• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jeff H's 2014 glog- Season ending harvest pics.

Okay, time to kick this growing year off. First a pic from last year of the hydroponic scorpion right before I added it to the compost pile. The plant was so productive with 4 gallon freezer bags stuffed plus more already dried that not only did I decide to not overwinter it, but TSBTs won't be on the grow list next year. This was truly a beast and by far my most productive plant. IIRC, it was over 5' tall and just about as wide when hte branches were heavy with pods.
It was started about this time last year, so it is about time to start some of those pesky slower growing plants if I want them this big next year.

All good things come to an end. The plants will be chopped up and mixed with the leaves for compost.

Okay, with that out of the way, let's get started on next year.
First, a shot of some of the over winter plants in the upstairs window sill. I just plan on keeping them alive here with no real growth expected until I put them outside next year. The two small plants are scorpion clones from the monster. I still don't think they will make the grow next year, but I just couldn't kill it without taking a couple clones. Other overwinters in this pic include a ghost pepper, hot paper lantern hab, tabasco pepper, my largest and most productive giant jalapeno and a couple of others.

Now down into the grow room for an overall shot of what I am doing this year. The flood table is new, but everything else is the same from last year. Same 600W MH light and same mylar on the walls.

Now at this point, let me take a minute to explain that there is no organic soil in anything I brought inside, nor anything that I plan to plant this year. Everything will be hydroponic in one way or another. Even the plants upstairs. My soil for all plants not in the flood table is 50/50 perlite and peat moss. I water them with hydro nutes every few days, but probably can get away with once a week or so. Soil drains really well but the peat moss holds a decent amount of moisture. I'm hoping that we have no issues with root rot this year. I'm also betting that fungus gnats won't like this fast drying soil either. Well that and the mosquito dunks that will be in the hydro water if those bastards do show up again this year.
A close up of the "soil". Look at all that great perlite.


Now, looking at the plants in the flood table, the perlite/pete moss is about 80/20 and I flood hte table once a day. As it is, there is probably too much pete in the soil because the grow bags stay soaked all the time and I'm going to have mold issues. I need to rethink this, but this is what I have for now.
Here they are the day it was installed on Oct 21st.

Here they are a week later (last night). You can't really see it, but there are a couple of tiny growth nodes on the ghost pepper (big pot on the left) and the paper lantern in the black pot. No sign of growth on the monzano yet, but if you look close at the pot, you can see what looks like mold starting. I tossed a cup of H2O2 into the rez last night to kill it if it was mold. We'll see. Maybe plastic air pruning pots would be better suited, or giant net cups.

That is all for now. Join me back on the next update. I'm working hot and heavy on some clones and other projects that aren't quite ready to be photographed yet. Soon though.
Well, I'm not saying that it the cause, but it is easy to eliminate it as the cause. It was interesting that the 3 burned leaves on the rocoto were right up next to the PVC pipe.
I have to say this you have your thinking cap on, I'm the same way. Keep us posted.
I saw awhile back your using Mosquito dunk for the gnats, how do apply it? All of a sudden I have gnats. I bought some and spent too much time shaving it with a knife. I added a 1/4 tsp to each pot. Took forever...
patrick said:
PVC being a culprit? I guess anything is possible. Hope you get it figured out Jeff. Jealous of the winter pods. Best of luck with your season.
Thanks Patrick. In hind sight, I'm a little glad I removed the NFT system even if it wasn't the cause. It sure opened up an otherwise crowded grow room and we have a long winter to go still.
Devv said:
I have to say this you have your thinking cap on, I'm the same way. Keep us posted.
I saw awhile back your using Mosquito dunk for the gnats, how do apply it? All of a sudden I have gnats. I bought some and spent too much time shaving it with a knife. I added a 1/4 tsp to each pot. Took forever...
Scott, I just break one in quarters or smaller and put them in a gallon jug for a couple days before I water the plants. I have several gallons just sitting around waiting to be used.  I can't remember exactly how many gallons each dunk was good for, but it was quite a few.
Went down to check on the new babies. Quite a few onions have sprouted in 5-6 days, but not a single pepper plant and it has been 7 days since I sowed them. Hurry up darn it.
Just one photo today. This is the overall shot of the grow so far. onions and annuums that are germinating are on the lower shelf  just out of the picture (2) 72 cell flats. I'll get some close up shots when I have some free time. 

2nd week of February man....we are getting closer.  Calling for 40 degree temps the week of the 16th here, so you should be warmer.  Hope we get some rain with those temps to burn the snow away.
March means some early flowers blooming and greening up.  20 days to go!!! We are over the hump man!!!
Convinced?  I sort of am until I look out and see the snow falling lo..
HillBilly Jeff said:
2nd week of February man....we are getting closer.  Calling for 40 degree temps the week of the 16th here, so you should be warmer.  Hope we get some rain with those temps to burn the snow away.
March means some early flowers blooming and greening up.  20 days to go!!! We are over the hump man!!!
Convinced?  I sort of am until I look out and see the snow falling lo..
20 degrees and light snow today. I'm not convinced yet. Can you do better?
maximumcapsicum said:
Your grow looks great Jeff! Can't wait to see those baby jals!
Seeds came today. More jals. Probably 6 of each. :D 

So If anyone noticed the pube I posted in the monzano thread with mite damage, I started looking closer at all my plants and saw mite damage on a few. EVERYTHING came out of the grow room today and got sprayed down with my mite spray. Sprayed an entire quart. 
Hydro Monzano awaiting his turn to get sprayed down. 

Caribbean red bulled out for his bath too. 

As is that wasn't enough work, I installed a new outlet in the work shop. I needed it anyway since I moved the workbenches and didn't have one over there, but I just have this feeling that I am going to need some more lights pretty soon outside the grow room. 
Devv said:
So what to you treat your plants with for mites?
I use wettable sulfur.
Scott,  had real good luck over the summer last year with an Bayer organic spray. I was having powdery mildew issues with some roses and the mites were having a field day with the pepper plants. When I looked at the bottle, it said: active ingredients was canola oil. After doing a bunch of research, I settled on a recipe that seems to work real well. 1 quart water, 1 T canola, 4 drops dish soap. The soap does double duty of drying out the exoskeletons of mites/aphids/whatever, and the canola smothers them. Only downside is it is a contact poison i.e. you have to spray the bugs directly to kill them. Somehow, the spray changes the pH on the leaf and stops the powdery mildew too. 
maximumcapsicum said:
Sorry to hear about the mite trouble Jeff! Looks like it's going to be under control soon though. Here's hopin!
It will take a couple of weeks for the shrived growth tips to grow back, but the plants will be fine. I consider myself lucky to only deal with mites and the occasional fungus gnat. Others fare far worse with indoor gardens. 
Sprouts and roots today. What a day. 
The first pepper to win the germination race for the annuums was a sweet Byscane pepper. I planted 4 cells and I have 4 sprouts and a hook in this photo. 

I've been checking on my high tech cloner and things have been going slower than normal because of the cool temperatures, but never fail, it you give it enough time, you do see roots. 
This monzano will hit the dirt once the roots are a little bit longer. 

I'll have a pic of my high-tech cloner in a bit. Out of all the cloning techniques I have tried over the last few years, most have failed, but this high tech one gives me 50-75% success if you are patient. 
Finally got a chance to photo the high tech cloning device. 

Insert device on north facing windowsill (except when it is zero outside and the window frosts up), and in a month or two, you will have roots. Change water weekly. 
The next to pop. Mirasol peppers. 

Just about a month on the sauerkraut and tabasco ferments. Opened the sauerkraut today. Really good sour flavor, but way too salty. Note to self. 4% salt is too much. 2-3% next time. No nasties though. 

The tabasco ferment/aging is going well too. Shooting for 3 months of aging. One down, two to go. Same 4% salt, but since I plan on mixing this ferment with some other ingredients, I hope it won't be so salty for the finish product. 

There was tons of air bubbles in the tabasco but I shook it up before the photos because it was so separated. 
Jeff H said:
There was tons of air bubbles in the tabasco but I shook it up before the photos because it was so separated. 
Everything's looking stellar Jeff! You may have had your troubles with mites but it looks good now...  It's a good sign when you get separation in a ferment... it just means you've got a vigorous ferment going and generating enough gas to cause it.
Looking good Jeff! I bet the ferments come out quite tasty.

Some small black bugs have reappeared on my bonchis. Not aphids, some kind of black bug with a longish snout. And they hop. Maybe fungus gnats... Just hope they don't migrate into the seedlings. Will try your canola oil spray.
stickman said:
Everything's looking stellar Jeff! You may have had your troubles with mites but it looks good now...  It's a good sign when you get separation in a ferment... it just means you've got a vigorous ferment going and generating enough gas to cause it.
Yeah, it was moving along pretty good. The solids were just about completely separated from the liquid for the most part. One of the lids was on a little too tight and you could see the bulge in the lid. I burped it and released quite a bit of pressure.
maximumcapsicum said:
Looking good Jeff! I bet the ferments come out quite tasty.

Some small black bugs have reappeared on my bonchis. Not aphids, some kind of black bug with a longish snout. And they hop. Maybe fungus gnats... Just hope they don't migrate into the seedlings. Will try your canola oil spray.
Thanks Adam. Don't know what bug that might be. Doesn't sound like a fungus gnat, the gnats are about the same size as a fruit fly.
Penny said:
I agree, everything's looking great. Too bad on the sauerkraut though.
I was thinking about just getting some more cabbage and doubling the batch since I already have a good culture going. Cut the salt in half that way. Nothing wasted. Just another learning curve.
HillBilly Jeff said:
Ferments are looking nice.  One of these days I think I will have to try that cloning thing.
Using the high tech cloner, there isn't really any time involved. When an o/w plant it getting too big and needs to be trimmed, snip a branch and pop it in the cloner. If it doesn't live, no loss, but if it does, you have one more with identical DNA.
Another hook. Yeah :dance: but it is a sweet, not a hot. Oh well, need sweet peppers too.

Despite the snow and ice, we are finally making a little headway out at the power plant. Up to about 100'. Only 100 more to go.

You can see that crane form the street about 1/2 mile away.

Google decided to add snow to my picture. I don't know how they did that, but it is pretty cool.