contest June - Burger Royale

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I'm going to top my veggie burger with a 16 oz medium rare ribeye, 2 pounds of bacon, and 2 thick cut grilled pork chops.

Don't worry, there won't be any meat in the actual burger.

Bootise already did that :lol:
You had fries and onion gravy on your last burger. Those are veggies bro!

Funny how when people hear vegetarian they forget about all the good stuff! Cheeeee! Come on!
oh, you guys are going to have to bow down and kiss my ring on this one. I've got the cats ass in the bag (and no it's not going in the burger)

You guys mine as well not even enter. This one's a screw everyone kinda awesome! Golden stairs will ascend down from the sky's for a look at this piece of perfection. Oh May'un!
I know you guys will bust out the good ingredients... those stuck in "veggie sucks" mode will be busting out some chopped broccoli non-creative disasters! :lol:
Soyrizo it is.

Why don't you try something OUTSIDE your comfort zone?


Hey ya'll, Here's some porn...



Veggie's ain't a bad 'thang...
Looking pretty good ya'll!


The verdict:
"hey! not bad!"
Lest anyone forget........

I won the only veggie (unofficial) t-down w've had. Do I have a crown for it? That would be a NO.....

Am I torn up about it???........ :rofl:
This week is completely out of my comfort zone, but I'll give it a shot anyway. I think I might have a good idea too.

and NO! There will be no fake meat in it...
Oh Poo!

I'm not gonna vote for anything that uses frozen store-bought meat like fake bacon. If you want fake bacon the challenge would be to make it. Why vote for the best shopper?

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