Justaguy's 2011 Garden Season

Ok have a little pepper porn

My first Red Habs. All of them will go to market since I only use Caribbean Red Habs for my sauce when Habs are needed.


My first Yellow 7pot


This is the first Fatalli that grew. First pod and first to change color, but red? Been red for 3+ days so today I picked it and on the window sill it goes to see if it is going to go yellow. I hope this whole bed isn't red as the seed came from Yellow ones.


Cumari Passarinho
Does this look right? The seed I grew these from were open pollinated.


From what I've seen, fatalii's generally go from green to yellow - no red stage in between. Maybe you got seeds mixed up, or it's a cross? All my fataliis (and pretty much everything chinense) are quite green right now - I don't expect any to ripen for probably at least another couple weeks. The peach habs were the first to start coming out, and they're just barely starting to change.

At any rate, your plants are looking good and healthy!
The seed all came from the same source/no mix up hopefully it is just a freak as it is the very first pod that set. 1 or 2 hundred more ready to ripen yet and several hundred more from just set to almost full grown. All are the same shape. The flavor when green is right and Hot. If they all go red I will have some different colors in some sauces but the flavor and heat are what is the most important IMO.
Ok so today I decided to take some shots.

Yesterday This guy snapped off when I lifted him for a pic.
Trinidad Red Scorpion

This is one that is still on

And here is one that is doing good. Nice Tail

This sneaky Indonesian Chile from last year came up un-noticed

Here is a Moruga Scorpion

And Finally for today the Yellow 7Pod. I swear this has got pimples on pimples

Here is the same pod 8 days ago
Ya the heat here has been brutal this year. Normally we are in the mid to upper 90s and tipping the scale over 100 from time to time but nothing like what we have had this year. Today officially marked the 34th day of consecutive 100+ temps and we are on track to keep that going all the way through August. July and Aug are always the hottest parts of the year here. My poor plants have been beaten day after day and although they are still alive and growing they are nothing near what they should be. What really gets me is the people who say the plants should be just fine because they come from an area with high heat. I'd like to put a rant about that, but I won't :).

I am still fascinated by how much plants can grow in just a few short days, as well as how much bigger pods can get. Your yellow 7-pot kind of makes me think about when my kids were little - one day the shoes went on, no problem. The next? Problem! Good thing this type of "kid" doesn't need shoes!
Those morouga and yellow 7s are looking fierce!! Sorry about your fatalii, I hope the remaining ones are yellow!!!
From what I have been told they are standard Red Fatalli's. I taste Habanero though. Thinking if I can get Yellow Fatalli's next year I will be trying to make a Fatalli/Jimmy Nardello cross and a Fatalli/Naga Morich cross.
OK time for height updates.

Naga Jolokias

Caribbean Red Habaneros

Caribbean Red Habanero X Jimmy Nardello(Mother) - 2010 Cross Project - this is the only one to be want I wanted.

Brain Strain - this one is fighting for the light with the cross above. The other is in a pot.


Cumari ou Passarinho

Chocolate Habanero(Mother) X Indonesian Chile

Bhut Jolokias

Naga Morich

Yellow Scorpions
Yellow 7Pods

Butch T's until Not from Alphaeon

Trinidad Red Scorpions

2010 Cross Project - Not the desired. Still Isolated just in case

Fatalii Bed Center

Fatalii Bed Outer Ring

And now for some Fatalii PORN
These are the yellow Fatalii phenotype I am told

Abd some Red Fatalii's
Suuuuwwwwweeet! If you got BT from those seeds I kept the wrong seeds :rofl:

You have 2 of the red peppers that came off the NOT bush, so when you try them you will see they are :mouthonfire: