JungleRain's 2010/2011 season

Bhut Jolokia x 7pot/pod yellow V1 F3





Bhut Jolokia x Habanero Red Mayan





Big Bang Naga


Cardi yellow Trinidad Scorpion x BhutJolokia


Cuppacino Kapowie


Fatalii x CleosDragon


Habolokia chocolate Habanero chocolate x Bhut Jolokia Talas Strain


Monster Naga


Naga Morich x Tobasco V1 F2


Pimenta Elisa_grn AISPES BhutJolokia x Pimentade Neyde F2





Could anyone tell me the origins of these peppers???;

Monster Naga


Bang Naga
Grant, you should keep records of all your crosses.it could be the best cross library for hot peppers in the planet.where do you keep all these pepper plants?
Thanks Srin, records being kept!!! all the peppers I grow are in my front & back yard as well as families homes, this next season will be superhots, hybrids and AISPES varieties
Could anyone tell me the origins of these peppers???;
Monster Naga
Kapowie Cuppacino
Big Bang Naga

Grant i'm not sure...but i think those came from Potawie. But Potawie can answer that
It's great you are getting some pods now Grant. I have had the same problem with some plants flowering but not fruiting :(
I really like the look of T.Scorp x Pimenta Morango and Bhut x Pimenta De Neyde. Do they keep the heat of the superhots? Awesome colours on those. How is your sauce making going?
Thanks Srin, records being kept!!! all the peppers I grow are in my front & back yard as well as families homes, this next season will be superhots, hybrids and AISPES varieties
you really need to put the copyright sign on your photos. so that i should not be used by anyone else. looking forward to see your compiled records as a pdf book /or a coffee table book :)

is it easy to get empty plots of land near your place ?? hmm looks like you are over crowded with peppers. :) hehe
Those are some great crosses! Two of my top favorites together in the CARDI Yellow Trinidad Scorpion x Bhut Jolokia. I think it would make some great powder.
It's great you are getting some pods now Grant. I have had the same problem with some plants flowering but not fruiting :(
I really like the look of T.Scorp x Pimenta Morango and Bhut x Pimenta De Neyde. Do they keep the heat of the superhots? Awesome colours on those. How is your sauce making going?

yes so far they have kept the heat as the super hots.... but not as hot
the sauce making is still coming along, hopefully in a couple of months all will be finished

you really need to put the copyright sign on your photos. so that i should not be used by anyone else. looking forward to see your compiled records as a pdf book /or a coffee table book :)

is it easy to get empty plots of land near your place ?? hmm looks like you are over crowded with peppers. :) hehe

thanks Srin and yes I'll have to get around to placing my name on the pics, plenty of empty land were I live

Great pictures and amazing variety.
Absolutely amazing :dance: :dance:

thanks Domenico, my season will be over in about 2 more weeks.....time to start the new one soon

Those are some great crosses! Two of my top favorites together in the CARDI Yellow Trinidad Scorpion x Bhut Jolokia. I think it would make some great powder.

I'll choose the best hybrids to continue season next ....and maybe add a few more
Bhut Jolokia xRed Mayan


Trinidad Scorpion CARDI yellow x Bhut Jolokia


Fatalii x Cleo's Dragon


Pimenta Elisa grn AISPES ... Bhut Jolokia x Pimenta de Neyde


Trinidad Scorpion x Bhut Jolokia

yes this is the one, Jon.
the other variation was a green plant but died early at the start,
I'm happy with this one though, lets hope the next generation stays black......