Justaguy's 2011 Garden Season

Epic bamboo. Epic. The grill and wood chips were also pretty freaking awesome. Justaguy Claus is coming over! Hope I've been good.

Ha, we're both over here browsing the hot pepper after a huge awesome pork shoulder. Hells yeah! :mouthonfire:
Yeah, mine are on the back porch where they only get light in the late afternoon, but next season they'll go in the garden and get a little shade from their neighbors. Dunno, but we'll see how they do.
How long does it take to to grow bamboo that size? I can dream up all kinds of uses for that stuff. :)

Also, your 7th Circle sauce is amazing. Hope you keep it available.
How long does it take to to grow bamboo that size? I can dream up all kinds of uses for that stuff. :)

Also, your 7th Circle sauce is amazing. Hope you keep it available.
The grove I get that size from is 35 years old and packed tight so the leaves all are 25-30 feet high which makes for nice long lengths of smooth pole.

As for 7th Circle I have yet to have someone do a video review, but feedback has been positive so it should be sticking around.
I know I am slacking on the pictures. The Caribbean red habs have decided it is now time to put out before getting ripped out. Pulled around 50 more off today. Sadly it is the 3rd largest harvest I have had of them in my garden this year. Thank the lord for Bowers.
Ok so here is a harvest pic I didn't post.

and here is a Naga Morich I picked the other day. Loving the color change and the pod shape.

Then today during a stroll around the remaining plants I passed the manzano and :eek: :eek: :eek:



They are everywhere





Figures it shows up late for the show. I am seriously considering a Massive transplant to the old garden(which I cover.)

Any thoughts on the worthyness of such an idea? Are they that good to warrant the transplant?
My newest is not on the site yet. It is
Man, all that color made my afternoon!

Did my mind decieve me, or did I see mention somewhere of a 'double chocolate' sauce that may be lurking in the wings...?
That is in the works. My scale took a 10 foot fall today and busted, so I have to go spend $35 for a new one tonight. Been a challenge on it's own without the scale issue. Deadline is Nov. 10th and that is pushing it.
The old bed was covered for a day or two a few weeks back when we had that light frost. When I cover it again it will be getting the hose from the dryer vent put in for extra night time heat. Then during the day sometimes I have to open it to cool down from the heat the sun provides, and to vent the humidity that build up.