• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jeff H's 2014 glog- Season ending harvest pics.

Okay, time to kick this growing year off. First a pic from last year of the hydroponic scorpion right before I added it to the compost pile. The plant was so productive with 4 gallon freezer bags stuffed plus more already dried that not only did I decide to not overwinter it, but TSBTs won't be on the grow list next year. This was truly a beast and by far my most productive plant. IIRC, it was over 5' tall and just about as wide when hte branches were heavy with pods.
It was started about this time last year, so it is about time to start some of those pesky slower growing plants if I want them this big next year.

All good things come to an end. The plants will be chopped up and mixed with the leaves for compost.

Okay, with that out of the way, let's get started on next year.
First, a shot of some of the over winter plants in the upstairs window sill. I just plan on keeping them alive here with no real growth expected until I put them outside next year. The two small plants are scorpion clones from the monster. I still don't think they will make the grow next year, but I just couldn't kill it without taking a couple clones. Other overwinters in this pic include a ghost pepper, hot paper lantern hab, tabasco pepper, my largest and most productive giant jalapeno and a couple of others.

Now down into the grow room for an overall shot of what I am doing this year. The flood table is new, but everything else is the same from last year. Same 600W MH light and same mylar on the walls.

Now at this point, let me take a minute to explain that there is no organic soil in anything I brought inside, nor anything that I plan to plant this year. Everything will be hydroponic in one way or another. Even the plants upstairs. My soil for all plants not in the flood table is 50/50 perlite and peat moss. I water them with hydro nutes every few days, but probably can get away with once a week or so. Soil drains really well but the peat moss holds a decent amount of moisture. I'm hoping that we have no issues with root rot this year. I'm also betting that fungus gnats won't like this fast drying soil either. Well that and the mosquito dunks that will be in the hydro water if those bastards do show up again this year.
A close up of the "soil". Look at all that great perlite.


Now, looking at the plants in the flood table, the perlite/pete moss is about 80/20 and I flood hte table once a day. As it is, there is probably too much pete in the soil because the grow bags stay soaked all the time and I'm going to have mold issues. I need to rethink this, but this is what I have for now.
Here they are the day it was installed on Oct 21st.

Here they are a week later (last night). You can't really see it, but there are a couple of tiny growth nodes on the ghost pepper (big pot on the left) and the paper lantern in the black pot. No sign of growth on the monzano yet, but if you look close at the pot, you can see what looks like mold starting. I tossed a cup of H2O2 into the rez last night to kill it if it was mold. We'll see. Maybe plastic air pruning pots would be better suited, or giant net cups.

That is all for now. Join me back on the next update. I'm working hot and heavy on some clones and other projects that aren't quite ready to be photographed yet. Soon though.
Peppers are doing really well!
Those Reapers will kick in and make you proud! A fantastic tasting pepper, but, dang they're hot! I made a puree from them, liked to kill LB and I cleaning the sieve. One drop on a taco will light your fire :fireball:
I liked all three vids, the slayer vid reminded me of the "old" Metallica they played late night on the radio during the "heavy metal" hours. I used to crank it up on the 6 hour drive to the deer lease back in the day. They played those long instrumentals with very little vocals. I wish we could get those tunes on the radio without the sat., I have enough bills..LOL
Enjoy the weekend!
HillBilly Jeff said:
I really like Nightmare....awesome song.
Nice shots of your peppers.  How cold you looking to get tonight?  You should be a few degrees warmer than me.  It snowed in Chicago.
Sorry Jeff, I was out of town over the last few days. Lows around here hit 39-40 over the weekend and warmed up to 60ish. As a consequence, I don't think anything grew at all over the cold snap. All the plants looked the same size last night as they did on Thursday. :rolleyes:  This week will be better.
Devv said:
Peppers are doing really well!
Those Reapers will kick in and make you proud! A fantastic tasting pepper, but, dang they're hot! I made a puree from them, liked to kill LB and I cleaning the sieve. One drop on a taco will light your fire :fireball:
I liked all three vids, the slayer vid reminded me of the "old" Metallica they played late night on the radio during the "heavy metal" hours. I used to crank it up on the 6 hour drive to the deer lease back in the day. They played those long instrumentals with very little vocals. I wish we could get those tunes on the radio without the sat., I have enough bills..LOL
Enjoy the weekend!
+200 on the taste and heat of the Reaper. Ed Curry was in town in the fall at a local hot sauce convention. He was giving away slices of the Reaper. Of course, like a dumb ass, I took a slice. Very nice upfront taste. Almost a bit sweet. Then the heat crept up and didn't let go for a good 5 minutes. Wow that was hot. Nothing at the hot sauce convention could compare.
A puree sounds like a good idea this fall. I'll need a dropper for it though.

I found this recipe last year but haven't had the opportunity to try it. Maybe this will be a good use for the Reapers. :evil: :evil:  Like two reapers and the rest something more mild. :onfire:
I did a batch of Habanero sauce last year with a Reaper kicker. Don't have the recipe handy at the moment but WOW did it really ramp it up a notch. I did about a 15:1 ratio of habanero to reapers, and that was plenty. 
Reapers have a nice lead-in flavor but once the heat kicks in, it's hard to taste anything else for awhile. :)
And the staying power is brutal. You really do get burned twice by those .. I had my wife stock up on baby wipes last year for me, to help me cope with the "day after"... nothing quite like a grown man crying (literally) on the toilet to elicit the mocking laughs of your better half.
TrentL said:
And the staying power is brutal. You really do get burned twice by those .. I had my wife stock up on baby wipes last year for me, to help me cope with the "day after"... nothing quite like a grown man crying (literally) on the toilet to elicit the mocking laughs of your better half.
Ooooh, eat with a full stomach and not too much ;) Just don't wanna go there! ;)
Yep, Reapers sure command respect.
Somewhere around here I have 9 unopened jars of Butch T puree I made last year. I made 10, opened one and it was too damn hot. The taste of the Butch T reduction wasn't all that good so I doubt I'll ever eat them. Reaper flavor is much better. Maybe sometime this fall, I'll have enough Reapers and think: Hey, I have an idea. :onfire:
Updates from the garden:

Naga Morarch really coming along nicely. Lots of new growth.

One of many flowers on the monzano in the 15 gallon root pouch (o/w from last year)

Jals. These started indoors and haven't gotten much bigger outside. They are likely stunted this size but I'm sure they will taste fine.

O/W tabasco

I planted my wife's herb and flower garden yesterday (AKA deer protection on the north side of the garden). A couple more plants and then mulch and it is finally done.

Overall shots of the bulk of the gardens. Monzanos and ghost peppers are elsewhere.


Ohhh baby poblano

Left over Yarrow standing guard on the south side of the garden.

Onions are going strong. They've grown 10 times more in their month outside then they did in the 3 months inside.
Darn, that was 10. Need a bump please.
Just a couple other things.

Sweet chocolate mini bells. I have a few of these plants. Got seeds from Buckeye Pepper co. They should be outstanding stuffed. Dice up a habanero and cheese and stuff it into the mini bell and watch the look of panic on my wife's face when she grabs one without asking if it was hot. :evil:
I've seen some pics of campers and trucks lately so I though I would show mine off.

This is all my wife. She loves this camper quite a bit. A couple years ago when we started talking about it, it gave me an excuse to get a new truck. THe F-150 wasn't going to cut it. Earlier this year we brought this home from the dealership.
The F-250 tows her well but at 12,000# she makes the truck work for it. Sure as heck glad we got a diesel.
TrentL said:
Damn those raised beds are looking SHARP man! Can't wait to see the jungle evolve this summer. :)
Thanks Trent. They were a lot of work this spring. Hope it is worth it.
Non pepper update:
:eek: :eek: :eek:
Just was reading the gun club quarterly news letter and I came to the realization that I am way behind on highpower this year. Haven 't been out once or even looked at anything shooting related since the fall.
I pulled out the AR and got it clean for the upcoming season. Did about 700 rounds last year and cleaned the gun after 500ish. It was dirty but still functioning fine but the BCG was bad enough that I decided 500 was too many. This time is wasn't bad at all.


All cleaned up and lubed the bolt with a bit of grease on the locking lugs. Oil everywhere else.

The barrel wasn't bad at all. All back together now ready for the new season (if I have time).

Did an inventory of ammo while I was down there. :confused: :confused:

At 44 rounds a match, this won't last long at all. Time to hit the press again.

Probably enough for 18 months or so. Heck, it could last until we have a new president if  get out as much as much as I have been lately. Still need to order more. I want to get some 80s for this year and see if they work better than the 77s out at 600. 77s have worked out great for me so far, but our club is in a valley and shielded from too much wind.
That is all I have. Pepper update next I hope. We are supposed to get rain all day tomorrow. That should help.
Jeff H said:
Still need to order more. I want to get some 80s for this year and see if they work better than the 77s out at 600. 77s have worked out great for me so far, but our club is in a valley and shielded from too much wind.
The 80's I have (Sierra MK, if I recall correctly) can't be loaded to standard mag lengths and work best in a Wylde chamber (longer throat).  Lets you load the bullet out longer, regain some case capacity for powder (!!) and not jam the bullet in to the lands in the process.
Pushing 80's out of a standard 223/5.56 chamber with standard throat may not work too well. Even if you go over standard magazine OAL, you'll be pretty deep in the case to avoid jamming the bullet in to the lands, which costs some powder capacity. Get them too long, they jam in to the lands on chambering (or worse, don't chamber fully, tempting you to smack the forward assist, pushing the bullet deeper in to the case...)
Either way that goes is not good; you'll get pressure spikes and irregular velocity, resulting in big vertical dispersion.
This being said, if you want to try them, PM me your addy and I'll send you what I have left to play with. I'm not doing anything with heavier 223 bullets anymore, and have no use for them! At the cost of projectiles nowadays someone might as well put them to good use. :)
TrentL said:
The 80's I have (Sierra MK, if I recall correctly) can't be loaded to standard mag lengths and work best in a Wylde chamber (longer throat). 
This being said, if you want to try them, PM me your addy and I'll send you what I have left to play with. I'm not doing anything with heavier 223 bullets anymore, and have no use for them! At the cost of projectiles nowadays someone might as well put them to good use. :)
Yep, I'm aware of that and yes I have a Wylde chamber (It is a Whiteoak upper).
Appreciate the offer on the bullets. PM inbound.
Jeff H said:
Yep, I'm aware of that and yes I have a Wylde chamber (It is a Whiteoak upper).
Appreciate the offer on the bullets. PM inbound.
Looks like you are all set for some good long range fun then. I'll clean the cobwebs out of my reloading room and send you a care pack. :)
TrentL said:
Looks like you are all set for some good long range fun then. I'll clean the cobwebs out of my reloading room and send you a care pack. :)
Thanks Trent. I just checked on my RL15 order from Graf's. I put 10# on back order 12 months ago. It is still on back order. :confused:  I have a few pounds left before I start using my IMR 4895 up. I wanted to save the 4895 for the M1, but it will work fine for heavy 223.
Back on the hot pepper topic, if the predicted storms this afternoon hold off until dark, I'll be getting a bunch of the irrigation system installed and/or modified to fit the garden this year. I want to get those drip lines under the mulch and mulch day is Friday. Plenty of photos once I get a chance to work on it.
Very nice Jeff!
All your hard work paid off and the garden looks spectacular!
I like the RL10 for loading the Ruger .204 loads I shoot out of the Cooper Arms rig. Chrony shows 4,350 and they are mas accurate. I'm like you, haven't loaded or shot anything in a while. Hopefully the attacks on us sportsmen will go way soon and the prices and availability will get back to normal.
Enjoy the rest of the week!
You said:Ruger #1 you say? Pretty cool, but I never thought of you as a single shot guy. Of course a 45/70 is mean enough that you might only want one shot in that light weight rifle. :rofl:
Broke it in with 350 grn bullets pushed to 2,100 fps- thats a bit ferocious in a lightweight No.1 Tropical for sure. Friend Billy just can't help packin em to the max...but he has a heavy ass 31" hex barrel and it does a better job of taming them down a bit. I was sure I was gonna some pressure signs on the cases , but none were evident.The scope came off pronto, after I felt it just tagging eyebrow hairs....full contact woulda left a bloody ring.Probably look for a good  1.5 x 4 with some longer eye relief then the 4x12 Nikon I removed.He shot the No 1 one time, and just handed it back to me with a funny look on his face :rofl:
As to the garden:What Dew said-All your hard work paid off and the garden looks spectacular!
Now I gotta get the hell outta here-just realized its 6pm!
Loving the info on your experience with the reapers and purées. No Butch T's in my plot, but I got two sets of reapers coming up. Looks like some good potential recipes/words of caution.
I have some chinenses behaving like your little jal's. Last year I let the fruits sit on 'em a bit too long and they never really grew as a result. I bet when you harvest they shoot up a bit bigger and give you a nice second or third pull. At least I'd be curious if it worked that way. Trying to maximize jal harvest over here... eat those guys like candy...
Okay, one last gun comment before moving to peppers. My brother has been asking me if I can get my hands on some nice 1/2" plate steel he can blow holes in with his garand (we got ours at the same time). Keep in mind I work for a structural steel fabricator. I finally found some nice pieces of 5/8" plate that were garbage. I promptly took them for shooting gongs.
I'll give them to my brother on one condition. No shooting closer than 100 yards. Rifle rounds will crater A36 steel pretty easy and ricochets can be dangerous.
Next time we have a job that needs AR500 plate, I'm ordering a couple extra pieces. :D

I doubt that M2 ammo will penetrate at 100 yards. We'll see.
Okay, peppers. Or more like irrigation system. I had an hour or so before the rain started today to make some progress with the irrigation system.

Timer from last year still works. That is a good sign.

Timer is connected to a hose. Hose is connected to a pressure regulator.

Pubes and Chinense will get dedicated drip lines with 1/2 GPH drip emitters. (old photo, srry)

Extended the line from last year. Top of the page is the old line. bottom is the new line. Shut off valve for future expansion.

Ran the new main line.

Terminated it with an end fitting.

Dripper lines for the annuums

Another view.

Got the sweet pepper and tomato bed one before the rain too. The rest tomorrow.