Justaguy's 2011 Garden Season

OK time for some still shots.
A couple days back I picked a variety of ripe peppers

Skipped the red fatalii bed
Today I decided to pull all the big groups but the red habs and bhuts.
Yellow 7Pots

13 pods = 180grams

Naga Morich jungle




The Naga Morich harvest


68 pods totaling 450grams

Red Fatalii's getting a bath

ended up with 155 pods totaling 1316grams and only harvested half the 14 plants and removed 6 of those 7 I harvested. Felt weird removing plants on a warm day but I am already out of freezer space and the other 7 are overloaded still. Going to have to find a vinegar free puree recipe not needing a pressure cooker. Any ideas JayT?

Forgot to get a pic of the 12 Yellow Scorpions totaling 212grams.

Have to hit the red habs and other plants this week. Thai fire plant is loaded and my 1 Chocolate bhut is huge and loaded but only 1 has turned so far.
You have the absolute best kind of problem... too many peppers! The harvest looks great.

As far as vinegar free puree, check out wheebz' thread (here) maybe thats another way to go. Or maybe just a couple 5 gal drums of pepper mash :D
I am fresh out of super hot peppers to eat fresh so if you have any of them you are not keen on storing someway or have all you really want shoot me a pm on a price and I will buy some of them from you. I have become fond of slice and dicing them up and putting them on my sandwiches and mixed in my tuna salad. Keeps the guys and gals at work out of my lunches I bring.lol... Thanks and great following your grow log.
Yeah, (what Seth said) can you dry them? That's a great way to go (for me) because of the freezer situation. It's mostly full of meat and frozen pizzas.
My dehumidifier has been humming non stop for about a week now, that sound can drive you crazy.... crank up the stereo, and DRY!
No matter what though, preserve those gnarly buggers!

Beautiful harvest so far!
Haven't tried the Red Fatalii's dehydrated yet. Seth you up for running some through it?
Seth is better with my dehydrator then I am to be honest.
Smoking will resume once I get some more charcoal.
Not much to update here. Most of my harvesting has been in Pepp3rfreak's garden but I have been removing some plants. My 1 Brain Strain that is in the garden and not a bucket is now free from the Indonesian Chile/Chocolate Hab crosses that it had to fight for light.
Here is my middle son (last to make it into my growlog). Rob stands at 5'6"-5'7" and that is the freed yet now tied Brain Strain that is full of little pods.

The other night fearing a frost I prepped the old garden. The new one in back will have framework next year.

Also removed the Thai Fire to dry
Behind it you can see the garden heat hose from the dryer vent.

As you can see from the dates I am behind on posting pictures.
Today it got into the mid 90's in the covered garden. :woohoo:
Very nice looking plants and pods JAG! I can't believe the season is already ending... :mope:

edit: How do the red fataliis taste compared to yellow?
So yesterday I decided to hook up Sethsquatch with some bamboo for his garden next year.
only 5 really long pieces. Well 35 feet is kind of long, right? :rofl:



Then today I go to the neighbor's across street. Gave him a manzano start in the spring and he has it in a bucket. It gets all day shade and afternoon/evening direct light.

8 freaking pods....I am still in shock

And here is mine with 0 pods
from the side and the front

The I decided to pick the peppers in my covered garden that when I uncovered it at 10:30 it was over 100 in there. I need to put a thermometer in there for precise temps. I found this Douglah

Time to go smoke some more peppers and relax with a cold beer.
Hope you like the update.
Wow...the color on that is just intense. Do you have any new sauces planned for the website? I still have a bit of the Fatalii Lime and some of the Tongue wrapper, so I'm gonna be sniffin around to see what's cookin pretty soon :)