• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jeff H's 2014 glog- Season ending harvest pics.

Okay, time to kick this growing year off. First a pic from last year of the hydroponic scorpion right before I added it to the compost pile. The plant was so productive with 4 gallon freezer bags stuffed plus more already dried that not only did I decide to not overwinter it, but TSBTs won't be on the grow list next year. This was truly a beast and by far my most productive plant. IIRC, it was over 5' tall and just about as wide when hte branches were heavy with pods.
It was started about this time last year, so it is about time to start some of those pesky slower growing plants if I want them this big next year.

All good things come to an end. The plants will be chopped up and mixed with the leaves for compost.

Okay, with that out of the way, let's get started on next year.
First, a shot of some of the over winter plants in the upstairs window sill. I just plan on keeping them alive here with no real growth expected until I put them outside next year. The two small plants are scorpion clones from the monster. I still don't think they will make the grow next year, but I just couldn't kill it without taking a couple clones. Other overwinters in this pic include a ghost pepper, hot paper lantern hab, tabasco pepper, my largest and most productive giant jalapeno and a couple of others.

Now down into the grow room for an overall shot of what I am doing this year. The flood table is new, but everything else is the same from last year. Same 600W MH light and same mylar on the walls.

Now at this point, let me take a minute to explain that there is no organic soil in anything I brought inside, nor anything that I plan to plant this year. Everything will be hydroponic in one way or another. Even the plants upstairs. My soil for all plants not in the flood table is 50/50 perlite and peat moss. I water them with hydro nutes every few days, but probably can get away with once a week or so. Soil drains really well but the peat moss holds a decent amount of moisture. I'm hoping that we have no issues with root rot this year. I'm also betting that fungus gnats won't like this fast drying soil either. Well that and the mosquito dunks that will be in the hydro water if those bastards do show up again this year.
A close up of the "soil". Look at all that great perlite.


Now, looking at the plants in the flood table, the perlite/pete moss is about 80/20 and I flood hte table once a day. As it is, there is probably too much pete in the soil because the grow bags stay soaked all the time and I'm going to have mold issues. I need to rethink this, but this is what I have for now.
Here they are the day it was installed on Oct 21st.

Here they are a week later (last night). You can't really see it, but there are a couple of tiny growth nodes on the ghost pepper (big pot on the left) and the paper lantern in the black pot. No sign of growth on the monzano yet, but if you look close at the pot, you can see what looks like mold starting. I tossed a cup of H2O2 into the rez last night to kill it if it was mold. We'll see. Maybe plastic air pruning pots would be better suited, or giant net cups.

That is all for now. Join me back on the next update. I'm working hot and heavy on some clones and other projects that aren't quite ready to be photographed yet. Soon though.
stickman said:
Sweet setup for irrigation Jeff! That's what I'm aiming for next year...
Thanks Rick. I have to finish it tonight. I'll pick up a couple of yards of wood chips Friday and the irrigation system needs to be under the mulch. Two more main dripper lines to run and then I have to work on all the single drippers for the pots and front ghost pepper garden.
I fired it up this morning before I went to work and found a couple of leaks in the system from last year. Have to get those fixed too.
HillBilly Jeff said:
I think I got caught up.  Pepper pics, camper pics, gun pics, but no fishing pics.....WTF man!!! :)  Everything is looking good.
Sorry, no fishing pics. Come to think of it though, I haven't cooked anything worth photographing lately, maybe I'll fry up some fish soon. That is about as close to fishing as I will get.
JJJessee said:
Looking good, Jeff. Those beds are going to be a work of art come high summer!
Thanks Jesse, they have been enough darn work, I hope it pays off.
maximumcapsicum said:
The standards are high here on THP.
I don't know about that. There is a reason you don't see close ups of my annuum bed yet. They look like shit. Especially compared to yours. Mites did a real number on them this spring and I think the new soil is a bit too hot for them. They will come around, but not yet.
Finished the irrigation system today.

Even though this bed only has two rows of peppers (chinense and frut mostly) I put the same 3 lines in it since they will be under the mulch and you never know what will be planted next year.

Had just enough dripper line left for the herbs. Basil, thyme and rosemary here. Still need to get some oregano and mexican oregano if I can find it. The rest of the basil plants are keeping my tomatoes company.

Ghost pepper row gets dedicated drippers for each plant. Above are the two O/W red bhuts.

Indian carbon left, white bhut right.

Both white bhuts left and the really large naga morarch right.

And finally the pube garden. 3 monzanos left, 3 red rocotos right, all with drippers.
To recap, the drip lines are 1/2 gph inline drippers every 12". Most pepper plants are spaced 16" apart so once the roots spread, I should be able to reach the whole garden.
dedicated drippers are 1/2 gph also.
The plan is to run the timer for an hour or less every 3 days but I'm going to work up to that.  have is set right now at 40 minutes every 2 days and we'll see how the plants perform and adjust accordingly. No rain in hte 5 day forecast so I'm glad I finally got it all installed.
Cool dripper system. 
Mine was a little "low tech".
Old 50 foot hose that leaked horribly. 1/8" drill bit in a cordless drill. Holes every "oooh that's about good enough" apart. Tied a knot in the end (not driving to town 45 mile round trip to buy a 10 cent plastic end cap).
Good to go. :)
Would really love to get the irrigation stuff automated. I'm already spending a half hour a day watering sprouts and potted stuff. Got a LOT more garden growing this year and that 50 foot hose isn't going to cut it.
TrentL said:
Cool dripper system. 
Mine was a little "low tech".
Old 50 foot hose that leaked horribly. 1/8" drill bit in a cordless drill. Holes every "oooh that's about good enough" apart. Tied a knot in the end (not driving to town 45 mile round trip to buy a 10 cent plastic end cap).
Good to go. :)
Would really love to get the irrigation stuff automated. I'm already spending a half hour a day watering sprouts and potted stuff. Got a LOT more garden growing this year and that 50 foot hose isn't going to cut it.
Hey, I'm busy enough (as I'm sure you are) that the automated system really makes sense. It was well worth the effort last year to have one less thing to do and I'm sure it will be this year too.
Mulch day.





And the herb bed in the foreground. 

Two yards of wood chips spread about two inches thick. It didn't take as long as I thought and I'm not as sore as I thought I would be either. This should really help keep the moisture in the ground.
I'm just gonna sound like an echo again-nice job with irrigation.
My court is still out as to use wood chip mulch or pine straw when the time comes.....
What are the odds of a direct return ricochet....with a .50?.I can't make out the weapon , but that was his 1 pass....
I dug this up the other night after your M2 post...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzYH8ap1TDo
I've only seen 1 single fungus gnat in my room so far, so my single passenger plant(Braz. Ghost)is probably safe......wife says the others are doing great, so I'm glad I did decide to separate one from the herd as insurance.LOL...
Garden is looking great Jeff. They're really starting to take off. Your annuums will bounce back soon... wouldn't worry too much about 'em. A couple of my plants were green, defoliated leaves for a week or two thanks to some miscalculations with the cold temps and plastic sheeting.
gnslngr said:
I'm just gonna sound like an echo again-nice job with irrigation.
My court is still out as to use wood chip mulch or pine straw when the time comes.....
What are the odds of a direct return ricochet....with a .50?.I can't make out the weapon , but that was his 1 pass....
I dug this up the other night after your M2 post...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzYH8ap1TDo
I've only seen 1 single fungus gnat in my room so far, so my single passenger plant(Braz. Ghost)is probably safe......wife says the others are doing great, so I'm glad I did decide to separate one from the herd as insurance.LOL...
Interesting video. Great news on the fungus gnats. I didn't have much trouble with them at all either.
maximumcapsicum said:
Garden is looking great Jeff. They're really starting to take off. Your annuums will bounce back soon... wouldn't worry too much about 'em. A couple of my plants were green, defoliated leaves for a week or two thanks to some miscalculations with the cold temps and plastic sheeting.
Yep, they are already starting to look better.
stickman said:
Thumbs way up on the Drip Irrigation system installation and mulching Jeff... Continued success brother!
Thanks Rick.
Brand new pod shots.

Red Rocoto  that I started back in round 1.

Monzano over winter.

Another monzano.
So I was out of town over this weekend and it was hot and dry for the whole time I was gone. The irrigation system did it's job. Plants all look good.
maximumcapsicum said:
Awesome! Always great when the OW's kick back in.
Devv said:
I'm liking the pube pods!
Glad the irrigation system did it's job too. I have a few of those timers, my water ruins them. The mechanisms bind up from all the minerals. I wonder if vinegar would help.
Have a great week!
Thanks guys.
While walking the garden tonight, I saw a few more pods.

Paper Lanterns from an over Winter.

Corno di toro-- Tiny plant, one big pod.

Mini chocolate bell.


Bite Right