JungleRain's 2010/2011 season

One of my C. Lanceolatums from last year. I had thought this one was dead and discarded it,and then today I accidentally ripped it up when emptying some old pots, so I cut it back and had to repot it.I hope it survives....


Kellu Uchu also known as Aji Lemon Drop (PI 315024)


and heres a C. Pubescens (CGN 23768), that grew over winter its just ripening now.

Here one I got labled 7 Molhos, C. Chinese
however it turned out to be a C. Annuum, does anyone have any ideas of what it could be????

7 Molhos NOT
7Molhos_unripe pod NOT


7Molhos_flower NOT

A couple of interesting variants of AISPES hybrids "Pimenta Elisa"

Bhut Jolokia x PDN black pimenta elisa f2 AISPES


Bhut Jolokia x PDN green pimenta elisa f2 AISPES

Here are some new pics of My white flowered C. Pubescens, which is in its second year and has only just started to produce pods

CGN22797 White_flower


CGN22797 White_first pod

Wow everything is looking wonderful,, I had to do a double take at that Bhut X Black pimenta though,Is that my imagination,,Nope,.. there is a kid in that picture! :) very cool !
Awesome plants man!
No, thats the little leprechaun that lives down the bottom of my garden under the rainbow, we're going to do a deal later in the season, some peppers for his gold :)

Wow everything is looking wonderful,, I had to do a double take at that Bhut X Black pimenta though,Is that my imagination,,Nope,.. there is a kid in that picture! :) very cool !
Awesome plants man!
Hey Grant, nice pics man! The remains of you're grow are doing well! little bit of news for you, My Scorp x Giant White Hab are all but ripe now, they are a full coat of orange so I'll wait a couple of days until they darken then I'll pick and get some seeds to you! Hope you had a good chrissy and new years mate, take it easy.

