• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jamison's "Operation Pods" 2013 is a Mission Complete

Well THP, its that time of the year again. I've been anxiously awaiting to give life to these seeds that we all cherish so much. This year I'm gonna focus most of my grow towards Scotch Bonnets, with 14 different strains. Also have a few Supers and 7's with a few others as well. I still have 3 plants that have been overwintering and still doing good after another cutback and a bonide treatment for aphids. Heres the list :party:

MoA Scotch Bonnet
SB Orange
Jamaica SB
FDA Bonnet
Costa Rican Yellow
Trinidad SB Red
Squash Pepper
Jamaican SB Montego
Jamaican Red
SB Jamaican Yellow
Jamaican Yellow
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Bonnet Bell

The 7's

Bubblegum 7
7 Pod Orange
Romy's Yellow 7 (OP)
7 Pod Jonah
Brainstrain Yellow
7 Pot Primo (from Primo)
Cappy BrainStrain Red
7 Pot Primo Orange
Other Supers

Bhut Brown
Bhut Yellow
Armageddon F-2
Impact F-1
Black Naga
TS Morouga (Bakers Peppers)
Douglah x Butch T
Romy's Douglah (OP)
Chocolate TS
Butch T Mississippi Strain (from Butch T)


Fish Pepper
Caribbean Red
Red Trinidad Hab
Trinidad Perfume
Turks Cap
Maui Purple
Black Pearl
Biker BIlly Jal
White Hab
Fatalii (GURU)
Hawaiin Sweet Hot
Ancient Pepper
Mini Sweet Bell
Goats Weed
Pepper Mania Myster seed.

Jalapeno, Scotch Bonnet, Butch T

I soaked seeds on 12/31/12 and sewed into Burpee coconut fiber pellets on 1/1/13.


I had started one Fatalii plant earlier not sure what day, probably around 12/15/12.

Thats it for now guys. Can't wait til an update!
Wow man those are getting big and fast. I gotta say concrete work sucks. Before in Mexico we used to mix cement with a shovel and no fancy mixer. Heck doing the roof of cement is a pain in the ass! we needed about 20 people or more, some to mix the cement and some to pass it to the people on the roof, in the end it's worth it.

All you can drink beer for everyone!

Hope you get time soon to plant those out, and congrats on the house buy.

, Vegas
Concrete work IS tough work, never did it as a profession but have around the house.
At work they had a concrete project and this guy was swinging the ten pounder with one arm, never stopped, struck and just kept going around for the next shot.
His boss was there and I made a comment, his boss said "ya never want to get into a bar fight with any of these guys".
Uh no sh!t
Congrats on the house purchase!  So you are moving to TN, or is this an investment?  Those plants look so ready...but I hear ya on time.  If you could buy time, just think how expensive it would be.
Oh, and Happy Belated Birthday!
Impressive operation how many plants you have growing in all ? Sounds like life is busy for you . I will keep checking in. If ya change your mind on a Jigsaw let me know.
You've got a lot on your plate, buddy, but your grow is looking really good.  
Can't wait to see them in their final resting spots for the summer.  Good luck
with move, plants, etc...
Jamison plants look great, do what you gotta do … take care of family, move and plants. We’ll be here when you have time. Can’t wait to see them all in their new homes when you have time … party plant on mon!
Everyone,   thanks for all the kind words!   I really feel like this is my family on here.   Always can count on you guys!   Got  all but 12 or 13 plants outside.  THe others gonna have to wait till I get back next week.   Headed down to TN to sign for the house and bring some unimportant stuff down since we're headed that way anyways.   I'm gonna have to leave straight from work tomorrow afternoon and head straight down there.   I have an appointment to make on Friday morning at 8:30 ergggggg!   I'm so anxious about everything its driving me literally nuts.  Even the squirrels started chasing after me.   I've never had so much on my plate at one time!  I just need 1 day to chill and relax,  drink a lil drink, smoke a lil smoke, and wash my worries away  and I think that will be Saturday night! :pray:     Thanks everyone will get in touch soon!
I did a lot of moving when younger, NY to Tejas, Tejas to Va. and finally back to Tejas.
It's all good!
Chill time will come ;)
Have a great weekend!
Tennessee..... Tennessee....
Good luck with the move. That's a long way to drag all your plants or are you not heading down there right away. Beautiful state Tennessee is. Alot better gardening weather for sure. Your plants look awesome by the way.
Good luck with the move Jamison! Hope you get to take all your plants with you. No Pike and Walleye fishing in TN, but great Channel Cat and Largemouth fishing and Trout up in the mountains if you swing that way. Cheers!
Jamison said:
Everyone,   thanks for all the kind words!   I really feel like this is my family on here.   Always can count on you guys!   Got  all but 12 or 13 plants outside.  THe others gonna have to wait till I get back next week.   Headed down to TN to sign for the house and bring some unimportant stuff down since we're headed that way anyways.   I'm gonna have to leave straight from work tomorrow afternoon and head straight down there.   I have an appointment to make on Friday morning at 8:30 ergggggg!   I'm so anxious about everything its driving me literally nuts.  Even the squirrels started chasing after me.   I've never had so much on my plate at one time!  I just need 1 day to chill and relax,  drink a lil drink, smoke a lil smoke, and wash my worries away  and I think that will be Saturday night! :pray:     Thanks everyone will get in touch soon!
I've had the feeling before haha. You got this man. Imagine how much sweeter the chill will be after tackling all that!