JungleRain's 2010/2011 season

Ola Brito, eu adicionei algumas meninas mais brasileiro da lista, espero que eu vou adicionar um pouco mais ainda!!

Ola Brito, I have added a few more Brasillian girls to the list, hopefully I'll add a few more still!!!!

[quote name='Brito's Pepper' date='15 July 2010 - 10:05 AM' timestamp='1279148731' post='360543']
Hi Grant,
Great list you have there guy, I wish you have a good harvest again :cool:
At last, I am happy cause you have even one Brazilian with you :lol:
Good luck my friend :cool:
Take care :)
This weekend 01/08/2010 I have 110 varieties germinating, I haven't been on the forum for some time as
I have a serious neck injury which has been causing me a bit of pain for a while and I haven't been able to plant seed till the start of August,
which is much later than when I planted seeds last year so hopefully I haven't started them too late.
Also I still have 50 varieties from last years crop still growing.
I'm sure I'll still plant a few more varieties yet this season!!!

The Beginning;




Bhut Jolokia Chocolate x 7pot/pod Yellow f3
Bhut Jolokia x Hab Red Mayan
Bhut Jolokia x PDN (pimenta elisa) f2
Cuppucino Kapowie
Fatalii x Cleos Dragon
Fatalii x Peruvian Chinense
Fatalii Hybrid
Jalabenero...Jalepeno x Habanero
Nagalone chocolate
T Scorp x Bhut Jolokia
7pot/pod white hybrid f3
7pot/pod white hybrid f3 strain2
Devils tongue white f3
Bhut Jolokia x Giant White Habanero f3
Douglah x f2

C. Pubescens

Brown Rocoto
CGN 19243 Gondol
White Rocoto

C. Chinense

7 Molhos
7 pot/pod Primo
Aji Cachucha
Ajoema chocolate
Bhut Jolokia yellow strain 1
Bhut Jolokia yellow strain 2
Bhut Jolokia yellow strain 3
Bhut Jolokia from Guhahat
Bhut Jolokia from Jorhat
BGH 1723
BGH 4224
Big Bang Naga
GRIF 9225
GRIF 9238
GRIF 9246
Habanero Chocolate Twisted
Habanero Caribbean Red with tail
Habanero Condors Beak
Habanero Pink
Habanero Peach
Habanero Tixpehual
Hawaii Beach Pepper
Habanero Vietnam
Inca Glow
Luiza Yellow Pumpkin
Monster Naga
Mayamar Naga 1
Mayamar Naga 2
Naga Bali
Olho De Peixe
Pimenta Morango
PI 315019
PI 315022
PI 315023
PI 199506
PI 441619
PI 438642
PI 439410
PI 439370
PI 257067
PI 215733
PI 224448
PI 439479
PI 439420
PI 439447
Roatan Pumpkin
Rapa Ticao
Scotch Bonnet Foodarama
Siling Labuto
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
Trinidad Scorpion CARDI yellow
Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate
Trinidad Scorpion green
Peito De Moca

C. Baccatum

Aji Panca
Snow White

C. Frutescens

CGN 16985 Parvoacuminatum
CGN 22817 Lombok
GRIF 9223
GRIF 9229

C. Annuum

CGN 17232 Emamapa
CGN 20506 Urka Bangla
CGN 23579 Kirmou
Cheese Pimento
Hot FIsh
Tiny Samoa
Bellingrath Gardens
Purple Flash
Marconi Golden


CAP 1498
CGN 19198 f3
C. Ciliatum
Cumari Large
Cumari Irregular
Cumari Do Werner
Cumari da Mata
Pimenta do Interior do Brasil
Passarinho Parnif
4 Cores Do Santiago
Pimenta Trepadeira Do Werner (this one should be very interesting... apparently it has the characteristics of a climber , vine. from Brasil)
Ulpica Large


7pot/pod Brain
7pot/pod Barrakapore
7pot/pod Douglah strain 1
7pot/pod Douglah strain 2
7pot/pod Jonah
7pot/pod Julian
7pot/pod Long
7pot/pod White
7pot/pod Yellow
Aji Limon
Aji Pineapple
Antalais Caribbean
Bahamian Finger
Bahamian Goat Pepper
Berbere Hot
Bhut Jolokia Assam
Bhut Jolokia Choc
Bhut x GWH f2
Big Sun
Bih Jolokia
Bonda Ma Jaque
CGN 21469
CGN 23209
Cumari do Para
Devils Tongue White
Dorset Naga
Fatalli Yellow
Hab Chocolate
Hab Mustard
Hab Wht Jellybean
Habanero Golden
Naga Morich
PI 441620
PI 441680
PI 497982
PI 572560
PI 585278
PI 614001
Pimenta Preta Laranja
Prik Gai Riang
Scotch Bonnet TFM
T Scorp Huge
T Scorp SR
T. Scorp Chocolate
T. Scorp Moruga
T. Scorp Moruga yellow
T. Scorp Sunrise
T. Scorp x T. Congo
T.scorp AJ
Trinidad Scorpion
Grant my friend,
Huge production of seedling and great list of new girls :clap:
Good luck guy, I could not see the Cumari specie amoung yours which I sent to you, have you recieved them?
Take care my friend :) :cool:
Grant...your grow list and gardens continue to amaze me! :shocked: I wish you a wonderful grow season and look forward to watching your progress. :cool:
Hi guys, I haven't posted in a while, just now I'm in Thailand for 1 months holiday, I should have a few pics mid October when I get back
Hi guys, I haven't posted in a while, just now I'm in Thailand for 1 months holiday, I should have a few pics mid October when I get back
hi grant

how's your holiday ? your neck any better now ?? hmmm thailand.. got lots of massage places there for your neck ... :)

take care

Ok so after a great begininng.......things began to fall apart,:mouthonfire:
I left my babies with a baby sitter whist we were away in Thailand and of course you can guess what went wrong!!!!!
they weren't properly looked after.:pray: &^*&^%$^%$$#)
So now this is what I have left :banghead: ;

CAP 1498
4 Cores Do Santiago
7pot/pod Primo
7pot/pod white hybrid f3
Aji Cachucha
Bellingrath Gardens
Bhut Jolokia Joraht
Bhut Jolokia x Red Mayan
Bhut Jolokia x T Scorp
Bhut Jolokia yellow strain1
Bhut Jolokia yellow strain 2
Big Bang Naga
Brazilian Interior
C. Cilatum
CGN 16985 Parvoacuminatum
CGN 17232 Emamapa
CGN 19243 Gondol
CGN 20506 Urka Bangla
CGN 22817 Lombok
CGN 23579 Kirmou
Cheese Pimento
Cumari Interior
Cuppucino Kapowie
Devils Tongue white f3
Bhut Jolokia x PDN strain 1 (pimenta elisa) f2
Bhut Jolokia x PDN strain 2 (pimenta elisa) f2
Fatalii Cream
Hab Condors Beak
Habanero Caribbean/tail
Habanero red Mayan
Habanero Tixpehual
Habolokia Chocolate
Hawaii Beach Pepper
Huge choc twisted Hab
Luiza yellow pumpkin
Marconi Golden
Monster Naga
Myamar Naga strain 2
Naga Bali
Naga Jolokia x Tobasco f2
Nagalone chocolate
Peito de Moca
PI 439410
Roatan Pumpkin
Rocoto white
Scotch Bonnet Foodarama
Siling Labuyo
Snow White
T. S Cardi yellow
T. Scorp butch t
T. Scorp chocolate f3
T. Scorp green
T. Scorp x Pimento Morango strain1
T. Scorp x Pimento Morango strain2
Pimenta Trepadeira Do Werner

I've still to get them in the ground but with this damn injured neck things are slow
I'll try and post a few pics later today or this week end...
also most of my over wintered plants died also, I think there are around 10 or so left