Justaguy's 2011 Garden Season

`Wow.......Brian your supporting some very heathly "Landscaping" and kudos to your Red Fatali, what a harvest! mighty "Saveeen-ish" looking...nice work! I bet they're screaming "heat"

Now that's an awesome pic! :rofl:

I wondered how you'd get in there to harvest.
What would you guess the SHU to be on those Fatalis?
Considering they say bhut tested at 1 mil, but the average is what 500,000-600,000? I have no guess as for me I just say they can make the average person cry. What would you guess, since you tried one I sent down that way.

Now that's an awesome pic! :rofl:

I wondered how you'd get in there to harvest.
That reminds me a bit of my days playing golf!

Amazing harvest, the red fataliis rock!

I like crawling through there and being "one" with the garden. :rofl:
Considering they say bhut tested at 1 mil, but the average is what 500,000-600,000? I have no guess as for me I just say they can make the average person cry. What would you guess, since you tried one I sent down that way.

I, unfortunately, have no frame of reference. They're hotter than my Bhut-in-a-can peppers. It was the hottest pepper I've ever eaten. Thankfully Jamie was there to start handing me paper towels cause the sweat started rollin'. Them ain't snackin' peppers. :hell: I do like them a lot, however, and can't wait to grow my own.
Awesome harvest Brian. Whatever your feeding them I want some. And newtune ate that fatali like a champ. I ate a couple last night deseeded and roasted on the grill and they got me good this morning. My wife ate several and said they are about the same heat as my red savina's. 350 to 500 scoville's maybe. I think they are much hotter than but she didn't eat one fresh. Very large tasty pepper. :hell:
Nice harvest and healthy looking garden. If you need any yellow Fatalii for next season let me know. I have one isolated pod.
I am worried about my Nards.
Here is 1.5 months ago...great leaves

since then I have ended MG feedings and with all the rain they haven't got the daily 10 minute water misting they were used to. The rest of the garden(superhots) are doing just fine with this setup. Here is yesterday.


In the second pic the really tall plants in the background are my bhut jolokias. None of the Nards are over 3.5 feet tall. Last year they were crowd planted and were a lot taller. They did really good until about a week ago and I am kind of wondering if the tall bhuts may be blocking too much light although it isn't much blockage from what I see through the day. Maybe I will give them a feeding of MG today.
I prefer the flavor of a true Fatalii. The Red's have the same level of heat with a slight Hab background taste whereas the true Fatalii have a nice citrus-like flavor.
Yep. Totally agree. They just don't stand up to the real deal. They are very good and I would prefer them over grocery store "habs" anyday, but as for calling them a Red Fatalii...no. I'd be very interested in knowing if real Fatalii genes are actually in that strain or not. If not, I'd really like to make a good one someday.
Yep. Totally agree. They just don't stand up to the real deal. They are very good and I would prefer them over grocery store "habs" anyday, but as for calling them a Red Fatalii...no. I'd be very interested in knowing if real Fatalii genes are actually in that strain or not. If not, I'd really like to make a good one someday.
Well the seed I got was from a person who had one right next to his Red Savina last year and one of the seeds produced a true Fatalii. He gave me many seeds and I passed many on, a friend I gave some to have 3 yellow and 3 reds like most of mine going. Thankfully I have true seed for next year.
Well the seed I got was from a person who had one right next to his Red Savina last year and one of the seeds produced a true Fatalii. He gave me many seeds and I passed many on, a friend I gave some to have 3 yellow and 3 reds like most of mine going. Thankfully I have true seed for next year.

You know that was my first thought seeing those pods...Fatalii x Red Savina cross.
OK now to catch on on posting some pics.
The Brain Strain needed a bigger home IMO.




Happier now. Now to work on this yellow leaf thing.

A couple days ago I picked this beauty. I love these Yellow Scorpions. The plant this came from is full of pods with the perfect shape, IMO.


Yesterday I lifted a leaf and found this. :dance: First Douglah :dance:



And here is today's Red Fatalii harvest. The bag in the back are from last night right before dark when Sethsquatch and I did a quick pick right before dark. Paid him for the help.....in peppers. :lol:
The hand and pepper above the sea of plants is a great photo.

Your Jimmy Nardello's are suffering from what appears to be bacterial left spot. This link may help. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=bacterial+leaf+spot+in+pepper&hl=en&sa=X&biw=1280&bih=898&tbm=isch&tbnid=bY_sEwtfANGLEM:&imgrefurl=http://manicgardening.blogspot.com/2009/07/pepper-pathology.html&docid=uC9cVyngi19HxM&w=430&h=253&ei=bF5ZTovoOPOPsALSuuyIDA&zoom=1

Hope you get if stopped.
The hand and pepper above the sea of plants is a great photo.

Your Jimmy Nardello's are suffering from what appears to be bacterial left spot. This link may help. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=bacterial+leaf+spot+in+pepper&hl=en&sa=X&biw=1280&bih=898&tbm=isch&tbnid=bY_sEwtfANGLEM:&imgrefurl=http://manicgardening.blogspot.com/2009/07/pepper-pathology.html&docid=uC9cVyngi19HxM&w=430&h=253&ei=bF5ZTovoOPOPsALSuuyIDA&zoom=1

Hope you get if stopped.

Thanks. I ran to the local Hydro shop and picked the owners brain about an hour ago. He thinks it came from the big heat we had a couple weeks ago and a CalMag deficiency. All the superhots are loving life. The fruit that is on the Nards is still ripening fine.
It's funny I've seen this all in person yet I still drool over the pictures. You sir are a credit to the pepper people. Nice transplant. I missed that when I was over. Keep bringing the heat brother!
:onfire: :dance: :onfire: