Justaguy's 2011 Garden Season

Aaaah yeah... Indonesian chili peppers.... I lived there for 3.5 years when I was in elementary school.... I remember them being rather hot... but back then I was used to my parent's TAME pepper heat level.. I know I always liked it a bit hot compared to them... but I had a mild tolerance at that point when I compare it to now and my Caribbean pepper obsession ... now I like the naga sauces... funny though... my dad complains about too much spice when I add a little S&P table pepper to something.... now I need..... NEED.... NEEEED!! to add something to spice up ethnic foods

Now when I go to local Indonesian restaurants.. I bring some ghost pepper power with me so I can increase the heat level a little....

Honestly... what the hell happens to immigrants when they come to North America??? I mean... ok... make it mild for the average yank or canuck... who is not asking for it hot.... but if someone tells you they like it HOT... why can't they make it like it is in the native country???

<sigh> ah well what can you do it you like the spice?.... thus my shaker full of ghost pepper powder... at least now I can make it a little closer to the real cultural level of heat.

Anyway.... what are the Indo-peppers like compared to Habs and Fatali and others? How's the taste compared to the typical Thai chilli pepper?
D a m m n i t.... sometimes I not only wish I lived in a house rather than a condo... but more so than that..... but rather lived anywhere hotter than canuckland... anyone want to contribute to my donation fund to get me living in Roatan or somewhere a bit more tropical???
ok so I was given these dried Thai Fire pods by my ex-mother-in-law at the end of last season.

When I asked her the other day she told me that all she had growing in the garden pepperwise with them was bells and jalapenos.
I have 3 going and each has different pods.


Here is the one on the right.


odd taste that kind of reminds me of a Jalapeno

Then we have the one on the left

heat? where? seriously?

And finally the center one

They are pointing at the sun as they should be. Flavor seems off but since they are pointing at the sun I will let them ripen. Still getting new pure seed for next year.

But they need light and so does my Brain Strain that is in the garden. There is "Natural Selection", "Neighbor's Cat Selection", and "I put you in the ground and will rip you the hell out Selection"

The Brain Strain is behind her you can see a few low leaves.
Also I broke out my baby and got another bag ready(shown above) to put on my 2010 cross that I got a good one from. :woohoo:
Moved some pics in my photobucket. Sorry about that.

Have some more. I think my Bhut Jolokia needs Proactive for this acne.


And here is the Fatalii Bed with the remaining side branch from the one big that got split and laid down. It filled that open space there and had the needed rootbase which NOW feeds this one branch. It had a few small pods the day of the incident and they are soldiering on.


Some Fatalii pod pics. Taken from an upward angle down.


Finally here is one of my LOADED Jimmy Nardello sweet peppers. Always first to bloom and set so I always have pure seed. Then late season I collect more for possible cross. Last year they were next to Indonesian chiles. The year before it was Caribbean Red Habs(<~~~~tasty cross)and Cayennes across the walk. THIS year Bhut Jolokia that you saw above in the same section. The next bed across the walk is all Naga Morich this year. Nard mom's will be harvested for some seed late this season.
Tallest Nard here isn't past 3 foot yet but close and has 12 big peppers(6-9inches) and around 9 more in various smaller sizes.

Tomorrow I think I will do a vid.
Your plants look great.

How is the isolation going? Setting a lot of flowers? I imagine this heat isn't helping. My double wide bags are working better than the old ones but with these high temps there has been a lot of flower drop.
Thanks Josh

Carib Red Hab set and has been marked and uncovered. Bhut is starting to pod in isolation. Choc Hab X Indonesian Chile has pods too but is going good under isolation so giving it another week. The Caribbean Red Hab X Jimmy Nardello won't set in isolation flowers just drop. I uncovered it yesterday for 10 minutes while I searched for pods went to cover it again and a bee had gotten stuck inside. :shocked: So it is now uncovered until I get out there to re-strip the open flowers and then cover. Have to make the cover bigger first since the plant grew 8 inches in this heat.
Looking good! Im so ready for next year, I can't wait. The ones I told you about the guy at work gave me are starting to put some pods on and are holding me over until next year.Anyways, everything looks great.
That circle arrangement looks interesting... do you think it helps to have them all shading each other like that in the sun and heat rather than in rows?

I did notice the couple times I tried putting my plants outside in full sun that the ones I have bunched up in a single pot were doing well, but the seemingly stronger, larger single plants started to wilt pretty much right away...

I wonder if it works as well when the temps get cooler...
That circle arrangement looks interesting... do you think it helps to have them all shading each other like that in the sun and heat rather than in rows?

I did notice the couple times I tried putting my plants outside in full sun that the ones I have bunched up in a single pot were doing well, but the seemingly stronger, larger single plants started to wilt pretty much right away...

I wonder if it works as well when the temps get cooler...
yeah clumping will help keep the plants warmer too when the temps get cooler
Really looking excellent!

Thanks. Just like anything the owner can see all the flaws. lol As long as I have pods I am fine. :D

Looking good! Im so ready for next year, I can't wait. The ones I told you about the guy at work gave me are starting to put some pods on and are holding me over until next year.Anyways, everything looks great.

Being in Florida you should be able to keep them going for awhile

That circle arrangement looks interesting... do you think it helps to have them all shading each other like that in the sun and heat rather than in rows?

I did notice the couple times I tried putting my plants outside in full sun that the ones I have bunched up in a single pot were doing well, but the seemingly stronger, larger single plants started to wilt pretty much right away...

I wonder if it works as well when the temps get cooler...

Yet to see on cooler, but it definitely helps in his dayum heat

Could be calcium deficiency causing your leaf curling.

Thanks I will have to see about fixing that.

And after putting it in photobucket I then fought through getting it on YouTube...lol may be sticking to still shots the rest of the season