LAND OF THE GIANTS 2016 - Biggest Jim Competition

Did I win ?
skullbiker said:
Time for the big update on my Big Jims. Here is my first open flower on a Heritage Big Jim Numex.

Here are my plants from the World Record Big Jim seed. They are the six in the front row.

Here is a close view of the most advanced of the six, third set of leaves just starting.
Looking great Ted, nice work!  
For what it's worth, here are my pair of young seedlings, hope to pot them-up into Terra Canna in a month and watch them fly for May plant out in the GH.
I transplanted into 3 inch pots yesterday, they were too tall for the humidity dome, and growing faster than any of my other varieties.
NuMex Big Jim Heritage, germinated 2/16 and 2/17:

NuMex Big Jim, germinated 2/19:

One week later (3/26/16):
NuMex Big Jim Heritage in the back, NuMex Big Jim in the front.
The one at the front left is really looking good, but I wonder about the crinkled leaf edges; almost looks like the leaves on a Bhut Jolokia...
skullbiker said:
I don't think I'd bail out with 7 to 8 months of growing season ahead. First pods don't usually mean biggest pods!!!
I know the season is still young, and I fully have time to catch up to you.
but for now you have so much ahead on the size of my plants and the season is so short here.
but don't worry I will not give up that easily, I'll wait until the end of the season to collect my price  :party:
Mine never even germinated! Hmmm... that's the only thing not to germ. I'll give it more time though! Some of you guys have great looking plants already!
Update for mine, only got one plant going for this :) lol. 
Don't mind the spots on the lower leaves, I was cutting a bunch of wood in my garage and dust got on the plant. I tried to semi wash it off with a spray, but it didn't help a ton. Pic was taken a week ago. She looks even better now and is about to be up-potted to a nice huge pot.

Hey, question for you guys...
So the worlds record Big Jim pepper, that one specifically... Anyone know which method that plant was grown?
- Soil, hydro, pot, ground, ferts? anything?
Just curious