Justaguy's 2011 Garden Season

Yesterday I picked my first red Trinidad Scorpion.

Nice looking pepper. Is it a scorpion? It looks just like the 7 Pot Primos I'm growing with the really bumpy skin and long skinny tail.

Cool mantis, too. I've seen a few like that one that aren't shy and will kinda interact with you.
I got the seeds marked red trinidad scorpion at the end of last season. Most every superhot in my garden has bumps on it.
7 POUNDS!! Wow! Definitely up to your knees in Red Fatliis this year. Are you planning on making a repeat net year with them, or scaling back? Otherwise, awesome haul.

Next year they will be the true fatalii's that bed was supposed to be this year. Trying to figure out what to do with the bulk of these as I don't have a sauce that uses them. I think they will be what I use to play with smoking. Just got an old weber, an apple tree branch, and several pear tree branches. The branches are all 6 inches or thinker. Just have to chip and cure them.
Ok so I let the harvesting go for the last week or so and now it is time to pick. Neighborhood yardsale is Friday and Saturday and I want to spread the pain. The front bed will most likely be picked Friday while I am out front with my table, but may be harvested tomorrow(it is full...as in probably another 6-7 pounds)...Here is what the old bed in back with the mister yielded this morning.


Yellow 7Pots

Whatcha think MGold???~~~~^

Red Trinidad Scorpions

Yellow Scorpion

Naga Morich

I am so happy with this harvest of these. I love how they make you drool.
Very nice! Those pods are looking a bit beefy... It's like your plants went from these tiny little things to trees pretty quickly. You are using alien technology aren't you????? :)

Almost a week has gone by and I noticed today all of my gardens have spots. Even the one out front. Thinking the rain. Will take some pics.
The new garden out back is so crowded that I have an almost 5 foot Brain Strain that just crowned and is flowering....too late. Every thing spent so much time fighting for light that pod production suffered huge.....Caribbean reds-screwed.....naga jolokia-screwed....red habs are the only thing that did well. I have nothing set up to cover for frost........so glad I was turned on to Bowers. Without them my caribbean red harvest, or lack there of, would stall my sauce business. Next year they will be getting their own single row with no crowding.

Will get to cover the old bed with the bamboo around it. That will stretch season for the Bhuts, Naga Morich, Yellow Trinidad Scorpions, Yellow 7's and Trinidad Scorpions(red).

Have to take pics and have a bunch to upload but time is short.

Alphaeon 1 of those seeds you sent me is WOW. The not butch T's. The 3 that have pods have been red and habanero tasting so I just let them fill with red ones. Today I noticed a red one on the one that had no red yet and saw pimples. Started looking and saw love. Glad it is in the garden I can cover.
ok chit give me a minute and pic coming

There you go.

Realized the other pics I have are of my maiden voyage into the land of smoking peppers. Will have to get some of the garden and these spots.
amazing pictures! those pods are beautiful! hopefully one day mine will grow up to produce pods like that! what is funny is most of the country is wrapping up the growing season and my plants are just now deciding to produce pods! LOL hopefully i can keep them going all year!

congrats again!
Cheers :beer:
Alphaeon 1 of those seeds you sent me is WOW. The not butch T's. The 3 that have pods have been red and habanero tasting so I just let them fill with red ones. Today I noticed a red one on the one that had no red yet and saw pimples. Started looking and saw love. Glad it is in the garden I can cover.
ok chit give me a minute and pic coming

The 1 plant I kept from those seeds was 7 poddish in taste and heat :crazy:

This is the only pic of a ripe one that is seperate from a pile...

[quote name=Naga Morich

I am so happy with this harvest of these. I love how they make you drool.

Man those Naga's are HUGE....did you pop those babies in the microwave before the photo.....haha....just kinding