Justaguy's 2011 Garden Season

You've kept your blood in bottles since February? Is it all coagulated? I can't wait to see how your experiment turns out.
The front and smallest Fatalli in the Fatalli Bed got the half pint poured around it in a bloody ring and watered in. Will see how it likes it.

Today was Father's Day and I hope all the other fathers out there had a good one. My boys

have been hearing me talk about the top beam on the garden and they all helped me release the hose, put up the new pole, and re-aligned the hose holes.

and then Taylor helped me show the length of these poles. This is one of the ones I harvested for the sides. The top pole was the same length and this is with 5 foot already cut off the end when I took off the branches/chutes.

Today was great for me and beat anything I could have found wrapped in a box.
Garden is looking real nice

good to see you get your kids envolved in it as well my oldest is only 5 but she likes to watch and try to help :lol:

Nice setup there - looks like things are coming along well. Do you have stuff other than peppers in the garden?
Jimmy Nardello was the first.

A Caribbean Red Hab was next

My flowers aren't as good looking as some people's

I need to break out the little paint brush. :rofl:

The Manzano needs a shave

Here we have my 2 Chocolate Habs closest. The one on the left I started. The one on the right I bought and mine has blown past it.

And next I will post my Problem plants......
Your not supposed to post "teaser" shots of problems. You are supposed to show us the problems and tease us with the good looking ones. Ha!

Aside from the teaser shot they all look pretty dang healthy.
Hey Brian, things are looking good. Problem plants are most likely fixable. Get some pictures up and let your fellow members try to help you out on diagnosis. Now go shave that manzano ya' bum!
Ok still up so here ya go.
Here is my nursery bought Tepin.

Keep in mind all my plants get sunday MG showers and a week ago tomorrow all got a good 1 to 1[sup]1/2[/sup] cup pour of worm casting tea and fish emulsion. Plus all these problems get full sun until the afternoon when they get an hour of shade then slicing late afternoon sun

The store bought Red Savina

Cumari Passarinho....I started and actually remember I got the pods with seeds from Tonly. The leaves are lots but they aren't opening. They are all wrinkled in skinny, but are long and curly.

A Yellow Scorp

My ants will being having a mass funeral this weekend when I get 7 dust.

And here is the one that really weirded me out. A Trinidad Red Scorp that I started. I have 3 going and this guy hooks to the left along the ground. I think wind may have broke him and now he is bushing hard and weird IMO. 3 Pics.



Ok now while you guys ponder them, I thank you and am going to get a nap.
My first thought are too much water and/or too much nutrients. You can also check the roots and make sure they aren't rotting.
What type of soil are you using? Whats your recent weather been like?
ok I will let them dry out. They have been getting daily water. All the others seems to be dong well. Still getting 7 dust for ants and slugs and such.
ok so the 10 I bought a few weeks ago are marked

These 2 pods look different then the Carib Red Habs I grew last year. there was a 3rd that my youngest son and I pick and split. NO heat and flavor not like last year. Luckily I have 23ish going that are Carib red habs for sure.

The peppers are looking very good dude! Even the so called bad ones aren't that bad, our changing wet weather hasn't helped but they'll be fine. If I'd have to take a guess I'd think the problem is a bit of overwatering, ant damage, and our disgusting over chlorinated flouride poisoned city water. I've yet to water my gardens more then twice thus far this year as we've been getting plenty of rain.

btw, you ate a pepper already?! There's no chance they'd have any heat yet so don't eat any more babies! Honestly I'd rip those pods and flowers off this early and give them another month but that's just me.
