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Justaguy's 2011 Garden Season

Time for an update before the snow comes OOOOOOOOOOO I am scareddddd. NOT!
The old garden is ready.

Almost all the habs that were in the new garden out back have been pulled and hung.

Finally, The 5 foot Brain Strain and the late budding Manzano....they won't have heat....still thinking on that one.

With a Saturday snow and Sunday thaw I am hoping to survive until the better weather next week.
Dedication man.................you have the spirit of a couple of "football coaches" I once played for...

You've got one of those "Victory Gardens"......go-in

nice work.

Just went in and picked a Morich for someone on here and about 8 Yellow 7's. It is 48ºF outside and around 72ºF in there. The sun is behind clouds so if it doesn't come out I will start laundry once it is dark. I really need one of those remote thermometers so I can have the readout outside of the garden or even in the house. lol. Anyone have a spare for sale? :rofl:
Wow I am totally amazed! How long can that go on for? How low do your temps get? Definitely dedicated. Cant wait to see an update.
Nicely done Brian. I may try a trick we used to do when we were camping and hang a small candle lantern to maintain above freezing temps. Hope yours survive the snow buddy!
All is looking good. The tube has no snow on it as I heat which is good. The snow is melting and sliding off the cover and I can see visible condensation and dripping inside. Going to go in today and pick everything like I should have yesterday, just in case. And here are the pics.
And so it starts


And an hour or two later
Looks like you've taken all the possible precautions. As others have said, you can't be faulted for not having enough dedication ;)
And even though I just edited above to add those pics, since they were taken I made a round of sausage, egg and cheese english muffins for the boy and me. [TIP: Before cooking; Scramble the eggs, add a hearty dash of milk(for fluffy eggs), add a dash(teaspoon) vanilla extract(this was for 7 eggs), then a good squirt of maple syrup. Mix well and cook.....can you say YUMM?] So here is a very recent pic. Notice the snow that keeps sliding off.

Hope it works for ya... Man i couldn't live in the snow, pretty, but I would be so depressed not seeing anything green for that long. I guess thats cuz i was born and raised here in Orlando. if your trying to heat thru the drain pipe, I would cover it with blankets or something, I know your loosing a lot of heat before it even makes it to the tent.
Hope the stuff doesn't stick around long for you guys at all. I am NOT looking forward to when that stuff hits here!
Power went out for 4-5 hours. Just back on. After an hour went to do an emergency harvest of all things even slightly changed. It was 78º in there when frozen and snowing out. Now it is cold but the heat is going back in there. Above freezing outside right now so time will tell.
You're putting up a good fight, I gotta say that.

Here in Idaho we enjoyed an extended summer, but the cold weather came in with a vengeance this week. Fortunately, this was forecasted and I pulled almost everything. I did leave some to test my crude structures, but they were wiped out. If it hits 25F 4 days in a row, I'm done.... :cool:
[Almost all the habs that were in the new garden out back have been pulled and hung.

Finally, The 5 foot Brain Strain and the late budding Manzano....they won't have heat....still thinking on that one.

With a Saturday snow and Sunday thaw I am hoping to survive until the better weather next week.

5' tall Brain Strain- very cool, I'd have to go for at least a last stand!hope you get lucky.What is in the black piping to the greenhouse?
I was I had that extra time to do what you did with the hoop house, that's "crazy cool",
My outdoor areas are cleaned up now, started some new compost, and I'm in the process of getting my grow rooms "fined tuned like a piano"

Both in ground and at 5 foot, cutting back far enough to bring in was beyond my desire. I really am ready for the garden to be done, I just hate going cold turkey. lol
im doing this next summer, only i think ill have to cut it down to a 5x10 or so. or just ninja plant them into the garden an let the gf take care of them.