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Josh's Pepper Plants '09

PeteyPepper said:
Ya man, those Jala's look real nice!


Yea they were good. I was going to wait until they turned red but they were taking forever. Longer than all my superhots, which I think is crazy.
patrick said:
Looking good Josh. What are the long red ones on the right middle of the second pic? Them Jimmy Nardello's?

They're Charleston Hots. I tried one the other day and the heat just wasn't there. I hope the next one I try is better. They are supposed to be fairly hot.
Jalapenos look huge and hot - Josh. Corking is supposed to mean more heat and yours certainly have it in spades.
Josh said:
Yea they were good. I was going to wait until they turned red but they were taking forever. Longer than all my superhots, which I think is crazy.

I had the same situation with mine. I waited for almost 6 weeks AFTER they got big until they turned red. I ended up letter 2-3 turn red and just plucked the rest early.
Nice jals, I really love the jalapeno M. I think the problem with jals is, because they are so thick fleshed they always take a long time to ripen
Nice jals, I really love the jalapeno M. I think the problem with jals is, because they are so thick fleshed they always take a long time to ripen

Yea they were good, but too hot for my family. They said they were delicious and kept eating them, but urged me to grow a variety with less heat in seasons to come. They were by no means hot, but had a bigger bite than I expected.

I don't know enough about the ripening process to say, but that sounds about right. Possibly the thicker the skin the longer it takes to convert whatever into sugars. Clearly I am just speculating. By the way the word "whatever" is a technical term.
bigt said:
Jalapenos look huge and hot - Josh. Corking is supposed to mean more heat and yours certainly have it in spades.

Thanks, as I said to Potawie they were not hot, but had a bigger bite than I expected. I honestly thought their heat would be almost imperceptible.
Noshownate said:
mmmmm beer batter.

Yea it was good. I even fried the left over batter. I basically made crispy blobs of dough and topped them with Velveeta cheese mixed with a can of Ro-Tel tomatoes and chiles. It was filling but good.
that's the finest bowl of corked jalapenos I have seen in a long time Josh...well done...
AlabamaJack said:
that's the finest bowl of corked jalapenos I have seen in a long time Josh...well done...

Hey, thanks AJ I really appreciate that. They are in my raised bed so are doing really well. Still plenty left on the small bush. I hope to do another round of poppers in the near future and clear off most of the pods so it can load back up. That way I can hopefully get one more good harvest before the cold weather comes.
Wow Josh every one of those peppers in your harvest pics looks too perfect to be real. Those jalapenos are absolutely badass, and I love the look of those Ring of Fire ones too. Threads like this are what make me so excited that I get to grow in a raised bed next year!
Txclosetgrower said:
Wow Josh every one of those peppers in your harvest pics looks too perfect to be real. Those jalapenos are absolutely badass, and I love the look of those Ring of Fire ones too. Threads like this are what make me so excited that I get to grow in a raised bed next year!

Very kind words TX. Thanks a lot. Yea I love my raised bed. I have 4 plants in the one I have now but am putting another one in next season. As for the Ring of Fire, their flavor isn't anything special but they do have a little zip to them. The small bush produced a decent amount but I probably won't grow it again. I think it would be a great plant for someone with very limited space. It stays pretty compact.
Well, it has been a while since I have posted any updates. July was an awful month. For some reason my potted plants simply stopped growing and began to yellow. You may remember I posted a thread asking for help. I tried all the recommendations on different plants in an attempt to figure out the problem. Sadly nothing worked. Once August rolled around I decided on a radical solution. I planted them all in the ground. Since then they have all bounced back and are doing well. They are not as big as the plants that are in my raised bed but what can you do. Below is a shot of today's harvest. As requested, I am also including two shots of my Douglah pods. I have a list of those who asked for seeds and will probably be PMing you in the near future.

L to R, T to B (Kind Of haha)
Okie Joes Hanoi/Peter Cross, Joe's Long Cayenne, Serrano, Charleston Hot
Orange Habanero, Inferno, Tabasco
Chocolate Habanero, Florida Bird, Cayenne Type that was supposed to be a Thai Red, Fatalii
Red 7 Pot/Pod, Bhuts and Nagas, Yellow 7 Pot/Pod, Douglah
Thai Reds
Sorry I know that is horribly confusing but it is late and my pepper layout wasn't very conducive to labeling.



Beautiful harvest Josh! The Joe's Long cayenne up top are my wife's new favorite. What are the phat red pods on the bottom right, 7 or scorpions? Your Bhut Jolokia will give the standard in all chile, a solid 10. Nice yellow pod next to the T. Douglah, what is it? And what is your source of the Douglah? Great lookin' pods enjoys all the heat.:lol: