• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

So this is my first year growing hot peppers, sure I had grown some Jalapeno (2) and Cayanne (1) last year but this year is diff. I had bought those plants at the store when they were buy 1 get 2 free deal. They were already about 2 ft tall and were producing peppers. The only knowledge I needed was how to put them in the car, take them out, dig a hole, put the plant in and then put some dirt around it. Whew hard work, but those plants got me started with peppers. From there I met JAG and he gave me a bunch of super hots, Scorpion, Fatalii, Ghost, Douglah and many more.
I got the seeds from them pods and saved them for this year with the thinking I am going to grow my own plants.
Which brings me to my first grow log.
I had started some seeds in a planter back around Thanksgiving but they all grew to about 2 inches tall, never got bigger, never produced leaves and eventually died. So I started some more and started asking questions about what I can do/try etc. needless to say the info has been invaluable.
These first pics show what i started with early this week


this next pic is what I had a day after the above pics and after potting up some seeds I had germinating in a wet paper towel
I'd really love to know just what combination of keystrokes I hit every once in a while that close Firefox. Of course this happens after typing a few sentences...

Oh well, I was writing about the groundhog, really they kill dogs? Wanna borrow Otis? He's a one chomp terror, skunks, feral cats, rabbits, and squirrels. He's a non-discriminating chomper :D

Wow five kids? My son has four and when they come over, like last weekend, it's like a tornado has run through the house. Now the wife doesn't clean before they show, it's after...she's learned her lesson..LOL

Plants are looking happy, and good luck on dirt day. Betcha can't wait to get dirty..
I'd really love to know just what combination of keystrokes I hit every once in a while that close Firefox. Of course this happens after typing a few sentences...

Oh well, I was writing about the groundhog, really they kill dogs? Wanna borrow Otis? He's a one chomp terror, skunks, feral cats, rabbits, and squirrels. He's a non-discriminating chomper :D

Wow five kids? My son has four and when they come over, like last weekend, it's like a tornado has run through the house. Now the wife doesn't clean before they show, it's after...she's learned her lesson..LOL

Plants are looking happy, and good luck on dirt day. Betcha can't wait to get dirty..

It looks like the ground hog bailed out. I havent seen it in 2 weeks now. Got a trap just incase it decides it wants to come back. Although I now have 2 rabbits in the yard. I dont mind those as much as the ground hog. Have fence up around all of my gardens.
Yep 5 kids, 4 boys and a little girl. Only my 15 yr old and my little girl live with me. The other 3 are older and out on their own now. I actually have a grandson younger than my daughter. LOL With my son and daughter and my girlfriends 2 daughters it is still a full house and looks like a tornado goes through everyday.

My daughter will turn 2 tomorrow but we had her bday party yesterday. Since she wants to help daddy so much with his peppers we got her a pair of Mickey Mouse gloves garden gloves along with Mickey Mouse spade and hand rake. After she opened all of her presents she went and got her gloves and garden tools, ran to the kitchen yelling peppers, daddy's peppers. She wanted to help me with the peppers. Gotta let her plant one or 2 when I finally plant out.
Speaking of planting out, was going to plant out this past weekend but with all the rain and then a cold front moving in, down to 38 lastnight, I decided to wait. So looks like plant out is going to be this coming weekend, if the weather holds out.
Do have one pic update and that is of a plant I topped a few weeks ago. I was worried that i had done something wrong because after a week I did not have any new growth. Well I can now report that instead of one branch before topping I now have 3 coming out.
. Sorry for the poor pic quality, can only do so much with camera phone.
All plants spent the night inside lastnight and will probably do the same tonight. Had a freeze warning last night and is supposed to be cold tonight. Rest of the week it is supposed to warm up into the 70's-80's with lows in the 50 's and 60's. Looks like plant out is a go for this weekend. Will have approx 40 that are going in the dirt.
On a lighter side. My daughter just turned 2 today and we had gotten her her own set of mickey mouse gloves and garden tools. Well today being the impatient one that kids usually are. She decided to open two packs of hot chocolate onto the living room floor, put her gloves on, grab her little shovel and preceed to yell with extreme excitement, "look mommy, I'm digging, I digging" LMAO when the gf told me this. I then went home for lunch and asked her, were you digging today, with a straight face she says No. To funny.
Thanks all, she is something else I will say that. I cant wait to get her out in the garden with me this weekend. Am thinking about giving her her own little spot to dig in while I plant everything. That way I dont hear, look daddy I picked it as she is holding a plant I just put in the ground. LOL
No new pics on want to add that I noticed lastnight that on the plant that i topped. It has the 3 sprouts coming up where I toped it and it also has a 4th one coming in also. it is on the next set of leaves down and now has about 4 leaves coming in.
Set all  my plants back outside lastnight and it looks like they can stay there till plant out this weekend.
Was checking them over lastnight after I set them out and it looks like the Thai Fire's are all getting their first flowers on them. Not positive at this time as they are very very small and kinda hard to see. Will have some pics once I am sure if they are flowers or not. Probably going to pinch them off so the plant can put more energy into growing instead of producing pods at this time.
Looks like the fun times are just around the corner now.
Devv said:
Planting this weekend?
All systems are a go for planting out this weekend. I am looking forward to getting them in the dirt. Hitting up home depot tonight for the final few things I will need. Have to get some more potting soil to pot up some of them before they hit the dirt, have to get some chicken wire, I think that is about it that I need at the moment. Gunna be a long weekend. Have to plant out about 30-40 peppers, 2 maters, 1 cherry mater, 1 cabbage, grean beans, and lettuce. Have to finish one last till of the 10x10 and pull some weeds. Also have to break ground on the final garden. Then have to cut grass and might start to build a compost bin. Also have to start a pork shoulder for pulled pork. Getting a case of beer tonight so it can get cold for tomorrow.
Great to read, break a leg dis weekend ... didn't want to post any of dem bad luck superstitions or good luck superstitions so I thought long and hard and came up with wishing you da luck of de Irish Mon in your plant out dis weekend and enjoy da beer ^_^
Thanks Ramon, gonna be a good day............. i hope
It is past 1am, planned plant out was to start at around 12. What do I decide to do, make a pork sholder for pulled pork with home made BBQ sauce, oh and we are having a community yardsale so wake up is at 6 am, AWESOME. Will post some pics after it is all said and done. Recipe that I used is in the cocking section
I did make a trip to home depot this evening, picked up 8 bads of topsoil. 2 bags of peat moss and 2 bag of perlite and some chicken wire. Gunna be using tha for everything I plant in buckets. Last count , as of 2 hrs ago, I will have 61 pepper plants, 3 maters, grean beans, and cabbage going in the ground
Darthpepper said:
That's cool man. We have 5 kids too. All little girls. So I can feel for ya on the tornado. Everything looks good, but dammit I demand more pics :)
Got 4 boys of mine, a little girl, and the gf has 2 girls of her own. My biggest fear is now coming into play. PMS. the GF and her oldest are 1 week apart. The next oldest is now showing signs of her hormones racing, guess what , it is not in cycle with theirs. I am living in a house with hormones racing 3 of the 4 weeks. UGGGGHHH. 5 girls.. all I can say is I hope you shave your head like I do. If I didnt I am sure I would have pulled every folical out by now. LOL
They are good kids though, they all get A's and B's on their report card and can proudly say that my son for the very first time has gotten straight A's and made 1st honors. Something he has never done when he lived with his mom (long sory on that dead beat mother)
Spent the weekend planting, putting up fence, turning dirt and weeding. Was a long weekend and I am sore LOL
Started off on Saturday by weed wacking and then cutting grass. Next I jumped into the 20'x3' and started planting, Got a total of 26 plants in the dirt before I had to call it a day. GF had a yardsale so I had to help move things in and out of the basement for her.
Made some steaks on the grill and after dinner thought, why let those nice hot coals go to waste so I grabbed the shovel and put them in the firepit. Threw some kindling on let it fire up. Grabbed a beer and relaxed. After, I dont know 2 or 6 beers I headed inside to watch a movie with my son and GF. We rented Mama, I think I lasted a whole 10 mins into the movie and I was out. From the only 4 hrs sleep, the work and the beer I was done. LOL
Woke the next day and started in on finishing up planting
Got 25 planted into the 10'x10', mixed my own planting soil, (topsoil, perlite, peat moss) Made up 6 - 5 gal buckets for Thai fires, made up some for window sill flow pots, for Black thai, made up enough for 2 topsy turvey planters ( maters). Got everything planted in them. Put fencing up for another area, dug, weeded and tilled that area. Planted a cherry mater, 4 bell pepper plants, also dug a bunch of tulips out of there for a transplant somewhere else in the yard. Cleaned everything up, put everything in the shed that needed, swept the deck, spread the last little bit of manure that I had left. Finally called it a night around 8:30, sat outside on the deck, had a few beers, got a shower, tucked the kids in and hit the sack. Another busy busy day, very productive.
I do have some pics that I took but they are very dark and hard to see. Will get some more tonight and post them up tomorrow, so check back for the pics.
Thanks for looking
Forgot to add, planted about 20 grean beans also.
Very, very productive weekend, Rob! Good on ya! I finally got all mine in dirt. Whew. Now, I got the pots to do but waiting for low clouds that suddenly appeared to either do thing or vanish.
I hear ya on the wipe-out. This time of year, up early, sore, hurt, little sleep, more work, then some relaxing moment and then out! I got rules now: shower and brush teeth before sitting at the end of a plant-out, work garden, day! :rofl:
Can't wait to see your progress as many of us are now in phase 2 :P !!!
annie57 said:
Very, very productive weekend, Rob! Good on ya! I finally got all mine in dirt. Whew. Now, I got the pots to do but waiting for low clouds that suddenly appeared to either do thing or vanish.
I hear ya on the wipe-out. This time of year, up early, sore, hurt, little sleep, more work, then some relaxing moment and then out! I got rules now: shower and brush teeth before sitting at the end of a plant-out, work garden, day! :rofl:
Can't wait to see your progress as many of us are now in phase 2 :P !!!
Wiped out was the only reason I sat outside and not inside right away. I knew that if i went and sat inside while the kids got their showers I was not going to get up. LOL. Sat outside on the deck in the metal charis so I couldnt get too comfy. After i got my shower and my butt hit the couch it was only a matter of mins.
Thanks and yes phase II has started. Now the waiting game. LOL
One thing I did like when I was planting out was that I seen alot of worms and I mean alot. I would dig a hole to put the plants in and I would get, at a min, 4 worms per small hole. The soil is nice and dark, almost black. Cant wait to see what the plants do in it.
SuperDadPepperPlantingMadMon congrats, dem plants will soon be loving you back with a bumper crop, great job!!! Can't wait to see the pics $_$ (money shot of dem all in the dirt)!
Ok it was picture time yesterday, everyone put on their best pose and smiled nice for the camera.
First up we have the 2 maters that I had to mix the soil for, both in topsy turvey baskets.

Next are 3 of the Thai Fires, mixed the soil for these guys also. Also, have a cabbage in there for a school project.

Next is the last 3 Thai Fires that I planted, mixed the soil for these guys also

Next up is the Scorpion patch (10x10). 14 scorpions in there plus some others. They were small with only 2 sets of leaves but I hardened em off with the others and figured I would plant them. Had to put the fence around this one to keep the rabbits out

Next is the lower part (20x3). This has the Carribean red Habs at the far end. Then working your way back up it is Fatalli, Choc Bhut, Naga jolokia, 7-pot and some others that are only 1 or 2 plants.

This is the garden that I had to break ground on, turn the soil, weed and also pull some tulip bulbs out of. Also put the fencing up. This has the Chery mater, 4 bell peppers plants and about 20 green beans that I just sowed

This is a pic of the 2 Black Thia in the window sill planters. Had to mix the soil for these two also.

So there it is. My 2013 garden. Lots of work getting everything planted. Now the wait and watch phase begins.