• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jamison's "Operation Pods" 2013 is a Mission Complete

Well THP, its that time of the year again. I've been anxiously awaiting to give life to these seeds that we all cherish so much. This year I'm gonna focus most of my grow towards Scotch Bonnets, with 14 different strains. Also have a few Supers and 7's with a few others as well. I still have 3 plants that have been overwintering and still doing good after another cutback and a bonide treatment for aphids. Heres the list :party:

MoA Scotch Bonnet
SB Orange
Jamaica SB
FDA Bonnet
Costa Rican Yellow
Trinidad SB Red
Squash Pepper
Jamaican SB Montego
Jamaican Red
SB Jamaican Yellow
Jamaican Yellow
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Bonnet Bell

The 7's

Bubblegum 7
7 Pod Orange
Romy's Yellow 7 (OP)
7 Pod Jonah
Brainstrain Yellow
7 Pot Primo (from Primo)
Cappy BrainStrain Red
7 Pot Primo Orange
Other Supers

Bhut Brown
Bhut Yellow
Armageddon F-2
Impact F-1
Black Naga
TS Morouga (Bakers Peppers)
Douglah x Butch T
Romy's Douglah (OP)
Chocolate TS
Butch T Mississippi Strain (from Butch T)


Fish Pepper
Caribbean Red
Red Trinidad Hab
Trinidad Perfume
Turks Cap
Maui Purple
Black Pearl
Biker BIlly Jal
White Hab
Fatalii (GURU)
Hawaiin Sweet Hot
Ancient Pepper
Mini Sweet Bell
Goats Weed
Pepper Mania Myster seed.

Jalapeno, Scotch Bonnet, Butch T

I soaked seeds on 12/31/12 and sewed into Burpee coconut fiber pellets on 1/1/13.


I had started one Fatalii plant earlier not sure what day, probably around 12/15/12.

Thats it for now guys. Can't wait til an update!
What up everyone! I'm back in WI! Everything went great down in TN, got the house, worked on it a bit, got the grass cut and stuff like that and buttoned her up until the next time im down there. Here is a couple shots of the house and then some plants of course!

About 5 minutes from the house is MS.


Butch T MS strain

Mini Sweet

Don't remember this one I'd have to go look.
millworkman said:
Welcome to Tn. You're going to like it here... maybe... well sorta of since you are out west :)
Thanks man! Its such a beautiful state it amazes me to be honest! It reminds me a lot of up north WI, but you don't have the long norther winters that are very depressing! Can't wait to start life out down there! And especially a garden!
DocNrock said:
I said it before, but I'll say it again:  Grats on the house!  Great to see pics.  Lots of land, it looks like.  I expect to see chile plants everywhere!  ;)
Plants are looking great!  Very appropriate that you are growing the Butch T MS strain.  :)

Thanks Doc! I appreciate it man! Been working on this for a while now. Finally got er done! Have a decent chunk of land for sure, and the neighborhood were in , if you want to call it that, use to be an old cotton field. The land was tilled nice years ago, so I'm hoping that works to my advantage!
3/5King said:
Congrats Jammy Son. What do the kiddos think? Are they excited?
They don't know the difference to be honest. My boy loves it down there. He loves to fish and roam around in the woods, its perfect for him and us! Thanks for stopping in man!
Jamison said:
Thanks Doc! I appreciate it man! Been working on this for a while now. Finally got er done! Have a decent chunk of land for sure, and the neighborhood were in , if you want to call it that, use to be an old cotton field. The land was tilled nice years ago, so I'm hoping that works to my advantage!
Hmmm, at least we know the land was used to grow something in the past.  Some minimal amendments and a re-till to soften it up and I'm thinking very productive garden!
Congrats on the house!
I see it's in a rural area and you have some land, two pluses in my book.
Also, you will enjoy the climate change.
So when do you make the move?
Good on ya Jamison! Hope you like the area... the homestead looks like lots of room to spread out and plant. The house looks a bit like a shotgun shack, but if it's warmer, you'll be spending more time outside anyway, no? ;) (just kidding!)
DocNrock said:
Hmmm, at least we know the land was used to grow something in the past.  Some minimal amendments and a re-till to soften it up and I'm thinking very productive garden!
Thats what I was thinkin Doc!  Hopefully we're both right!
Devv said:
Congrats on the house!
I see it's in a rural area and you have some land, two pluses in my book.
Also, you will enjoy the climate change.
So when do you make the move?
Also two +'s in my book!  A nice chunk of land and a house is all I ever wanted,  and being down in TN is just added benefit for sure.   I fit right in down there.   They do make fun of my accent a bit tho!  I think its funny tho.  Southern hospitality is something everyone should experience!  Thanks for the congrats!   The wife and kids will be moving down there as soon as school starts and I'm gonna finish the summer and fall out here and make some $.  I think school starts the beginning of August.
Sanarda said:
Very nice congrats. Once your settled in you will love it. Your going to have a southern twang when you talk before too long. Aahahahhaaaa
Thanks Pia!   Its gonna be a long while before I pick up on that twang!
roper2008 said:
Congrats.  Plenty of room to grow peppers, and a longer growing season..When will you permantely move there?
Thanks Roper!  Lots of room for a garden and def a longer growing season!   I'll be down there in the beginning of winter.   Looking forward to it also!
stickman said:
Good on ya Jamison! Hope you like the area... the homestead looks like lots of room to spread out and plant. The house looks a bit like a shotgun shack, but if it's warmer, you'll be spending more time outside anyway, no? ;) (just kidding!)
Thanks Sticky!  I agree on the room,  lots of good exposure too.   From the front of the house lookin towards the woods is west so lots of light all day!
Congrats on the house man. Nice lookin plot ya got there! Plenty of wiggle room for peppers an what have you.

And I just have to say one more time, I really appreciate the seeds bro. I can't wait for winter to get these babies germinating!
Super nice land & new house, congratulations!!! Hmmm Tennessee … is that where they hang Rasta Cubans for sport ;) hahahaha   On a more serious note, plants look great and it’s nice you have them in pots/bags ready for da move
Congrats J!  Lookin like there is gonna be a ton of room for peppers and some longer seasons!  Also, I heard of some special 'government farms' just across the border in Mississippi... :)
Heres and update on what I have in containers.   Almost have everything hardened off besides a few still under lights.
Birgits Locoto for the growdown

Black Pearl still in a #1.   Seed was from the seedtrain.  Aesthetics of this plant is amazing even without pods.

Maui Purple,   lots of pods on this bushy thing.

Hawaiian Sweet Hot on the left and Ancient Sweet Pepper on right.

Bonda Ma Jaques

Biker Billy

Jamaican Hot Chocolate from PepperLover on left and Jamaican Red on right from store bought seeds.

Mini Sweet from seed train

Fatalii(PepperLover) on left and Primo (from Primo)  on right.

Side shot to get an idea of how big they are.

Have a few more pics if I can get a bumparoonie!