• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Lavatungs newb glog.

Just another glog of a newb who doesn't know what they are doing. But with the plethora of info on this forum how hard can't it be right..?

Baby Trinidad Scorpions.

Most of them transplanted.

My propergation light.
Verigated leaves..?
Yellow veins anyone..? Thanks to the kind THP folks it turned out I was loving them too much.
Look at them now :)!

The result of using old potting mix.

The jungle!
Looks great so far. I hope your sick babies bounced back. Its so exciting to see someone starting their season when some of us are coming to a close. Cant wait to follow your grow.
Glad to hear that they are doing well outside :)
Cheers mate. I don't think they will grow too much for the next couple of weeks but I had to move them. They were getting too big indoors.

Hi mate , your plants look great , what brand of potting mix have you used for your seedlings?
Thanks Todd. The mix is actually made by a man in the swan valley. He's called Eureka Organic Compost. The stuff looks and smells great. I reckon the plants are going to love :)

Looks great so far. I hope your sick babies bounced back. Its so exciting to see someone starting their season when some of us are coming to a close. Cant wait to follow your grow.
Thanks Sanarda! The babies are still in quarantine :( But it's ok, I have heaps of healthy ones ;)
Thanks Paul!

It was seeing all you guys plants that inspired me to start growing in the first place.
I don't know what I'll do at the end of season.
Probably grow some inside!

That's the spirit, brother!

Your pot-ups look great, Lava. You are definitely
headed in the right direction. Good luck as you
move your grow outside.
Cheers mate. I don't think they will grow too much for the next couple of weeks but I had to move them. They were getting too big indoors.

Yeah, i'm getting to that stage here now!!! Some are partly under the lights...some have full light etc I keep swapping them around every day or so...
It's still a bit cold here over night to risk putting them out. I checked my vans thermometer when i got in it this morning at it was 1 deg.....so a few more weeks will have to work with me juggling the plants around inside :)
Where do you live nee? Im in Perth, it's around 4 deg here at night but I've got them in a pretty sheltered area. I figure if it's not frosting they should be right.
Where do you live nee? Im in Perth, it's around 4 deg here at night but I've got them in a pretty sheltered area. I figure if it's not frosting they should be right.

Im near Geelong in Victoria...

We have a sheltered area just outside the back door that has lots of light coming in, so i might try them in there first. But as i'm a coward, i'll probably wait a week or 2 yet. I've become so attached to what i have that i don't want to risk killing them at the 11th hour, when all i needed to do was wait a little longer :)
I'll probably try one of my 'doubles' first and see how it goes!
Looking great LT. Once they get into bigger pants it seems like they stall for a slight bit, then start growing like weeds. Well, not quite like weeds, that would be nice. But definitely they make use of the new real estate.

Good luck!
Im near Geelong in Victoria...

We have a sheltered area just outside the back door that has lots of light coming in, so i might try them in there first. But as i'm a coward, i'll probably wait a week or 2 yet. I've become so attached to what i have that i don't want to risk killing them at the 11th hour, when all i needed to do was wait a little longer :)
I'll probably try one of my 'doubles' first and see how it goes!
I used my Birdseye as guinea pigs. They've been out for a week now without a problem.

Looking great LT. Once they get into bigger pants it seems like they stall for a slight bit, then start growing like weeds. Well, not quite like weeds, that would be nice. But definitely they make use of the new real estate.

Good luck!
Bigger pants! lmao.
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Here we have 5 JalapeƱo varieties Zapotec, Tam, Giant, Early & Regular. Thanks Megamoo! Purple Tiger. Thanks Sownseeds! Thai Birdseye "Fat". I also planted 5 Tomato varieties. I know, this isn't a tomato glog but what the hell. We all love tomatos too! I got Black Russian, Oxheart, Rouge de Marmande, Roma & Tinny Tim.
Chillis and Tomatos to the left, straglers playing catchup to the right and herbs in the middle. Coriander, mint, chives, thyme, oregano & basil.
Goto love tomatos , this season ill be doing some blacks also , i bought some seeds through the diggers club , black cherrie, black krim , brandy wine pink , some sweetie cherrie, and i also got some seeds sent to me from Don Burk , that are from greece .

Good luck with those tiger seeds , im not sure of the germ rates i just saved some seeds from a nice plant i grew last season , the leaves look like a patch work quilt when they grow.
Goto love tomatos , this season ill be doing some blacks also , i bought some seeds through the diggers club , black cherrie, black krim , brandy wine pink , some sweetie cherrie, and i also got some seeds sent to me from Don Burk , that are from greece .

Good luck with those tiger seeds , im not sure of the germ rates i just saved some seeds from a nice plant i grew last season , the leaves look like a patch work quilt when they grow.
Wtf Don Burke haha. I bought a pack of his Thai chillies ages ago. That's a nice collection of Tomatos you've got. What's that diggers club like? I was thinking about joining it. I'll let you know how the PT seeds go. What are they like to eat?
Hey peoplez. A quick up date for ya. Here's a few of my JalapeƱos starting to sprout.
These are "Zapotec". They are a bit curley.
An "Early" by himself.
Here is the "Tam" and "Regular" starting to hook.
These are my stragglers. I planted these in crappy seedling mix. The 4 on the left I later changed into a quality seedling mix. The results speak for them self.

I know this is a chilli forum, but...I want to share my tomatoes with you. Here are my "Tinny Tim's"
My wife planted them that's why they are in clumps. She planted heaps because my kids eat them like lollies.
Last we have "Roma", "Rouge De Morde", "Black Russian" and "Oxheart".

Oh yeah I got sum "Fat Birdeye" cranking too! :)
Very nice. Your small plants are further along than mine, and you haven't even started your season! Happy for you. Looking forward to your harvest pics!
My plants arn't really liking this living outside situation.
I hardened them off over 2 weeks. I'm assuming this is just sunburn..?
Is this bad & will my babies be ok?
Mate it looks to me like sunburn , this is a pic of a plant i had last season that forgot to slip slop slap , the plants still grew fine but the burn leaves never recovered, looks like yours.

