A woman goes to the hospital for a scheduled surgery to reduce the size of her vaginal lips. Initially, she explicitly told the doc not to tell ANYBODY. The surgery starts and continues for 3 hours.
A couple hours after the surgery, the woman wakes up in recovery and sees that there are 3 roses on her table.
"DOOOOOOOC!" She yelled.
The Doctor rushed over to her room to see what was wrong.
"WH-WH-WHAAA...? WHAT IS IT?!?!" Questioned the Doctor.
The woman furiously said, "I specifically told you that I didn't want anyone knowing why I'm here."
"I know you did. What are you talking about?" Said the Doctor.
"There are 3 roses on my table. Where did they come from?" She asked.
I don't think you understand....." started the Doctor.
Continuing, the Doctor explained..."One rose is from me, because I felt horribly about you having to go through this alone. Aside from me, I DID let 2 other people know the basics of the surgery. The nurse who assisted me, because she had the same surgery a year earlier......"
"Yes?" Asked the woman. "What about the third rose?"
The third rose is from Mr. Pratt, a very nice man up in the burn unit. He wanted to thank you for his new ears."

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