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Jacob's 2010 Season

Not yet. Got some replacements though and resowed today. Did get 2 C. Galapagoense to sprout though. Still waiting on the C. Lanceolatum though. Will post more pic tomorrow.

Hey scoville, don't blame you for wanting to get off that number.;)

I plan on starting the tomatoes at the beginning of March and my faster growing peppers this week. I have most of my chinense varieties potted up, just a few straglers left.

Here are some pics:

C.Galapagoense sprouts:woohoo:

Pic of trays of potted up plants:

A few of the plants have some yellowing leaves. Potted up in miracle grow as I haven't had a chance to go get something better. Will be going this week probably because this old bag of miracle grow just doesn't drain well. Should've waited so I didn't have twice the work, but got impatient. Oh well, it'll be ok.

Hope everyone is having a great start to the season!
Looking good.

Hope you have some luck with the choc bhut's, there a great plant once they get going.

Good luck, hope your season goes well.

Yeah that miracle grow isnt the best at draining, I was getting some greening on top of it, but switched to a different brand with less twigs and lots of perlite. Looking good so far, keep the updates coming.
Yeah definately looking forward to the choco bhuts. Got a sample with the seeds I just hot, and man is that hot. Love it though.

I've used the miracle grow for a few years with no problems, but this bag is the worst. Lots of trash in it, almost no perlite. Tried to bottom water and after 30 minutes it pick up almost no water. Definately gotta get the plants out of it this week.

Looking good, Jacob. I'd definitely get out of that MG and into something with better water retention and drainage. I'm using a mix of 2 parts peat, 1 part composted cow manure, 1 part coco, 1 part perlite, and some ground dolomitic lime (tablespoon per gallon of mix volume). I'm bottom watering and it is soaking it right up. In fact, it took almost a gallon of water to hydrate the two trays I just potted up (which would be a bit shy of 4 ounces per 3.5" pot).

I went out after work and got some better mix to pot up in. Haven't found promix yet, but got fafard's. It is also very light and I have seen that others on here use it, so it should work just fine. Will pot the rest of the seedlings and repot the others tomorrow.

Started to repot the seedling today and it's a good thing I did. Checking out the plants and found something vile......F#@@ING APHIDS!!!! They spread fast too. I checked the ones that were waiting for pot up yesterday and they were clean, today, they were on half of them. Cleaned off half so far, will finish when the baby goes to sleep.

Also, found a very small hook on a lance today. Hope to see it standing soon. YAY! At least some good news today.:lol:

Been almost 2 weeks since I updated, so here it goes. The lance didnt make it. It never even stood up. That was disappointing to say the least. I am hoping to see another sprout, but seeing as how it has been 6 weeks already, I am starting to wonder. Aphids did a number on a few plants, but most are ok. The Cumari Pollux leaves are nearly white after the attack and not sure if it will make it. Resowed a few seeds just in case. The Red Savinas took a hit as well, but not as bad. I think they will be ok.

I do have 2 C. Parvifolium hooks that I saw when I took a few pics. At least there is good news there. Still waiting on a few new varieties to come up that I have sown as well as Choco Bhut. Got a second batch of seeds, so I hope to see 1 come up soon.

Here are some pics:

Trinidad Douglah - have 2 other seedlings

Trinidad Scorpion

Marouga Blend

Some Yellow and Orange Scorpions

More to follow
Pic of some wilds. Top row - 2 C. Chacoense seedlings and empty spot with cumari pollux seeds, bottom row - 2 Galapagoense seedlings and on the right the pitiful cumari seedling

Pimenta de Neyde

And here is the strange one. Harold's st Bart has almost completely purple leaves. Not like the Pimenta de Neyde, but close. Beginning to wonder if this is more than the "sun tan" like I have on other plants. A lot of plants have a slight purple tint, but this is different. Anyone experience this dark of leaves on a plant that is supposed to have green leaves?

Thanks for looking!
yes Jacob My Aji umba that i sowed started to get very purple leaves even the cotyledons were dark purple i guess some just react to the light differently nothing to worry about i believe nice plants too!
Ciao Jacob-

Wow, I agree with Patrick, you've got a LOT of heat going on for this year! Make sure you've got some kind of fence around those plants so your little girl doesn't get her fingers on those! What are your plans for all of the superhots you're growing? That's a lot of hot sauce and powders!

I really REALLY like the look of that Pimienta da Neyde of yours. Does it remain purple the whole time or just at the seedling stage?

Also, my condolences on the loss of Lance. :(
Nate - I hope that is what it is and it grows out of it soon.

Sorellina - Thanks. I do plan on making a lot of sauce and powders, but will be giving away as well. Oh yeah, and saving lots of seeds so I can pay it forward. I don't have any more pimenta de neyde seeds left or I would send them to you, but will definately save some for you for next year if you like. Oh, and will definately be fencing off for the little one. Although she is a picky eater and I don't think she would even touch one, she also only likes to do things that can hurt her, so better safe than sorry.

orangehero - Not yet. Resowed a little over a week ago. I am hoping to see something soon.
