Justaguy's 2011 Garden Season

Some more shots. Here is my first ripe Moruga Scorp


Cats took out most of another Fatalii. More steps will be taken. Pods are in the dehydrator to be flaked for on the garden.

Chocolate Hab(mother) X Indonesian Chile: this cross is going crazy. Here is the first to start to ripen. I have 2 pods after this one that are isolated. It is odd. Was hoping for chocolate to come through but I guess red is dominant. The plant is blowing up huge and bushy like an Indonesian Chile on steroids. My Indonesian Chile plants this year will never get this big.

What does this look like? :D it is a red hab on one of the plants marked "Caribbean Red Hot". these aren't Caribbean Red Habs, they are just red habs. There are some big ones on there. Still prefer Caribbean Red Habs
Some more shots. Here is my first ripe Moruga Scorp


Cats took out most of another Fatalii. More steps will be taken. Pods are in the dehydrator to be flaked for on the garden.

Chocolate Hab(mother) X Indonesian Chile: this cross is going crazy. Here is the first to start to ripen. I have 2 pods after this one that are isolated. It is odd. Was hoping for chocolate to come through but I guess red is dominant. The plant is blowing up huge and bushy like an Indonesian Chile on steroids. My Indonesian Chile plants this year will never get this big.

What does this look like? :D it is a red hab on one of the plants marked "Caribbean Red Hot". these aren't Caribbean Red Habs, they are just red habs. There are some big ones on there. Still prefer Caribbean Red Habs
Looks alot like my Orange Habs
Very nice dude about the first pods ripening, you still pick your super hots a little early, you baby killer! haha :rofl:

I finally got to pick some peppers last week after 200 days of being planted:
Thanks man! The peppers have been a little slow in ripening this year but their now turning full force and I should be able to make a bunch of sauce by the end of the month. Too bad I don't eat tomatoes as I've been having these ripening for weeks now, I give them to my dogs and friends. :)
Thanks man! The peppers have been a little slow in ripening this year but their now turning full force and I should be able to make a bunch of sauce by the end of the month. Too bad I don't eat tomatoes as I've been having these ripening for weeks now, I give them to my dogs and friends. :)
man i would love to get a tomato harvest like that! and justaguy, ever think about putting up a fence around your peppers to keep the cats out? i have rabbit fence around mine with a shade cloth roof attached so they cant get in. maybe some booby traps!
btw, I was over to visit the community weed gardens yesterday:

Your going to have a hard time finding your carrots :rofl:

Your poor corn didn't stand a chance, a few stalks are trying to survive but it's too late I'm afraid

I picked a few things of mine as a bunch of peppers and melons were ripe but I'm going to give up on it as the onslaught of weeds due to no one maintaining is too hard to keep up after. Hopefully next year we can get a raised bed spot at the new place.
I had a cat going in my garden for a couple months last spring. Tried physical barriers, cayenne pepper, and this stupid cat repellent that didn't work. Nothing would keep it out and it only came in the middle of the night. Well I laid down mousetraps like a damn mine field and covered them completely with fine bark. They were so well hidden that I set them off a few times by accident, sending bark flying everywhere and startling the hell out of me. The cat never showed up after the first time I found them tripped a week or so after setting em.

Oh, and how does one differentiate between red hab and Caribbean red?
Larry I don't even want to hit reply on that as those pictures disturb me. It was originally going to be a plant and let Mother Nature do as she pleased. I was unaware that there are 1000 weed seeds per square foot in there so live and learn. Thanks for the pics I can print out and burn.

I had a cat going in my garden for a couple months last spring. Tried physical barriers, cayenne pepper, and this stupid cat repellent that didn't work. Nothing would keep it out and it only came in the middle of the night. Well I laid down mousetraps like a damn mine field and covered them completely with fine bark. They were so well hidden that I set them off a few times by accident, sending bark flying everywhere and startling the hell out of me. The cat never showed up after the first time I found them tripped a week or so after setting em.

Oh, and how does one differentiate between red hab and Caribbean red?

Caribbean Red Habs have a better and slightly different flavor...and more heat. My Carib Reds also get a darker red.

On a different note....here are my bhuts. How red should they get?

Had a nice harvest yesterday and today:
Jimmy Nardellos and my second yellow Fatalii

Red Habs in the sink and Caribbean Red Habs in the little bucket.
Woohoo finally your pods are ripening and your getting some decent hauls! Those Bhut's are just about done and ready for grubbing! If you need fatalii's I have hundreds just falling off the branches, I can't keep up with my peppers lately, some of my pants are now 4 foot tall and growing like bamboo.

btw, yes the pics I put up are very scary and it's a shame to have spent the time cultivating and planting only to see it go to waste :( . But we knew the risk and I warned of the potential problems, oh and lets not even talk about the bugs there, more then half of my crops were destroyed by the insane amount of bugs, yuck never again...