dennish said:
Hi Geonerd, thanks for the advice... I re-potted my seedling into pure Miracle Grow Crystals with amazing results overnight, suggest all THP members immediately transplant all their seedlings and watch those babies fly!
No need to worry, it's a long time to the end of the season! Good LuckD3monic said:I finally got around to starting my seeds today. A little late to the party.
Glad to have you on board Shane, the more the merrier! Good luck...stc3248 said:I'd like to throw my hat in this ring if y'all don't mind??? I grow Big Jim's every season, and while I have never grown a world record pod...I've had some pretty big ones!
I ain't lookin for any prizes...other than some big-a$$ Big Jims!!!
I started mine late too.The main thing is to have fun.If you win the contest it's just a bonus.MRpeabody said:Just wanted to post a quick update. I started my seeds a few days ago. Much later than I had wanted to but the wife and I are buying a new house so we've been swamped and have had no time to work on our peppers.