• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

JoynersHotPepper 2015 Pepper Party

So far behind this year, have not even made a list for 2015. This shall be the week to shed the lazy!
Good to know about the sand.  I had issues this year in the germination station.  Tried cinnamon with no luck at all.  Tried H2O2, which helped, but didn't eliminate the problem.  Finally put pieces of mosquito dunk (Bt) in the water and that knocked them out.
Sawyer said:
Good to know about the sand.  I had issues this year in the germination station.  Tried cinnamon with no luck at all.  Tried H2O2, which helped, but didn't eliminate the problem.  Finally put pieces of mosquito dunk (Bt) in the water and that knocked them out.
Yep dunks work but I have found with sand I never have them to worry about...adults cannot lay eggs
Nice coloration and variegation on those.
Maybe you said somewhere upthread, in which case I missed it, but what make and model of camera will you use for the macro shots?
I fill like such an ass for some reason when I'm trying to take pictures of my plants. Got neighbors behind me that are always watching me work in the back yard. Give me the fcking creeps. I have the same lens but my body is a T2i. I need to send it in to get cleaned though. I got dust inside the body I think
D3monic said:
I fill like such an ass for some reason when I'm trying to take pictures of my plants. Got neighbors behind me that are always watching me work in the back yard. Give me the fcking creeps. I have the same lens but my body is a T2i. I need to send it in to get cleaned though. I got dust inside the body I think
All these photos are the iPhone only....