• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jeff's Glog- 2015 edition.--In the dirt

Here we go again. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Starting a little later this year. Right now, just some pubes. Supers in a week or two and the rest of the crew in Feb sometime.

Since the glog is pretty boring at this point, we'll get it off to a good start with some good food. Blackened chicken and dirty rice with jalapeno poppers.
TrentL said:
I had two growdown sprouts pop up today too! Planted 2-22
Made my way to AIM today to get the lower (I was driving right near there for work). They are in their new store now. It's pretty nice but mostly warehouse. They were busy as heck as you would expect with the M855 scare. The guy working the counter said it is their intent to try and keep $39.95 lowers in stock. We'll see if that happens or not.
Still don't know what to do with it. Probably just toss it in the safe for a rainy day project. Maybe a pistol. I don't have one of those.
stc3248 said:
Nice score on the tomato seeds! Oh...and congrats on the LOT baby as well!
Thanks Shane.
Jeff H said:
favorites that you recommend over the others?
Ive seen a couple people recommend the Paul Robeson, but have never tried it...

Wicked Mike said:
I also included a few nonpepper seeds as well. For anyone growing tomatoes, Paul Robeson is the best tomato I've ever eaten. If I were only going to grow one plant, that would be it.

Scorched said:
Paul Robeson, Druzba and Brandywine OTV are 3 I grew last year that were really damn good so growing again this year.
Things seem to be rolling along, Jeff.  
I hope your plant-out opportunity happens real soon!
Big day potting up the babies, but first a shot of a new side project: The smoker.


I updated my long abandoned Flog with some nice shots. http://thehotpepper.com/topic/45376-jeffs-flog-now-were-smoking/
Now back to peppers:
Photo for Essegi, these are my 3 Giant Rocotos. They don't look very giant yet.

The Bacs potted up: Aji Amarillo, Brazilian starfish and Bishops crown.

Tomatillos and 9 jalapenos.

This is the Chinense crew. Red Ghost, Jigsaw, Paper Lantern, MOA, Caribbean Red

Lots of Large Orange Thai's have sprouted now.

More of the rocotos. The front two were in the aero garden until Friday. The back two have been in soil their whole life. They are all 4 the same age.

I guess I didn't get a photo of the rest of the Jals, Big Jim's and poblanos. I thought I did, but I only have one photo left.
Group shot.

Still to pot up: the round 1 tomatoes and 1/2 of a tray of annuums. I ran out of soil.
Pulpiteer said:
Wow, that's a big difference between the aerogarden and soil.  Interesting.
Food looks amazing.
I thought so too. It is cooler in the basement than the kitchen (where the Aerogarden is) so I'm sure that has something to do with it as well.
PaulG said:
A perfect example of the great start the AeroGarden gives to the plants.
Everything looking good, Jeff.  Nice smoker!
Yep. I think Jamie referred to it as the cheater tank in the Growdown thread. In my 1st year using it, I'm impressed. One criticism though: The Aerogarden doesn't have an air stone. That keeps its usefulness limited to herbs and seedlings. Anything larger will require more oxygen than they can likely get from the water. If I do start to see root rot as the herbs get older, I'll have to bust out an air pump and stone.
Essegi said:
Thanks Jeff! For sure all looks great!!
For sure must improve my germ technique for that one btw, it's my weaker point.
I don't know how well I documented it, but I must have tried to start 30+ rocoto seeds this winter and have 7 total plants growing as a result (not counting the O/W). My germ technique works for everything else, but not for these....I only started a couple from seed in the aero garden, but it is batting 100% so next year all of my difficult plants go in there from now on. 
Jeff H said:
I don't know how well I documented it, but I must have tried to start 30+ rocoto seeds this winter and have 7 total plants growing as a result (not counting the O/W). My germ technique works for everything else, but not for these....I only started a couple from seed in the aero garden, but it is batting 100% so next year all of my difficult plants go in there from now on.
Nice to know.
I'm already planning to start on ealy december rocotos, mid jan chinense, february for annuums... That way i have room to plant a lot and a month to wait.
"The Aerogarden doesn't have an air stone."
I drilled out one of the two little ports in the top of the aerogarden
so I could put in an air stone.  Kept the chili Costa Rica growing
lush and healthy.  I used it this season even for starting the seeds.
Lots of nice looking plants Jeff!
And the smoker, one can't be without one. You'll love it!
BTW, something premature happened this week while on spring break. LB and I were headed to a well known nursery to see what they have this spring. At a red light LB said "look a guitar store, let's go and see". I said "no, you don't want me going in there". She insisted "we can just look". I said "You know THAT won't happen". We got inside and I went straight to an American Standard Strat (sunburst 3 color) and was staring at it. "That's what you want? Buy it, I can't remember the last time you bought a new toy for yourself". Came home with that and a Fender Super Champ X2, A nice little amp for the dining room where I make noise ;)  That guitar is like driving a fine automobile, I just need to get better...I now split time between the acoustic and it.
Have a great week!
Essegi said:
Nice to know.
I'm already planning to start on ealy december rocotos, mid jan chinense, february for annuums... That way i have room to plant a lot and a month to wait.
Sounds like a good plan. I think most of us do roughly the same type of plan.
PaulG said:
"The Aerogarden doesn't have an air stone."
I drilled out one of the two little ports in the top of the aerogarden
so I could put in an air stone.  Kept the chili Costa Rica growing
lush and healthy.  I used it this season even for starting the seeds.
Good to know Paul. Thanks for the info.
Devv said:
Lots of nice looking plants Jeff!
And the smoker, one can't be without one. You'll love it!
BTW, something premature happened this week while on spring break. LB and I were headed to a well known nursery to see what they have this spring. At a red light LB said "look a guitar store, let's go and see". I said "no, you don't want me going in there". She insisted "we can just look". I said "You know THAT won't happen". We got inside and I went straight to an American Standard Strat (sunburst 3 color) and was staring at it. "That's what you want? Buy it, I can't remember the last time you bought a new toy for yourself". Came home with that and a Fender Super Champ X2, A nice little amp for the dining room where I make noise ;)  That guitar is like driving a fine automobile, I just need to get better...I now split time between the acoustic and it.
Have a great week!
Oh hell yeah. :party: I just love my American Strat. It doesn't pair well with a lot of heaver music I play, but when I want a nice clean sound or something blusy, it is the one I go for. Next one on my bucket list is a Les Paul, but at twice the price of a strat, that will have to wait until the kids are out of the house I think. :confused:
We need pics by the way. There is a thread for that http://thehotpepper.com/topic/12341-post-your-guitar-porn-here/
Jeff H said:
Sounds like a good plan. I think most of us do roughly the same type of plan.
Btw are u planning to plant Giant Mexican Rocotos on pots or on ground?
I'm evaluating to change type (maybe Locato?) becuase if they need ground i don't have the right place (Sun on full day or only hottest hours and that sounds wrong). I was thinking that "giant" was referring to pods, but what if to plant itself? :P
Essegi said:
Btw are u planning to plant Giant Mexican Rocotos on pots or on ground?
I'm evaluating to change type (maybe Locato?) becuase if they need ground i don't have the right place (Sun on full day or only hottest hours and that sounds wrong). I was thinking that "giant" was referring to pods, but what if to plant itself? :P
I understood the "giant" to refer to the fruit size, but I think all rocotos can get pretty large if conditions are right. Mine never got as big as the superhots though, there always seemed to be some reason.
I'll probably put two in the dirt and one in a 10 or 15 gallon grow bag. We'll see.
slade122 said:
Nice work so far jeff, babies are looking good!
Can't wait to see what comes out in a few months!
Thanks for stopping in Slade.
Devv said:
Lots of nice looking plants Jeff!
And the smoker, one can't be without one. You'll love it!
BTW, something premature happened this week while on spring break. LB and I were headed to a well known nursery to see what they have this spring. At a red light LB said "look a guitar store, let's go and see". I said "no, you don't want me going in there". She insisted "we can just look". I said "You know THAT won't happen". We got inside and I went straight to an American Standard Strat (sunburst 3 color) and was staring at it. "That's what you want? Buy it, I can't remember the last time you bought a new toy for yourself". Came home with that and a Fender Super Champ X2, A nice little amp for the dining room where I make noise ;)  That guitar is like driving a fine automobile, I just need to get better...I now split time between the acoustic and it.
Have a great week!
Scott this reminds me of my friend John & his wife have fun Jamming out bud enjoy!
stickman said:
Well, 4 out of 20 isn't a great ratio, but it sure beats zero...  I think the biggest threats to Pube seedlings are fungus and aphids. If you can get them past those hurdles they should be golden. :)
Do you have any rockwool laying around? It would be an interesting experiment to compare how seedlings do in several growing mediums in the Aerogarden... say the sponges that come with the unit, rapid rooters and rockwool...
Continued success Jeff!
I culled my pineapple rocotos down to a chosen four did not soak seeds just put them in the dirt had to wait a good while and was worried I made a mistake but they finally started to come up.
As it is now I am sunburned and my plants have wind damage/stress etc form transplanting outside when it was in the 70s with some wind and occasionally gust lesson learned but I think they are going to make it
I am deciding what to plant next tomatoes are a given
Jeff H said:
I think I do have some rock wool cubes left around here somewhere. Good thought.
On the pube count, there is 3 in the Aerogarden that have sprouted, and at least 4 that look like they will likely live in dirt. Add in my O/W, and if everything lakes it through the winter, I should have as many pubes as I was  planning on . :pray: But, since I have the aero garden... might as well try a clone or two. My wife doesn't really need fresh herbs quite yet. :halo:
Thanks Scott.
Appreciate the info Paul. This little thing is pretty cool.
Well everyone, I'll get some pics up over the weekend, but in a nutshell, onions hit the dirt yesterday. I just filled an entire nursery tray with dirt and sprinkled a ton of seeds out. Two different yellow storage onions and one red onion.
Annuums hit the dirt this weekend (they have been in a damp paper towel for a week so some may have germinated already). Tomatillos too. I'll fill a 72 cell tray with the annuums for sure.
How big is your aerogarden Jeff?
They have two sizes at Walmart and Menard's I am kinda interested in them.
Also what kind of tomatillos do you have?
Jeff H said:
They go outside much earlier than peppers (6-7 weeks from now) and they don't seem to grow real fast indoors. It is my hope that I don't need to transplant them at all. Last year, I put them in individual 72 cell containers. I was very underwhelmed at plant out time as to how small the root system was.
I like to grow some garlic but it might be easier just to buy minced like I did last year
Jeff H said:
They go outside much earlier than peppers (6-7 weeks from now) and they don't seem to grow real fast indoors. It is my hope that I don't need to transplant them at all. Last year, I put them in individual 72 cell containers. I was very underwhelmed at plant out time as to how small the root system was.
I like to grow some garlic but it might be easier just to buy minced like I did last year
Just Finished reading your glog Jeff you been a busy man a lot going on here .
Your plants are looking good best of luck this season!
PaulG said:
"The Aerogarden doesn't have an air stone."
I drilled out one of the two little ports in the top of the aerogarden
so I could put in an air stone.  Kept the chili Costa Rica growing
lush and healthy.  I used it this season even for starting the seeds.
+1 on that! I use a light soil-less mix for starting seedlings so they get enough air. Some folks add sharp sand to increase the pore sizes in the soil for that reason.
Devv said:
Lots of nice looking plants Jeff!
And the smoker, one can't be without one. You'll love it!
BTW, something premature happened this week while on spring break. LB and I were headed to a well known nursery to see what they have this spring. At a red light LB said "look a guitar store, let's go and see". I said "no, you don't want me going in there". She insisted "we can just look". I said "You know THAT won't happen". We got inside and I went straight to an American Standard Strat (sunburst 3 color) and was staring at it. "That's what you want? Buy it, I can't remember the last time you bought a new toy for yourself". Came home with that and a Fender Super Champ X2, A nice little amp for the dining room where I make noise ;)  That guitar is like driving a fine automobile, I just need to get better...I now split time between the acoustic and it.
Have a great week!
my cheap smoker....

not bad for $80
TrentL said:
I had two growdown sprouts pop up today too! Planted 2-22
sowed 10 large orange thai seeds on march 1st....