Justaguy's 2011 Garden Season

The peppers are looking very good dude! Even the so called bad ones aren't that bad, our changing wet weather hasn't helped but they'll be fine. If I'd have to take a guess I'd think the problem is a bit of overwatering, ant damage, and our disgusting over chlorinated flouride poisoned city water. I've yet to water my gardens more then twice thus far this year as we've been getting plenty of rain.

btw, you ate a pepper already?! There's no chance they'd have any heat yet so don't eat any more babies! Honestly I'd rip those pods and flowers off this early and give them another month but that's just me.

Hey bro I haven't been by the comm garden lately. How are the dead you buried? Was there a viewing yet? :rofl: One day those dead stems will produce something........fertilizer for weeds over there. :beer:
Hey bro I haven't been by the comm garden lately. How are the dead you buried? Was there a viewing yet? :rofl: One day those dead stems will produce something........fertilizer for weeds over there. :beer:
Everything is doing very well, the almost laid to rest plants are doing terrific, but the weed garden you got growing over there is almost scaring all my plants to death. :rofl: Your going to need a machete to find your plants I'm afraid as it's a jungle over there :eek:
My corn is coming through and the carrots are there for next year :rofl: . Going to be posting some pics of the front Fatalli bed and first found Fatalli pod.

There Pepp3rfreak....Soon your walks will have a Fatalli snack :rofl:

First and Second Pod...on the front right plant down in the middle

And another plant.
Those plants are looking really good! Nice and healthy, you should be ashamed of yourself.... taunting people with such nice plants :P.

Ok so I believe the plants marked Caribbean Red Hot are not Habaneros. I picked one of the 10 or 12 that are on the one plant to check wall thickness and heat.

The heat and taste is nothing like the Caribbean Red Habs I grew last year which I luckily have 18 of going. And Yes I did try them green last year. I also have 16 that were marked Caribbean Red Habanero at a different nursery.


But What are these?


And this is one of my Jimmy Nardellos. That pod got taken for sample and they are spot on no cross. :woohoo:
Looking good man here comes the heat

they look like jsut a reg red hab to me long and ribbed

i jsut love that circle bed and looks as if the peppers do too

Nice work!!
Plants are coming along nicely. I wonder what color the mystery plant is going to turn out to be. Keep us posted.
Looking good man here comes the heat

they look like jsut a reg red hab to me long and ribbed

i jsut love that circle bed and looks as if the peppers do too

Nice work!!
They love it. And people will he happy to know the little one in the front middle of the outer ring(which got the blood) has not grown faster then my control which is the the right one in the middle ring. They are still both the same size. Thought it was worth a try.

Super healthy plants. :dance:
The ones in the back are getting nice too. Already can't wait for next years start with all the knowledge I have gained.

Looking real good Brian! Those Fataliis look SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!
Dan you will have to come have some during harvest.

Plants are coming along nicely. I wonder what color the mystery plant is going to turn out to be. Keep us posted.
Definitely will. Supposed to be a Caribbean Red Hot so I think it may be a variety of hab.
Ok broke out the sony mavica I bought years ago for when I do photography. Remembered it has video with sound. Only thing is that the lowest res has auto stop after 4 minutes and next step higher res is 1 minute til auto stop. Thinking of doing a walkthrough with the newer cam that had vid but no sound and doing a voice over. Here it is

ok so went to do a silent walkthrough with better vid quality on the little cam. :rofl: opened the finished product and hit play to watch and go figure. The little cam has a mic. This will be used for a new clear walk through sometime in the next day or so since the silent one may have some language censoring issues. lol.
Ok so today as I walked through looking and hoping I noticed that as I suspected my one trinidad red scorp was slowly loosing soil and today wilting. Albeit on par with wilting because today is water day the soil made me re-visit the construction of said bucket.
1- it is one of only a few 3-4 gallons I used versus true 5 gallon buckets.
2- holes were a little big on this and 2 other of the first I made this year.

Here you can see the little bucket it came from and the bigger one it got. The only I dumped the plant into my hand and set it down for this pic. The only thing not there is the little pile of gravel that was in the bottom of the old bucket and is in the bottom of the new one, adding mybe an inch to the total height.


Then I worked the rootball loose and put about 4 inches of leaf compost in the bucket, I filled and closed 6 5 gallon buckets earlier when I was done building the gardens, it is foul in a good compost way. :D Then I put the worked rootball in and filled in the sides. I did dunk the rootball and all before putting it in as I had read to do here somewhere(hope that was right). Took a motorcycle ride and an hour later it is happy again :woohoo:


Then I noticed My first 2 trinidad scorpian pods. Double :woohoo:
