Justaguy's 2011 Garden Season

Not sure on the curl... but they look like they have been allowed to droop to far and then rewatered. Yes they will come back but my experience is they will have yellowing leaves and loose some if not most of them.
Well as bad as it sucks, I am sure they will come back. Peppers are tough (although in my opinion not as tough as tomatoes) :)
If you feel they wont make it and need me to take them off your hands...umm by all means send them to me lol

Good luck brian
Nurse them babies back to health Brian! My hotsauce cabinet depends on it! : )

Will do my best
I feel your pain! :( Get well soon, children.
I hope your plants come back better than before, they will pull through, i know it!
Once they are used to being in the soil and sun, they'll take off and flourish. Don't sweat it man. Let me know if I can lend a helping hand.
Give it time, they'll come around... but that sucks though...
Well as bad as it sucks, I am sure they will come back. Peppers are tough (although in my opinion not as tough as tomatoes) :)
If you feel they wont make it and need me to take them off your hands...umm by all means send them to me lol

Good luck brian
Thanks for the words of encouragement. They seem to be coming back....and the rain has begun. Hope it stays as gentle as it is now, since there will be alot.Rain
Well before the hail and storm from hell came I went to the local nursery and found some Caribbean red habs(16), 1 Bhut Jolokia, and 1 Tepin. $3 apiece.

I originally went for Carib Red Habs because mine are not where I want them size wise and was glad to find some, but when I called they said they didn't have any but had a bhut when I asked about other hots. I got there and looked around and found 16 Carib Red Habs. Score. I know not super hots but they are needed for my sauces.
These are the Carib Red Habs I started and planted out burying to the first active node.
Been collecting a few pics and time to update.
Another score
Went to SKH and came across Carib Reds @ 2 for $5. Picked up 10.


Had to pinch a bunch of flowers. :D

Also need to get pics of some other I got at Highland Gardens
1 Devil's Tongue and 1 Red Savina. That is how they were marked and 1.99 each. I can't wait to see if they are what they say they are. The Carib Reds there were 2.99, but the Red Savina 1.99???? It has been my experience that Red Savina seeds are harder to come by. Will be a nice year watching pods form and ripen.
And now for the gardens and the newest project.
As some of you know I have had access to 7 local Bamboo groves and use bamboo whenever I can. Just got access to an 8th and younger one the other day. First here is the garden.

They are getting bigger. Live and learn.


And here you can also see the beginning of my new project.



16" pieces of 1" PVC pounded into the ground and poles inserted. Young, thin and flexible......
Lookin' good so far! Hopefully the weather treats you well, it is still overcast and wet in the middle of June here in CA. Nights hovering around 50.

What are the arches for? Plastic?
Are you making yourself a bamboo framed hoop house dude? Looking really good.
Working on something like that. The fence around the garden is going to hinder it I believe. I am actually thinking about putting up some hose for a mister like on my other garden.

Brian, Lookin' quite dandy and kudos on the SCORES! I still see plenty of room in the yard for a bigger garden ;)
Next year there is going to be a 1'X20' raised carrot bed, but I think after this year's trial run to try some new varieties I should have enough space and trials will be in buckets.
I have 1 or 2 of each kind in a bucket for isolation for seed except the Chocolate Bhut and the Jimmy Nardello sweat peppers.
Picked 2 of these up this morning and dug out the 3rd. Experiments coming.


The fish emulsion I am going to follow directions for and only in my fenced in garden(s) because I have read cats like to dig looking for the fish. That is why I also dug out the pellet gun.

The bag is worm castings which only 1 store around me carries and the others were all quite humorous trying to help find: Casters, worm houses, etc... although eventually I told them all "Stop, worm castings are worm poop" then they all said "Oh we don't carry that" Was humorous the first 3 times. Once I bought them at Stouffers of Kissel Hill I came home and the included bag for making tea was big enough to make a gallon. I grabbed an old sock and measured the needed castings into it to make 4 gallons. Put 4 gallons water in an extra 5 gallon bucket, hung the sock, snapped on a lid, and in the sun it went. Should be more then ready tomorrow morning.
Guaranteed Analysis:
Total Nitrogen (N) ............. .89%
Available Phosphate (P205) ..... .65%
Soluble Potash (K20) ........... .83%
Active Ingredients:
Amoebae ..........174,903 # per gram
Flagellates .......10,530 # per gram

The bottle I will catch hell for, but it is my experiment.
Back in February I had some teeth removed and collected 1.5 pints of about 2 pints of blood lost before stopping it up to heal.
I have a few plants that I won't miss badly if they go and they will be getting a tablespoon of blood poured on their stalk every other week to see how they react. Was going to get dried blood when getting the other items, then I remembered the bottles. This one is about a half pint and I have a full pint too.

This year I will be giving blood(here), sweat(many times), and tears(when hardening) and I am fully addicted.
That is the same Fish emu i use(love it) my cat dont seem to even notice hes stood next to me making a batch not even the slightest interest i have only used it as a foliar spray but man my plants seem to love this stuff i mix it with epsom and fertilome yield booster(calcium chloride)
That was my problem as well wasnt sure how much to actually give since im in buckets...now the bottle says 1T/gal h2o to cover a 250sq ft so

In a square shape, it's a square with sides a little under 16-ft long.
In a circle shape, it's a circle with a diameter of about 17.9-ft.
In a rectangle shape, there are many different ways to do it: (250 by 1), (50 by 5), (25 by 10), etc.

so 1 gal of the mix i guess put into a sprayer and water evenly over a 250 sq ft area till gone ??
ok time to get a pump sprayer. I have an MG sprayer but I am not sure the rate at which it mixes. I am making worm casting tea and thinking about putting the fish emulsion in it to give both to the plants at once
ok so time for an update.

Right after applying the worm casting tea and fish emulsions I took some pics so I can track any growth spurts.

the closest are my Naga Jolokias. as you get farther on the right they get bigger at one spot. That is where the Caribbean Red Habs start.

Top left corner is a Carib Red Hab to it's right are the 3 Choc bhuts I have going. 2 of which came from pepp3rfreak.

These are my Thai Fire peppers

I will be updating these next ones with my Bucket List as right now it is raining and I can't remember which is which(thank god for tags.)





Here we have 2 Choc Habs on the bottom and 2 Carib Reds. The bottom left and biggest one is the Choc Hab I started and the one to it's right is a Choc Hab strain #8 I picked up at a local nursery.

These are my regular Bhuts

And here are my Jimmy Nardellos("Nards")

And here is my Naga Morich section.
These are my Yellow Scorps
In the back are 5 Trinidad Red Scorps
The bamboo frame in the front is blocking the view of the Douglahs

Here are 2 of the Douglahs running along the front side. The leggy one was an extra pepp3rfreak had and gave to me.

Here are my Yellow 7 pods

These are one reason my lights will be upgraded before next indoor starts
Butch T Scorps

2 years ago I picked this up down the street out for trash. Sanded it down and painted it green. Nice place to sit when the portable burn pit comes for a nice toasty fire. This is one of my Crosses I am attempting but have little faith in. lol. This year Qtip cross pollinating for me.

And here is a Trinidad Red Scorp pepp3rfreak picked up for me on a trip to Maryland. $3.00