhouse as of Sunday... and no it is still not everything. Have another 10 trays of peppers, and then 6 trays of tomatoes just restarted along with 2 of cucumbers started - still growing inside.

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So, we've been a little busy. Time to update! It is May 5th. As of right now, I have 384 peppers in garden and 34 superhots in buckets on the deck. More to go, but we are pooped. I put up the trellis (fencing) for the 7 cucumber rows today and put a few more peppers (Orange Pepperoncini, Yummy and Super Shepherds) yes, there is one sweet pepper row - mostly for salads... First picture is Tomato alley (still another 20 or so to add - they are growing/acclimating in greenhouse at this time... another week and those will be full...

Next is the front garden (5 rows of cucs to come - and several rows of our baby's). Helios (2 rows), Scotch Bonnet Freeport Orange, Sugar Rush Peach, Datil, Red Savina, Serrano (2 rows), Jalapeno (2 rows), Big Thai (2 rows), Thai Dragon - all in and hopefully thriving (just started raining so they should be in heaven...

and last update is back garden. 2 rows of cucs, 6 of tomatoes, and rest peppers galore. Cayenne, Caribbean Red, Datil, NuMex Big Jim, Thai Hot (dragon type), Thai Culinary, Red Rocket, Joe Cayenne (2 rows), Orange Pepperoncini, Super Shepherd, Yummy, Inferno (hot banana), Aji Pineapple, Aji Amarillo, Atomic Starfish, Orange Spice (Jalapeno), Thunder Mountain Longhorn can be found there. More to come here, but thinking will be adding 2 more rows of Helios (i have 4 trays of 18 looking healthy and huge and we love that Habanero) and a row of superhots as I have likely 50+ more in greenhouse perfectly beautiful (Carolina Reaper, White Moruga Scorpion, Trinidad Moruga Scorpion, White Trinidad Scorpion and Apocalypse Scorpion). I'll add more in buckets around garden as usual to get more of those and likely any Scotch Bonnet won't go to waste. I also have a late addition of Pink Tiger/Carolina Reaper cross that a chef asked me to start. They look great so far... This picture was from yesterday - there are more added here for sure. Only 3 rows for peppers remain and 2 for Tomatoes...

Nothing looks impressive yet... but by June... :onfire:and into summer! Here we come. Hard work is playing off and once I get everything in buckets (and fill in remaining rows) - we can sit back and just wait for the craziness to start 😎 I hope all are doing well out there! Enjoying writing about this and reading all the other GLOGS too.
OK, I FINALLY have all the peppers in the ground (that are going in ground). I have more to add to containers and 2 rows of tomatoes to finish off (they are about a week from being ready. This will work out as the first ones (you will see below) are huge - and these should produce long after those flutter out. So lots of HOT SALSAS! Anywho, I have not done true count but believe I have 435 peppers (only 14 sweet - rest HOT) happy in the garden. Proof? :) Happy Mothers Day to moms out there!

CUC ALLEY. More to fill those rows as they get strong enough... this won't look empty long... we love our cucs too.

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Back garden peppers... Carolina Reapers, Apocalyspe Scorpion, Trinidad White Moruga, White Moruga Scorpion, Trinidad Moruga (had to add a row of superhots because so many look amazing in greenhouse - they will not go wasted! Cayenne, Datil, Helios, Thai Hot, Thai Dragon, Thai Culinary, Numex Big Jim, Aji Pineapple, Aji Amarillo, Atomic (or Brazilian) Starfish, Joe Cayenne, Bottle Rocket, Caribbean Red, Orange Spice, Orange Pepperoncini, Inferno (Hot Banana), Super Shepherd, Yummy, and more found back here...

Last but not least for the update... the Superhots on the deck. These typically get over 5-6 feet tall in these buckets (the LOVE it) and produce like crazy... so far they are looking good. Have the Pink Tiger/Reaper creation to add (6) at some point when they get big enough) and could add few more Reapers/Trinidad Moruga as I still have trays of healthy in greenhouse. Crazy I know... So far, not looking that impressive... give it time:) 5 Apocalypse Scorpion, 15 Carolina Reapers, 3 White Moruga Scorpion, 6 Trinidad Moruga, and 3 Trinidad White Moruga.
